Void Elf Customizations?

(Commentary): Oh most certainly, but at the same time if you like a restaurant, have a history with it, leaving it for a reason as simple as your preferred dish being off the menu isn’t very good. So, you leave feedback, you hope the people in charge listen, or that maybe they’ll just let you order an off-menu item. Quite a few places allow for that. Which may be why a restaurant isn’t necessarily the best example, but the point remains, when you pay for a product, you’re not a child, you’re a customer. If a restaurant came up to me and asked what new dish I wanted and then provided something completely different thinking it was somehow better than what I wanted, you can be certain I’d make it known to them that they missed the mark.

(Commentary): True. I’ve seen it on both sides of the fence. More recently I’ve seen these low post count trolls coming in who pick a side and act like that, and it’s hard to say if they’re serious or just stirring the drama pot.


I kinda think green eyes makes sense as an available option because the lore is that these void elves broke off from silvermoon post the sunwell attack.

(Commentary): It’d really only make sense for Warlocks among Void Elves though. I’m not sure if that’s enough to justify an eye color that has been a major symbol of the struggles and history of the Blood Elves being available to Void Elves. We know Void Elves are former Blood Elves, but we also know that the white and certain blue eye colors are void-themed, and thus the original Void Elves lost their green eyes for white/blue ones.

(Speculative): Green could make sense but that feels like crossing a line. May as well just let Blood Elves and Void Elves have access to each other’s customizations in full, and make them the new Pandaren. I don’t think people will appreciate that, but there’s only so much copy/pasting one can do before we’re close enough to that point that we may as well take the leap.


I think they should have all of the same biological options but limit the magic ones. Fel magic and arcane magic seem shared between the cultures but one dips far more into shadow and one dips far more into light.

Using motifs in jewelry and and magical colors I think would separate the two further. But they are basically the pandaren at this point-- so are night elves and nightbourne I’d argue.

I think I gotto modify it to if the restaurant says that something on the menu isn’t available, but they refuse to remove it on that menu, and sometimes hints towards having that item on their website as a marketing campaign, then people would naturally feel inclined to ask for it. So when they say “oh no it’s not available, but you can have this instead,” it’d definitely make some people disappointed.

Unfortunately some people take it a bit too far and cause a scene, and sometimes you have other diners in the restaurants feeling some sort of need to intervene and cause a scene on their behalf, which escalates the issue into something personal because it stops being about the food and more about “how dare you talk to me like that.”


(Commentary): Rarely has Unit Exacitor seen this whole debate summarized so succinctly. Well done.


Why do you keep attacking Starla over an issue you started?


I don’t think any of it rings true, we’ve always had decent conversations, sometimes we agree sometimes we don’t but I genuinely have never seen ill will from you that people claim and you’re always one of my favorite posters :white_heart:

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Because VEs are better rogues.

And an entire army fielded in Suramar rivalling whatever Silvermoon could muster.

Them and Lightforged.

Someone on the dev team really, really likes their night elves.

Why does starla keep taunting and following me to other threads I debate in? Again if she is innocent, she does not act like it.

You guys frequent the same threads, and she wasn’t even talking to you, her post was replying to me, you seem to be following her and taunting her.

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Lol. nah bro, I don’t have time to stalk kids.

You make time to play hall monitor in AR threads telling various OPs how to run their threads. I have no idea what you have time for, spamming videos people have to tell you multiple times they aren’t watching. And you do seem to be the one taunting the user you’re claiming is taunting you.

I find it questionable to accuse someone of doing what you’re doing. We all frequent the HE threads.


(Commentary): Maybe the both of you should agree to disagree and move on to another topic of discussion?

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Lol. Ok kid. I am done fighting with ya white knight. Make sure you don’t get on the wrong side of starla’s gang up attacks then.

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I agree exacitor. This has gone long enough.

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I’ve disagreed with starla before and she’s nothing but kind and courteous. Maybe the common denominator is a you thing. But I’m glad you will let the matter drop.

You made a public post on a public forum, and I am commenting on that, you can’t just comment and expect no one to comment as well and then all of a sudden its “gone on too long”. Again I’m glad you’re saying you will move on however

You said that yesterday too.


High Elves are exclusively an alliance faction. The green eyes came from Blood Elves partaking of Demonic Energies which the High Elves never took.

Blue Eyed “Blood Elves” are presumably either Alliance spies or the racial equivalent of wearing a paper bag over your head.

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I think blue eyed blood elves are purified blood elves that does not have faith in the light. They still have paladins that bends light to their will and not actually have faith in it.

This doesn’t seem to match with lore regarding Blood Elf Paladins current day.

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