Void Elf Customizations?

How interesting. It’s about the same here for me.

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play more alliance side of the content, I reconmend, dalaran wrath quests, the alliance side qual’delar quest and isle of thunder. I also reconmend you to quest in hinterlands as alliance.

There is also a book on veleera’s perspective on the destruction of theramore and the death of her husband. Blood elves have also shown hatred towards the HE, and vice versa on several occasions.

(Commentary): Depends on how one wants to apply the moniker, ‘High Elf.’ As a term to describe a biological race? You may be right. As a term to apply to the faction of a biological race? No.

(Observation): We’re aware that during the Third War, 90% of the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas was wiped out. We’ve never been given numbers for High Elves outside of Quel’Thalas at that time, such as those in Dalaran (successfully evacuated before it was destroyed), with Jaina’s expedition to Kalimdor, or trapped in Outland.

(Commentary): More importantly though, numbers don’t mean anything. The Darkspear Trolls have been described as nearly extinct since Vanilla. Playable Orcs left the Eastern Kingdoms in a handful of boats. Playable Draenei are the survivors of a decimated population that existed in hiding and was then further diminished by a devastating crash landing onto Azeroth. How many Gnomes escaped the radiation of Gnomeregan? After you think of all of that, just marvel at how many wars and world-ending threats these demolished and endangered populations have been put through in the game’s lifespan.

(Humor): How World of Warcraft is anything other than three people and a squirrel fighting off the next world-ending threat is a mystery at this point.

(Commentary): There will always be enough of a race to justify whatever story or Allied Race or customization Blizzard wants to introduce next.


Yup, Good read exacitor.

If population was a big issue, then other possible Allied race options would have also been denied or said no as well, examples in azeroth horde freindly ogre’s and forest trolls are good examples.

We’d also would not have VE. (While I like the concept of VE, it’s implimentation is rather lack-luster.)


I am aware of the history of all thalassians in all parts of azeroth. That’s how I know most high elves are on the horde, especially with the canon statement I linked saying blood elves are physiologically high elves.

To describe it biologically is best in this scenario because we are arguing as players of the game.

It doesn’t when a new race needs being introduced, I agree. But high elves are on the Horde.

At least you’re not wrong about pizza.

Reread text. There is differences all the way down to cultural, whom they hate, what they stand for.

People had suggested different rigs, body postures and different hairstyles for HE before VE was released.

Like how SW humans and kul’tiran humans use different rigs.

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That is a false accusation and you shouldn’t make those on people. Starla always upholds the conversation in civility.

You’re not the hall monitor of threads on the forums, she commented on a situation you created from spamming videos, and using a word that you quickly edited to say fib.


You’re right, customers are worse!


This is an accusation, I was using my cell phone and it auto-currected fib into fun for some reason. I did not use in any form a forum inappropiate word. This actually proves my point though so thanks?


(Commentary): In that case, you may be right. Again, we don’t have any figures for High Elves outside of Quel’Thalas during the Third War, most of whom remained Alliance, or are currently in Dalaran which doesn’t seem to know if it’s Alliance or neutral.

(Commentary): On a biological level, yes, High Elves are on the Horde, I don’t think anyone will argue that. I think in terms of lore if you walked up to a Blood Elf on the Horde and called them a High Elf they’d knock you flat on your backside and teach you the difference. Blood Elves don’t consider themselves to be High Elves anymore. Biologically they’re the same race, but I think Liadrin herself says during the Heritage armor questline that the, “last act of the High Elves,” was Anasterian’s stand against Arthas on Quel’Danas.

(Statement): The only faction in the game with Thalassian elves whom actively identify as High Elves is the Alliance.


(Commentary): They certainly can be.

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If thats your story it is what it is, but you’re still accusing someone who has always acted with civility and decent character of doing not that.

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Never trust those that seems kind, there is always a motive behind it. Espaically on the internet.


Personally I think it’s kind of silly that we’re at this point. “Why do you get X.” Perhaps “why do you get Y.”

There’s this novel idea that various appearances can only belong to a specific race. That’s not true for pandaren and, despite Blizzards stance, that has caused approximately zero problems.

Why does there need to be “give and take” when it comes to appearances? Void Elves exist in a spectrum, from Alleria to full void. The Blood Elves aren’t owed anything here, they don’t “deserve” anything if Void Elves are allowed to look like what they were; Blood/High Elves who didn’t get warped on a visual level.

Demanding that you get something because we got something is a serious case of the “me me me’s”. Not every thing needs to be equalized. Things can happen on either side without a response. As long as, overall, it balances out it’s fine.

Maybe calm down and let Void Elves finally have some High Elf heritage. Maybe you’ll get something as time goes on. Maybe stop about stuff because it’s been 5 minutes and it’s not equal yet.


When people reveal themselves its a gift, because you know what you’re dealing with. Starla has never been anything but kind, courteous and civil, and I’m not going to pretend I didn’t hear it, ignore it, or try to explain away what I saw, it is what it is, and she does that in spite of people making false accusations on her name constantly grieving her.

It’s not for me to tell you what to do but I’d apologize, that was not a nice claim to make.

I wouldn’t make an accusation unless I know for sure that is what she do. Unfortunately she does fans flames more often then not. If, and only if it is not her intent, which I doubt it’s the case, then yes I’m sorry, how ever bare in mind that I will call her out if I continue to see she trying to make arguments worse. Understand? If so, let’s end it with that and go back to the topic.

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(Commentary): There isn’t anything inherently wrong with what you’ve said, but at the same time, I think it’s important to be empathetic, to try to relate to the other side of the fence. Treating races as second-class because they’re an Allied Race is as bad as arguing a core race shouldn’t have gotten more during a core race pass. Mind you Blood Elves aren’t the only core race that came out on the lighter end of the spectrum for new stuff.

(Commentary): Blood Elves do deserve more. I just don’t think attempting to gatekeep customization for any reason is something anyone should be doing. Just because the core pass has ended, doesn’t mean core races won’t get more options going forward. I think it’s fair to argue against copy/pasting more stuff in the future, but I also think if it reduces the resource cost of new popular additions and means those resources could be spent improving races that desperately need attention, that it’s also a fair decision to come to.

(Hypothetical): If Blizzard came out with a blog where Nightborne get a brand new second model option to look 100% like their NPCs with improvements, as well as new customization mirroring what Night Elves got but with specific Nightborne themes, and that Void Elves got a copy/paste of Blood Elf hairstyles and colors, and it was explained that was done to put more attention on Nightborne, I would not be able to fault or disagree with Blizzard on that decision. I’d just hope it’d come with more stuff for Blood Elves too.


I don’t know what to say to this. The distrust of kindness feels wrong. You make it sound like anyone who offers a kind hand is looking to gain something from you.

I have no way to prove this but I offer the statement that I’ve offered my hand many times with no intent for gain or reward. I enjoy helping people learn the game when they’re new. I enjoy helping players if I can do so. I enjoy being helpful. I enjoy being able to find the correct path for someone.

Are most people the way you describe? Maybe. Are all people that way? No, no we’re not.

(Also you’ve made a statement as an absolute and then tried to make it more absolute. People are either always untrustworthy or they aren’t. “Espaically” on the internet is irrelevant.)


No one wants to read your incorrect takes on lore either.