Void Elf Customizations?

I might have accidentally sent like 5 alerts your way because the link of a post I have bookmarked I felt is decent at explaining didn’t post correctly. Sorry about that. I kept trying to get it to post right and I think it did eventually.

Well, I hope that whatever is going on works itself out for ya in the end, short stack. No hate from me, even if I came off as a tad… ah, ‘passionate’. Just miss shooting the Gnomes with ya easy breezy styles.

Really, you’d think I would have learned my lesson about wandering into the H/Elf threads. I must like punishment.

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So much spamming. Please stop, Alliance. Do we need these threads every day?

I mute one and another starts…

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no, actually I played alliance since classic, there is plenty of HE a sprinkled all across alliance content. I don’t need a youtube video for that.

Is that why you have such odd skewed takes on Blood Elf lore?

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fib is another way to say “lie” or “untruthful” but ok. keep trying to start a flame war starla, that’s your specialty.

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Both of us should stay away from these forums, point blank. Terrible place. Absolute hellscape. Most the people I care for are in my Discord anyway.


You started it…I’m trying to stop it.


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor should like to join you. Best part of unsubbing until Pre-Patch was no access to the forums. Got to stay away and relax.


Yeah… I’ve been considering that.

I don’t know many Gobbos outside the forums and on WrA though, I like talking shop with my Mechagnome pals too.

Sorry Dreta, I was doing a lot of projecting earlier. I was the real mook here.


it’s like the scourge invading all over again


I’d wish they’d permaban me at this point, but I like being able to occasionally recruit folks who aren’t horrible from this place.

See, I can appreciate that. I respect that. I took all that really poorly and didn’t much approve, but if you’re willing to see it off then we’re good.

Dreta#0147 on Disc if you care to add me.


why do you complain? we don’t complain about your vulpera meme threads that keeps propping up more often. :smiley:

If you are referencing Ion, a person that joined the WoW team late and became lead dev on what looks like luck, your looking at the wrong person for lore, as he was strictly an horde player and knows very little of alliance lore.

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I didn’t say a word about mr hasacoaster, it’s logical that if blood elves are physiologically high elves, that most high elves are indeed on the Horde.


Don’t accuse starla of doing anything other than being civil.

you don’t have a great history of ending things dear. You tend to fan them. and enjoy it.


That is a flat out false accusation. She always sticks up for people on both ends and keeps her opinion while holding the conversation in civility. That’s not very nice to say that at all.

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I’ll let you know, Champ.

RL has been hell lately, won’t get into here. Don’t wanna trigger nobodies. I’m gunna take a break from the forums myself, I totally lost myself earlier. I don’t like that. Doesn’t feel like myself.

Especially losing it over a video game, sheesh. Folks are dying, the world is burning, and here I am arguing about elves. Elves! I should be arguing over the more important things, like the correct flavour of icecream.

… it’s cherry chocolate mint, by the way. No exceptions.


because gaming companies are parents now?

Nah bro, bad analogy.

Actually no, I have personally seen her fan flame wars several times and actually make things worse. If she really wanted to stop one, she’d not enter in it, and most likely will just say “This thread de-evolved” or something like that. Entering yourself into a problem never pans out well, unless it is your intent to make it worse.


(Observation): A poor comparison. We’re not dealing with children. We’re dealing with paying customers. If you go to a restaurant and order a steak medium rare and it comes out to you so overcooked it’s a lump of blackened char, should the chef come out and tell you to stop acting like a whiny child begging for something else?

(Commentary): It’s a very poor comparison you’ve raised, designed more to attempt to attack the character of individuals rather than the topic they discuss. It demonstrates more about yourself than those you oppose. Then again, you are a low level alt with a somewhat inappropriate name and a low post count, so well trolled. 7/10, would respond again.