Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Not enough Hair Colors and stuff through.

I don’t know, the amount of hair coloration options I have up there rivals most races.


Posted these in another thread, but I wanted to provide these ideas for this thread as well.

The primary focus of these pictures is hair color and how natural colors could be implemented while still adhering to the Void fantasy of the race in some capacity.

Utilizing dual colors like the Darkspears new colors and possibly even hair animations with either the starcursed effect and/or a dark glow akin to entropic embrace.

Said glow and starcursed effects could also possibly be applied to the skin as well with varying corruption patterns and effects. I’m also digging the dark circles around the eyes.

As far as credit goes Iirc Talendrion made the star ombre effect, the starcursed streaks were a commission for someone from the EU forums and the artists tumblr is signed on the bottom of the picture. I found both of the skin concepts on an mmochampion thread.

The other image with the Void Alleria style concepts the other day was actually made by this poster, who also made this older thread of a similar purpose;

The floating hair art comes from this illustrator;


I also wanted to share concept art I found that illustrate tattoos I’d love to see on Void Elves, kind of a neon to contrast with their blue skin colors, but still look unnatural and would fit into their theme;


The artist can be found here;



I absolutely adore the partial corruption skintones. I still like the non-voidy options, but having something along the lines of the starcursed aesthetic is amazing. Dragonhawks are one of my most used mounts, so I’m sold. More hairstyles with different types of swirly magic would be neat.

Do wanna consider that there are Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei lingering in Telogrus Rift that are seeking knowledge so I wonder what their case might be in the future, if there’s anything added to that :o They likely won’t be transformed in the same ways, since it seemed akin to the method that the Ethereals came to be. (But reduced?) If they even add more story for velves x_x


This will do.


Ah! I thank you for that.

Later tonight I intend to make an update to the main post and had been furiously trying to re-find the post you made of this one in the other thread so I could steal the pictures. lol

(And the credits)

I like these options you’ve shown as they do still show distinct Void thematic within them while also being kind of an in-between what we have now and a focus on maintaining the Void Elves being something new.

Plus I’m sure some of this would be useful to high elf fans in some capacity. (some anyways)

I do think more neon-ish colorations for their tattoos would be a good idea. At least as an option.

My hope is that eventually Blizzard will update the Rift with some buildings and show those wayfarers and scholars going through a ritual at the end of their training that turns them into Void Elves proper. Preferably with them coming out with a random assortment of the options available to players.

Thus making it clear that:

  • They are becoming Void Elves.
  • All options are available canonically.

That way we take any question out of it and we know for sure how more Void Elves are made.

(plus the rift has more than a few tents.)


omg 100000000000% agree with this. That would be my dream!


just some natural into void hair ideas.

it is easier to just add this here then to make a new post.
something a little different from the previous 3. Instead on natural into void touched hair, This one is more The void corruption taking hold at the roots and slowly spreading out.


Yes. This is what I want for Void Elves back to good old regular colors. Through while it may be kind of bit too void colorful honestly atleast it’s a different hair colors than what I’m used to.


Oh I’m here for it, definitely. I hope we get the 2nd and 3rd options, in particular. Those Void highlights are beautiful. And the Void eyebrows! That’s a wonderful idea, Izzabelle! Are these edits yours, by the way?


I can support this Voud elf customization thread and the op’s ideas.


Thank you, I would love to see something along those lines added. As well as more horrific versions of void customizations, to give all players an array of choices to choose from.

Yes they are mine mock ups done using gimp. Although if I go more then a few days not using it, I completely forget what to do and have to watch videos for a few hours to get it to sink back in.


I love most of what you do because it’s creative and it’s different from Blood Elves so if Void Elves got them eventually they wouldn’t be 100% carbon copies of Blood Elves and I support that highly, plus some like the green with black gives me a wicked witch vibe and that’s fabulous. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Thank you, :hugs:

I realize that most of my mock ups I do use the female model so here’s two using a male model


Yeah we definitely need those :heart_eyes:


I love it and I love how you can do it from female to male and probably male to female, you rock!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Ah excellent!

There’s a wealth of mockups with the female model, always happy to see more male ones.


I’ve found out there are timed events all over the game, like a mushroom circle where fae dragons gather to sing in tirisfall.
It would be a lovely addition to lore!

Remind me in the weekend to photoshoop some draenai face tentacles onto male velves as beard options? XD


Oh! I absolutely will.

I’d rather like to see that.


Doing some thread maintenance.

I cannot find who provided this image to me or in which thread.

Can someone please claim their image?

EDIT: It was Bryian. Found it on my own. lol