Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Actually I really like Image 1 and 2 … White , pink, blue :heart:
I would be happy to use them one day .


Thats fine. I won’t fight people in general in this thread. Its not its purpose.

I appreciate you sharing your view on it.

I do see where you are coming from here, though I feel it less as it is the Void theme I love the most about them.

Perhaps it just doesn’t affect me as much in that regard.

True they have several avenues to go down.

Blood Elf players seem to have a wide amount of contention on how exactly they want that to go…

I kinda hope blizzard would like… specifically put something out to ask what players want to see with their favorite races…

Its not that they have a lesser proficiency in my mind, just that if we can keep them separate with the runes from the N’zoth concept rather than use the runes from the boxart for Blood Elves.

It would help a lot with making both races feel different but still in the same circles with the practical upshot of not taking from Blood Elf players.

Remaining stubborn in our stances just leads to more arguments and eventually more mud flinging.

I feel offering an alternative in reasonable ways is worth attempting.

A noble viewpoint.

I hope in the end that can be achieved.

The hair colors?

I rather like those myself.


Personally I don’t think they need to go down a single route. It’d be perfectly viable for them to do all of them through multiple different story lines to unlock them, like with the heritage armors and night warrior.

It’s not fair nor fun for some people to get what they want and others to be excluded from what they want entirely. The same applies to Void Elves and expending on their two themes.


Thats a neat idea for sure… hopefully without a rep grind… glares at blizzard

Though I meant more that Blood Elf folk tend to argue on what exactly some of those should go to.

A common contention is Dark rangers: should they be a Forsaken toggle or a Blood Elf customization?

Fair, though that does apply to everyone. Including those who do feel they’re losing a visual theme. Makes things complicated in trying to appease everyone.

Though this thread is meant to examine the Void aspects so it doesn’t have to intrude on the High Elf threads directly.

I do not mean this thread to trudge on what Helf folk do want. Nor Belf folk for that matter.

In fact many of the items in the main list would probably be on a helf list just as well.

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all of those suggestions seem pretty dang awesome…I don’t know if I have any specific suggestions seeing as how you probably covered everything I would want in a Void Elf


I’m glad you like it.

Anything particularly stand out to you?

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I like the ethereal Wraps…that combined with void tentacles for the mouth would be legit


You guys with Ion´s quote can literally get THREE themes as is: nature (Helf / rangers), Arcane (Helf / mages) and the void one.


Belves can´t go “Felblood”. As per the lore, the Fel was “erased” by the Light portion on the Sunwell (take in mind: erased -not replaced-). And all the Felblood NPCs were nothing but glorified cannon fodder in Sunwell Plateau, ALL the lore post TBC has the elves proclaiming the “horror” and “tragedy” that were Kael´s shaenanigans.

Under an strict lore lense, the Belf warlocks probably pretend they are your “regular” Magister while they hide their true err… “ocupation”, at least in any official manner. Heck, we have a Warlock NPC (Keyanomir) who NEVER summons his pet Succubus in daylight and you will ONLY see the Succubus when is nightime in Silvermoon. Making a whole “Felblood” theme explained as such IS nonsensical and ignorant of the actual Belf lore.

Same issue with “Undead/San´layn”… those have been associated with the Forsaken race since Vanilla by proxy of the Dark Rangers. Heck, the San´layn that “allied” for that short time with the Horde did it at Sylvana´s invitation; they literally DON´T interact with the Belf NPCs. Alive Belves like Lor´themar and Halduron don´t feel “fuzzy” when watching Dark Rangers, they feel horror and sadness. NO Undead thalassian elf NPC has been associated with Quelthalas proper in 15 years of Belf lore.

Finally, the “Light/Sunwell” one -which I hate the most thanks to how ridiculously reductive it is-, is based upon an INCORRECT interpretation of the dev´s words… the Light portion merely erased the Fel and left the Belves / Helves a blank slot, period. Also, IF the Sunwell were effectively “infusing” the elves with Holy Light, ALL the freaking thalassian speaking elves WOULD be subjected, including the Alliance aligned Helves (ergo, you guys would be pretty much able to jump and demand that theme too for your toons).

The only magic school the Belves have that Velves don´t seem to have IS the Blood Magic one (and that only because this magic school requires the Dark Animus which is in Belf possesion right now). Even the phoenix “theme” was void-fyed and included in your racial Icon, people.

Dear, saying “you guys can only have color A, B and C” IS gatekeeping customizations in itself. I rather we both get separate visual art and get to play with ALL the freaking colors if we must, seems waaay less reductive than sharing THE SAME art but limiting it in colors.

If anything, my take would let you guys get ALL the freaking color spectrum, your take already removes color (and magical association that doesn´t necessarily has to be one magic school or the other; remember lore is still quite vague in this) option availability. and push close the “cloning both races” problem.

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Well I see it as they have their second theme as is at others visual distinctions expense. So I agree they aren’t “boxed in” like you point out.

And I think this thread does a nice job of advocating for Void unique options both for the race and the faction it’s on, new unique options expanding an Alliance race (a faction that people always say is too Human like) with more void crazy options I think is beyond great


Speaking of…

Sethrak for Alliance please Blizzard?


Oh definitely, I guess my point is I see a lot of even Alliance fans want more non human races, so take a pre existing race like VEs that’s on Alliance with their main theme core and unique to them and I think the answer is to deliver on those options moving forward as a benefit to VE fans, BE fans who find some things contentious but also as something new unique for the Alliance.

I also support like I said more non human races for Alliance, but I think it would be a missed opportunity to not concentrate on the void theme of VEs as well.

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Feel free to get it, frankly I rather have gotten the Gilgoblin than the Vulpera… those at least would have served to cover a nice “aquatic” niche. Vulpera don´t fulfill a niche at all tbqh.


Yes the hair colors. :woman_singer:t2:


Gilgoblins (Kelfin) are one of my top AR picks!

Love those guys especially in Nazjatar.


I quite like vulpera myself I see why they were added, I remember people wanting them as soon as BFA launched.

One of the few non elf races I do really love though their behind Zandalari and Forsaken


They ARE hilarious. And useful too.

The only reason why I am not so sold on the Vulpera is precisely becasue I feel they are too… vague. Their racial intro basically exploits this: devs couldn´t think a single reason about what would they bring to the Horde, ergo the reason was “nothing especific”.


That’s understandable I still highly prefer that we got them when we did as they have a lot of appeal and I just love them for that.

Moving forward other options being on the table goes without saying though

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sharing this in the thread it was meant to be shared in,

More Void elf Voidy customizations, I say why stop at just putting a mouth in the stomach.

Just so you know I kind of picture a frog like tongue shooting from that eye and snatching some unsuspecting fly out of mid air and devouring it.


That would be terrifying and kind of gross.

I love it :heart:



I doubt blizzard would go so hard as to give us the tongue bit but I love it.