No worries ^w^
I probably come off more harsh or dismissive than I mean to as well.
I just keep seeing this sort of argument used to bar us.
Let me restate I am 100% for Void Elves getting Paladins, and getting Lore to justify it. For one thing to justify it, but also more lore good.
I’m only disagreeing in certain aspects in regards to certain things (like class skins and whatnot), I rather have more cosmetics for the base race in customizations and Transmog and energy used for that than in asking for a specific class overhaul/skin for 1 race when no one else has ever gotten anything like that (and Void Pallies for all would fly over even less well with everyone).
Which is another thing I’m mindful, what requests are going over well and what would potentially earn a lot of pushback from the community.
Since swapping from warlock to monk ive been having a hard time making the heritage armor work for me.
Two key transmog items i was using are cloth only, and thematically monk is a whole different ballpark.
This is what i wore as a warlock
This is what im using on my monk right now
Being my first leather main im missing nearly every item so had seek out the head and feet slots.
Do i come anywhere close to the mark of a void elf monk engineer?
Transmog be hard.
For emgineeringness (and general coolness) there’s the Rogue lookalike Leggings from Antorus that have pouches on them, I believe Heroic is the blue or purple color?
Sable Stalker is their name.
Just checked them out in the dressing room and while a good shout, they dont match the colour scheme
Still worth collecting though as they are pretty sweet.
Why do you look the same? Are you playing both Classes?
Ive been using the cloth one for years and years.
All my mains until now have been cloth wearers so it was very easy to reuse the look.
Im pretty attached to it.
While im now playing a monk and not a cloth wearer, i want to retain as much as i can of the mog ive been using for several years.
Ive been using it as like the void elf uniform when on official business.
While my class may have changed, my characters identity has not
Thats fair. I feel like most people are looking for this sort of thing.
I don’t see why the class skin would apply to only one race. Thats not what folk are asking for. While it does apply to races like Void Elves, Worgen, Orcs and Forsaken really well there isn’t anything that would prevent folk from using it on any paladin. Thats how class skins are meant to work not be restricted to a single race.
And this would be class design not customization.
Bah, someones always going to be unhappy. I’m just gonna ask for what I’d like to see and let everyone else ask for what they’d like.
Its up to Blizzard to decide to utilize the requests.
Just here to show my support for these amazing concepts. No reason that this cant be done.
That bun concept art is amazing and sorely needed. Heck all the hairstyles should be implemented.
Void elves are so cool and just ruined by high elfers that refused to just accept high elves are on the Horde
This is a very popular request. I like the buns myself.
I especially like the idea of Starcursed hair within it as well. And Just imagine how the tentacles could fill in too!
Seems they are planning to sell items that match heritage armor at the trading post.
Wonder if they will do it with the unimplemented Void Elf Stuff.
But High Elves are on the Alliance through.
For starters High/Void Elven Weaponry would be great to have twin blades, large shields, bows, staffs, and etc.
okay some lore:
high elves have always been on the alliance ,since the version of high elves on the horde dont call themselves high elves but blood elves.
since vanilla, the stormwind mage tower had 2 class trainers, one was a high elf, the other a human.
some alliance high elves went with alleria windrunner to outlands and took up shop at allerian stronghold in terrokar forest which you can go see in outlands. and presumably some went with alleria to argus.'eleth
alleria and turalyon’s son, arator is in the honor hold inn, in hellfire peninsula, though he is only half elven, his mother a high elf and father a human.
alliance high elves formed the silver covenant in dalaran, who are lead by veressa windrunner as defenders of the alliance and kirin tor. so both of sylvannas’ high elf sisters, are on the alliance.
veressa windrunner
alleria windrunner (she also has a statue at stormwind’s promenade)
theres an outpost of alliance high elves in crystalsong forest northrend, windrunner’s overlook, across the zone from a blood elf outpost's_Overlook
a contingent of alliance high elves are at the argent tournament in icecrown, northrend.
alliance high elves defend the alliance outpost on isle of thunder, pandaria.
alliance high elves are present at elisande’s scolding of the elves, using their high elven title, the quel’dorei, during legion, at the broken isles.
void elves are formed and among their number in telogrus rift, their starting zone, are high elf wayfarers.
sorry fen. just had to …couldnt resist.
Bumping this thread, because whenever there’s a BLOOD ELF customisation idea suggested –
I get some angry DWARF or angry ranter (eg. High Elf wannabes) – Who will argue how it’s not fair and it should be given to void elves too (Even when it’s very veeery VERY blood elfy, like fel or LIGHT cosmology based) … SO! ~
Some ideas I’d love, is:
- Some old god squiggly tattoos
- Void-glowy hands (Like the Nightborne, but … voidy)
- Old god eyes or tentacles on various parts of body, like back of hands, muscles of arms and the sides of the neck.
- Black cracks throughout voidy white skins, or white cracks throughout voidy black skins – Like broken glass, all over the body would be super neat.
- Voidy-Veins appeal: You can see the veins of your character, but they’re purple glowy
- Voidy-Skeleton seen through flesh appeal: You still have flesh, but you can see your skeleton through it, like an X ray of sorts. The skeleton will look starry.
- Give the old god eyes that were suggested in OP’s creation thread a few more colour variations.
- A lot of hairstyles aren’t really void-centric or purely blood elf centric on either race, that could be shared between the two races (Void Elves / Blood Elves) – So making that happen would be great.
- Eye jewelry: As it says - Imagine earrings but they’re old-god eyes.
On top of that, I’d like void-spell customisations option given for void elves – So for instance:
- Holy spells could have a void-like animation when casting.
- Fire spells look like shadowflame animation.
- Frost spells give more of an ‘ebonbolt’ visual
- Monk spells give a void-like / shadow animation instead of jade-coloured.
I made a thread for Void Animation for the Void Appeal directed @ more-or-less warlocks yonks ago, however if such a questline were to be created – It’d be neat for Void Elves to also get some unique void-dialog or extra ‘whispers’ time to time for the recognition of the race.
High elves are on the Horde, the alliance having a single rogue faction of Elven hobos joining them doesn’t negate the majority not being with them.
Where’s the High elf homeland again.
Getting a couple rogues that don’t care about their culture or homeland isn’t getting those people you basically have the vanilla ice elves that aren’t proud of themselves, it’s why they abandoned their homeland and their people.
Since this is a velf customization thread…
You know what I have noticed? Velves are lacking in skin colors. There are only 6 void skin colors, with the first 4 looking rather similar. I’d love some more darker color options, like more dark purples and blues.