Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

They should have been that way.
Shadow should have been an aspect of the Light and remained that way with priests.
The void element could have gone to another class as a cultist.
Light/Shadow vs Void/Darkness.

It’s a shame they didn’t go that route.


I mean Paladin’s definition is the one defined by Humans and their religion. But we have seen several other “paladins” that have used Fel and Void as their source of power. I mean even Blood Elves at a certain point weren’t really using the Light, they were just using a Naaru’s power to mimic it.

Personally I feel like Void Elves could easily accomplish this by imprisoning a Void Entity and siphoning its power to use Void magic as a source of power for themselves. Its not like they don’t how how, they literally broke away from the Sin’dorei who had done this a few years prior. Placing a pallette swap on the spell effects and making them shadowy would remedy this… Though I think if they are going to do it for one they should do it for the others. Turning Blood Elves’ spell effects red, Tauren’s effect becoming fiery etc. Even when they add Night Elves making theirs lunar based would be a cool addition. It would definitely make paladins feel a lot more unique for each race. The only ones who are Light faithful are humans, dwarves, and draenei.


It could indeed though I think we’ll see them far sooner. Then again with all the timeline stuff…

I think it would be neat if they used this as a start.

Like some Darkspear have heard a call and it feels familiar. Their loa still sleeping to become the new loa of kings…

I hope they begin the process now and have Vol’jin “hatch” and return later in more important ways.

I’d be curious to see them actually use the new priest format honestly. Though I could always hey behind orcs using the shadow moon clans voidness for void knights like with void elves.

Absolutely. No more is needed. It’s already perfect. Though I’d love to see the Sunwalkers reaffirm they are their own thing and not a “silver hand” group.

I think this world be a fine way to show them getting closer.

Absolutely. I can also see the gnomes Ave mechagnomes seeing it as a scientific study

I once hoped they’d have to spread the power of the Night Warrior between her people and thus build an order of Elunite Paladins, but yeah. At this point knights of Elune.

Yep. They should both have had them from the get go.

Worgen and Kul’tirans could arguably get void knights too.

I still dream of a time where we get a void skin, but I’m getting it’ll just turn out it’s no worse than the Forsaken using the Light. Hurts, maybe a lot, but not impossible.


Is it possible to have an up to date one of these showing male/female options separately?

i dunno. she listed males too. but if mechagnomes are anything to by, its probably the same with maybe dark iron moving up a bit.

heres male

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Thank you.

EXACTLY and a recolor tint in silver and purple for heritage armors just liek everyone else that got tints too


Yeah, unless they add in a Shadow spec to Paladin. Regular Orcs would lore wise have to use the new Spirit Tender format. Since lore wise all non-mag’har orcs can not physically touch the light.

I mean, I’m not opposed to editing bits of lore to allow for player freedom. But I feel like if they don’t take the Spirit Tender route, then it’ll piss off a vast majority of players, and re-ignite the whole “class/race freedoms are lore breaking and shouldn’t exist”.

Yeah, with the Sun Well or their worship of Elune, I could see that, since they still seem to worship Elune.

I mean Night Elf paladins have existed in game since Legion, so at least thier lore is preset.

But honestly, MOST races that can be priest, have a VERY easy jump to Paladin.

I too think a Void Skin, or a Support like Void Spec would be awesome.

HOWEVER, I feel like there is a huge misconception with Void Elves, and by extension the Light-forged. Void/Light Forged beings can still wield the Light or the Void. They just can’t go near VAST sources of it without pain.

This is explained a bit in the Audio Book, a 1,000 years war & in game with some NPCs.

LF for instance have Anchorites who use Shadow and Light. Draenei Culture seemingly intertwines the two a lot, which is something we see the Army of the Light using as well in game through NPCs and the Netherlight Crucible.

In the audio book, it’s not until AFTER Alleria summons a LARGE amount of void to create a planet hoping Rift/Portal, that Turyalon is negatively effected from the amount of Void. Making a mention of how afterwards the magic is still coursing through her from having just made the portal to an extent that the forces inside of thier bodies make them be in unbearable pain to touch in that moment.

With that in mind, it’s not really a stretch at all to see Void Elf paladins coming into the game, without much additional lore even being needed. But for whatever reason people obsess about their potential to NOT be included. But also try to ignore the lore implications that came from Orc Priests until we got what thier twist was.

What’s messed up, is some Alliance ARs had multiple tints, but the only races that got the multiple tint heritage armors were the Horde races. Namely LF had like 3 or 4 different tinted Heritage Armors, and we only got 1 color in game.

Yeah, I imagine by the end of DF we’ll have like everything of the main classes unlocked but maybe 1. With 11.0’s pre-order giving us Dracthyr of those classes.

Personally given the nature of the story of the game. I think Druid or Shaman will be next.

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Uh… That’s not true…

This. Thank you.

Every time someone says we can’t use the light at all it’s always referenced to light and void exploding to make everything when there was nothing else.

Or they reference the false narrative that all paladins are lightforged and have the light infused into their being.

Also again there is nothing stopping the orcs beyond dogma from using the Light…

One horde race.

Of the initial races heritage three had additional tints, Mag’har, LFD and mechagnomes.

Only one of those races ended up with those tints and pretty clearly because they had multiple important lore clans.

Nonetheless… Where the tints at blizz?

Give us them!

As things move along I’m still on the fence between paladin and druid…

I don’t know. I can see reason for all three…

Hell I can currently see reason for Demon Hunter too…


maybe have it merge, so that they temper each other, et. al, the glowy yellow/white merges with the dark purple/ultra-violet, producing strikingly pink spell fx. instead of a dark purple void zone peppered with stars for consecration, you have a pink void zone peppered with stars/sparkles for consecration. instead of white/yellow heal spells, you have faint pink heal spells. mixing it up might work too, where its swirled, like mixing dark purple powder into yellow/white ice cream. if that makes sense.

If I am not mistaken, I believe Nightborne also had a red version of their heritage (that was never released)

EDIT: Here we go:


Honestly, my knowledge of this probably got obscured by YouTube videos. I was under the impression that due to the Fel Corruption in all player Orcs, that the light couldn’t reach them, similar to the Broken Draenei.

This was furthered in my mind, by the retcons they did of the Light only needing Hope and the Belief that your actions are truly righteous in order to be used, but still we didn’t get any Orc priest.

But I can’t find any actual lore evidence that explicitly states they can not use the Light. Beyond the Orcs involved with Red Mist.

So I apologize for that one.

I had no idea Mechagnomes had the extra tints. I just knew Mag’har & LF had them, but the LF were not given them in game.

I’ll be honest, beyond the Blood Elven version of Paladins, my paladin lore is spotty. But as for Druids at least:

With the Drust being more Death/Necromantic in their take on Druidism it opens up Forsaken.
The Emerald Nightmare opens up Void Elves, since they’re all about controlling the Void in places where it exists.
Ardenweald adding in that other planets revered nature, Elune, and have Wild Gods opens up Draenei & Orcs (even though Draenei were the OG Alliance Druid pick before they went Worgen in Cata).
The Trolls & Zandalari being very Loa based is in my opinion a unique take compared to that of Traditional in game Druidism (Nelf & Tauren)
Worgen Druids started off as just being IRL Druids basically with Pagan believes for Plant magic, mostly doing Resto or Balance based things pre-curse.
Dracthyr have a part of the Dragonflight are empowered with and guard the Emerald Dream, which makes them good choices too.

So honestly, with all of that ground work, I could see them handing Druid out to people very easily.

Just personally.

Pink colored hues like that seem to be more mixed with Shadowflame now. Although that would be a very cool take on a Paladin.

I LOVE that set. What the heck Blizz, were are the other tints?!?!


i bet they didnt go with it because it looks too blood elven. stick that on a blood elf, and itd look amazing.

Eh since the leaders of belves and nightborne are together, I’d say it’s fitting for at least nightborne to get it, maybe belves too.


exactly liek where is our tints


Nightborne should definitely get their alt heritage look, considering some NPCs had red in their costumes. And I don’t think it matters what Blood Elf colors are because while our colors are general red, gold and green, we don’t own red and gold.


Please someone else take the red, gold, and green, I hates it. Or at least the gold XD

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I wouldn’t be against void elves also getting to be Druids of the Nightmare.


The only hangup I have with something like that is that Druids of the Nightmare are Old God/Xavious themed rather than Void themed, which feels the way the VEs are going, emphasis on the Void and what it is beyond simply the Old Gods, which are agents of the Void, but are their own separate thing (just like how Paladins and Naaru aren’t one in the same).

Also more than that DotN are a NE thing so I wouldn’t wan’t to hijack something like that, I rather they continue on with each race having their own versions and takes on Druidism, like the Thornspeakers, Druids of the Harvest, followers of Gonk, etc

Plus I wanna see a bunch of voidy/alien Druid forms.

Why have Druids of the Nightmare when we could have Druids of the VOID