Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

True. We’d have to do portion control and rationing. Obviously can’t let the draenei know about it. Have to keep all the delicious Naaru for ourselves

As a being of the void, i say destroy the light by any means necessary.
Including eating its minions.

Not to self: don’t attend Moritz’ BBQs on VE Paladin.

I mean…how do you prepare the entree?

Heres a stew recipe

2 celery sticks, thickly sliced
1 onion, chopped
2 carrots, halved lengthways then very chunkily sliced
5 bay leaves
2 thyme sprigs, 1 whole and 1 leaves picked
1 tbsp vegetable oil1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp plain flour
2 tbsp naaru purée
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 blood elf stock cubes, crumbled
850g lightforged draenei cut into nice large chunks

Is the draenei meat from the tail? I heard that’s the best cut

Any cut works but personally i would recommend the heart

I leave this thread alone for a few hours, and you’re cooking people in here.

(Do you take orders for to-go?)

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Do you need plastic utensils?

No, I got straws :blue_heart:


Never would have expected an I Love Lucy gif here.

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I think it’s for the best. With how easily the light has been defeated in lore, void should take over.

← old

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eek. nooo.


I suspect that new paladins will revolve around a reforming of the Order of Tyr.

Possible Spoilers and Theory

{Since Travard is going off to find and speak with the Silver Hand, I think hes going to open up recruitment to a whole new group of paladins cause hes going to need bodies after so many recent conflicts. I think Blizzard is just going to use that to expand the roster of classes, possibly with some tidbits of lore for the races indicating that their Light comes from different places but they’re all paladins swearing to defend Tyr and the world. Something I think blizzard wants paladins to be more focused on rather than staying so dependent on their faction lines. }

The above spoilers stuff still leaves room however, I think, for plenty of race based lore.

If its stated purposefully that where your Light comes from isn’t super important to the ideals you stand for and your faith in them, then the Light coming from say Rezan for the Trolls is codified solidly in current canon for instance. The Sunwalkers get their power from An’she the sun, Blood Knights the Sunwell.

Expanding that and restating it allows Blizzard to have newer races keep flavor of their lore while expanding to the class.
The Orcs could be pulling their Light through their ancestors, and Night Elves could do so from Elune and there would be no issues.

So Void Elves could be pulling the Light from a source and manage to use it without killing themselves cause of the interaction of Light and Void. Alternatively, it can just be like with the Forsaken. It hurts but with enough faith one can pull through the pain and be a paladin.

After all its a player belief that the Void and the Light can’t interact like that… its never shown in game as really being an issue in smaller amounts. In fact if you are a paladin there are many places in game where you channel the void for story reasons. There are plenty of times you channel the Light for story reasons too.

I don’t think these things are so specifically impossible as people believe.

Alternatively Blizzard might just be all like. “High Elves use the Light and Void Elves let you play them so now you have your pallys.” Though I doubt thats the way they’ll go.

Then there is always the possibility we do get a void skin! That would be amazing but since theres been no reskins with the LFD and Fel I doubt it. :stuck_out_tongue: And honestly I love the new Warlock LFD from the questline.

Either way I am certain Blizzard will be able to make everyone happy even if they don’t give us Void Skin.


Paladin for everyone could come with an expansion with Yrel and her Lightbound.

  • Trolls could get paladins because of Vol’jin, the new Loa of Kings
  • Orc and Mag’har with some Orcs using of the Light in the Lightbound
  • Highmountain Tauren with the sunwalkers
  • Nightborne could learn the Light with the Blood Elves
  • Gnomes could learn the Light like the Dwarves
  • Night Elves could use the Light of Elune and we could get the “Knights of Elune”
  • Worgen are humans so they should know how to use the Light
  • Kul Tirans are humans and they have paladins and Light users in theirs ranks
  • Void Elves could learn how to use the “Light of the Void” or the “Light of the Void Lords” to use it as “Void paladin”

We have many possibilites to get paladins for some races with a lore explanation.


If paladins weren’t so rigid in their attitude, i could see them being like a disc thing. Using both void and light together.

But paladins arent like that. Theyre jerky self righteous crusaders with a full whole hearted dedication.

I just cant see a paladin ever doing that.
But i think thats the route they will take.

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All of that rings plausible. Think I a video on a potential third spec for DH. I wouldn’t mind it giving us access to polearms

Glad to see this post is back! :black_heart: