Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’m really curious what Void Druids would be like and called.

Voidsingers? Voidlisteners? I kinda like “The Listeners” given Void’s emphasis on them, it implies an understanding and communion, which fits a Druid chasis theme.

You hear any of them chant Make us whole though, shank em. Cute tentacles or not.

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also also more astronomy stuff mayhaps?

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The Void Dreamers?


Honestly though, with the Blood Elves, I thought there heritage armor would be something similar to there cinematics for the Burning Crusade, or to something like the look of there guards in Silvermoon.

But on the topic of Heritage Armor, and not just for Blood Elves, but for every race, there should atleast be more colour options, like how the Orcs (If I’m not mistaken), Humans and Mag’har Orcs have different colour variations of the heritage armor.

Void Elves may be a little tricky, but there is the possibility to also go for a dark red tone to the Void Elves heritage armor, or maybe even a lighter purple. But every race should have extra colour variants to the heritage armor.


I like that it’s the spellblade look. I just wish that we got the glaives and shields as well.




In a very old thread someone was tossing around ideas for how each race would find their niche in the Circle. They had the idea to call ren’dorei Deep Dreamers, as they could go further into the nightmare than anyone else for some deep cleaning.


I agree, Void Elves do definitely seem to be Cosmic Void and potentially Void Lord related rather then Old God Void.

But Legion did state the Rift of Aln does tie into or connect to the Void.

Add in the fact that Shadowlands confirmed that the Emerald Dream spans all worlds and is essentially WoW’s Feywild. While implying the Titans control very little of it/and or lied to us about being it’s creators, Dragonflight has further pushed the lies theory.

Also in SL we have seen that there are parts in each cosmic realm that bleed together. Like Ardenweald & the court of Winter Fairies, bleeds into the Lifelands and the Court of the Summer Fairies.

So Nightmare Druid forms, even if they aren’t explicitly Druids of the Nightmare, could very easily be taken as, or written as a more Void that bleeds into the Dream, rather then a Xavius thing.

They could easily have Green/Gold to match their leader Alleria, or Blue/Silver to match the other Alliance Thalassian Elves. And at this point I could see a Shadowflame like Pink set.

Druids of the Rift

Would most likely be thier name. Given how other Void Elf classes are Rift Blades and things along the lines of Umbral and Rift.

Which honestly adds credence to my earlier mention of the Rift of Aln being where the Void Bleeds into the Lifelands.


Ah yeah I forgot bout theirs too! My mistake there.

The orcs just never had a particular call for the Light, and the Fel can in some cases limit the ability of a person to reach out to it.

I think there was some lore long ago before Mannoroth was killed and the Orcs were freed from the Legions “control” through his blood where they couldn’t use it at all but I think that is the only point where the Orcs are blocked.

The Broken were blocked intentionally with a modified plague worked into the bombs used on Shattrath. It was designed the block their Light specifically as well as mutate them into lesser forms.

No need to apologize, its WoW lore… >.> Its so damned easy to get contradictory info from all sorts of places.

At one point I have no doubt that the Orcs were not able to use the Light.

Aye (and the Nightborne as Nico points out).

Its still really unfortunate that Blizzard never did give us the rest and it definitely does effect both interest and use of those transmogs from the heritage sets. I really wish Blizz would add them in.

I don’t see why the Forsaken couldn’t use the Drust setup. The Cycle of Life and Death is important to nature and thus to druids. I’d love to see Rot druids among the Forsaken and even Forsaken druids that epitomize the idea of the hunt and kill of prey rather than the preservation of life directly. Someone has to be the part of Life that culls the weak and rots the dead and clears the path for more life to take root.

I’d love to see the Void Elves take up a custodianship of the remaining bits of the Nightmare ensuring its spread is limited or halted and that no one takes advantage of it again.

For Orcs I’d love for them to actually get in touch with the Overgrowths of their world and help to curtail it and keep it, even deadish as it is, from overwhelming.

The Botani that managed to flee towards the Wailing Caverns could give a great entrance for Orcs in that regard…

Draenei I’d love to see just adopt the ways of their new world and revitalize their Rangari. Bring back the hunters and rogues of the Draenei from Draenor and include their shaman and druids within it!

I agree. I’m just still sus about the placement of all this Tyr and the Guardians of Tyr… Something there is building and I think its really a toss up between the two classes.

Shaman though should be noted could just… happen at any time. lol

Demon Hunter, could happen by the end of the patch if the Titans are called back to defend Azeroth against the Void… so we’ll see…

It may be focused on that but its not just that. Either way the Nightmare is not gone and its a great way to work them in.

No reason we can’t have those with a nightmare druid concept. The Druid forms follow the race and the magics use. Void elves are definitely more the Cosmic void rather than the Old God kind.

Umbral Dreamers?

Thats a neat idea!


Every time I see the black and blue heritage recolor I feel a longing…

It was kinda implied but never stated I believe.

Back when it was just “Good Magic” and “Bad Magic” and it was all poorly defined and no real distinctions between a lot of them.


I can’t find it, so take this with a grain, but I remember blizzard saying they couldn’t before mannoroth died but after that they weren’t bound to demon blood and thus freed from that.

But yeah.


Iirc, I believe that the reference to Orcs and their difficulty interacting with the Light is found in Beyond the Dark Portal, where Turalyon has some sort of inner dialogue where he considers the fact that all living beings are supposedly connected by the light, aside from Orcs due to their rampant use of Fel energy.

It has however been over a decade since I’ve read that particular book, so forgive me for not having an exact quote.

Though the Orcs also had trouble utilizing the elements due to their rampant use of Fel and the dishonorable path that the Legion led them down.

They have since then redeemed themselves and regularly use the elements, so I’m sure that also rings true for the Light, similar to the Blood Elves own arc concerning their own difficulties with the Light.

I also love the idea of Void Elf Druids being Wardens of the Rift of Aln, harnessing its dark energies via their own expertise.


That would be interesting too seeing Void Elf Druids gaining like the Emerald Nightmare Powers.


Is there a Rendorei Discord Server where you can chat with people about Void Elves and WoW in General. I think the Link is expire or not working.


Yes, here is link;

We have a community comprised of both NA and EU Ren’dorei players and fans and offer sections for transmogs, art, and more :purple_heart:


Thank you for the invite.


Good post OP.

I like the “Starcursed Hair” option and I like the ideas presented in the “Telogrus Rift and the Void Elf Story” subsection of the OP.

If there is one race in this game that is seriously underdeveloped, it is Void Elves.


Hmmm, come to think about it… In terms of Armor, looking at Alleria for a second here

I think there should be a heritage armor like this, not only for the Void Elves, but the Blood Elves too. But have it defined by colour to the appropriate faction, so the Blood Elves would be Red and the Void Elves would be a Blue. Though this is only a thought.


Alleria’s was always my favorite of the Windrunner armor styles (though Vereesa only ever had hers in art, oops). It’s pretty unique to them, and not really a void/blood elf motif.

Would I say no to being able to get my hands on it, especially with a red/gold and purple/silver variant? I would do terrible things to have those in my little hands. :dracthyr_love_animated: