Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Indeed. I am not making the point that, let’s say, new initiates would have the same mastery than the original VE’s or Alleria herself, just that they have all devised safer ways of studying the void, which gives these “new elves” a head start on their own journeys.

My original argument was that is disingenuous to claim that “the lore doesn’t matter anymore” because there might be new ways of initiating Void Elves, specially when the initial creation of VE’s as a race was so contrived from a lore standpoint.

true. im also confused where they are getting the number of years void elves have been around as 4. in game it hasnt even come close to that long

Now that I’m at my computer thought I’d comment on a few things I saw that I wanted to not have to mess with my phone for.

Starting here:

I think this is pretty accurate. We already have a few color options and while some shades of them will be welcome its not like we have a huge breadth of range here… I think its normal for people to want to see more.

Now for some that can both help Void and High Elves, and if it helps two groups then thats normally better.

It might not be exactly what either group wants but fulfill it to a degree and thats ok.

All that said… Guess High Elves don’t have to worry bout that most likely now.

Aye, many options can be set forth that still show the void or fit within the Void narrative. We don’t have to be immensely restricted.

Though we also don’t need to take from other races.

All this seems good to me.

Given Umbric’s people studying the Void, Locus-Walker being present, and Alleria’s particular path now a known quantity I imagine they can either piece together some of the ritual the Void Ethereals were using on them and combine it with some practices Locus-Walker/Alleria know to hasten the process.

Now I want that shown in lore someplace not just… like said in an interview or something.

But it seems to me that a progression of the races story would by definition need to address how new ones would be made. And thousands of years is way too slow to be viable.

Came out of nowhere sure, I’ll grant… but it makes fine sense by WoW standards.

I do think they could have refined it better if they’d had it in mind from the beginning of Legion. Rather than just liking Alleria’s story and trying to adapt from there at the end.

Its reasonable, I just wish we had lore to back it up. Something in game to show the process and give us answers. Its one of my primary wishes for Void Elves. Along with many of the options in the OP and seeing a built up Telogrus Rift.

See my responses to Magnificent.

That was not accidental… They went there with the intent to consume it.

She and Locus-Walker were surprised it all actually worked though.

I kinda hope thats something we are always struggling against. It should be a main point of a void elf. We sacrifice to protect our interests our power and our people. The sacrifice is in the Void being maybe able to take us. We must resist. Keep our minds sharp as a result.


If each expac takes about two years… lets see… End of legion… so I’ll say 4-6 months there.

All of BFA so 2ish years.

All of current Shadowlands… 1 more year?

So 3 and some months?

Indeed, it would be very welcomed if we get more lore on new Void Elves initiation.

My argument here was how it’s disingenuous to proclaim that the lore “does not matter” if somehow Void Elves managed to streamline the process of Void study. It’ just seems like “I don’t like it so it doesn’t make sense”

4 years is the estimate of time that will have passed by the end of Shadowlands. Think is, until we get confirmation of new void initiates, we can either believe the new customization options are either outright HE options, a retcon that says the initial creation didn’t make all the BE’s blue, or that there have been new initiates since we have seen those High Elven Wayfarers and they are slowly making their way into Void proficiency.

EDIT: I meant to say 3 years; the estimate itself is that one year of lore equates to 2 years of real time ever since Cataclysm. So if 10.x starts somewhere in 2022, it would put it around 2-5 to 3 years since the end of Legion. Possibility of time-skipe aside.

I agree wholeheartedly.

I find most people who say the lore doesn’t matter usually have some disagreement with it or are referring to the retcons…

Which I understand being frustrated by… many of them frustrate me. But they are what they are.

The lore is what it is Retcons and all. It does matter, Blizzard is just at liberty to change it if its something they deem needed.


Ah, not what I was referring to as “accidental”, Alleria had a prior exposure we’re not really told the details of in one of the Legion prisons. " Sometime later the Army of the Light raided a small Legion prison world only to discover all the demons permanently dead due to the void. While looking for survivors Alleria was attacked and infected with the void, which granted her visions. Alleria soon became fascinated with the void and asked Lothraxion to reveal to her all that he knew of it."

According to in game lore, the VEs we play as are the original ones Nether prince Durzaan attempted to corrupt:

Creation screen description

Seeking to harness the corruptive magic of the Void, these outcast elves endured an unexpected transformation. They are determined to master their newfound powers and resist the whispers eager to lure them into madness.

But I do agree Void Elves need more lore, most other ARs have some sort of tie in beyond just one character in part of an expansion. (Even the Nightborne have their portion of thousands of years of Night Elf lore to fall back on, same with HMT and even Mechagnomes, Vulpera are pretty much the only other AR in the no lore boat.)

in game expansions typically take place over a year. 3 years ago we were still in mop according to the wow timeline which is as close as it gets to keeping track

Yes. The issue here is that we are talking about new VE initiates because Void Elves do need to find a way of replenishing their numbers, lest they become an obsolete race. It was a huge problem for Forsaken and thus the Valkyr were brought in on Cata, and given the recent events of BfA, it will have to be addressed again.

Races need to be able to sustain their numbers, otherwise they are doomed to die out.

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Double checked, you right.

Still I can understand the misunderstanding there.

Also ridiculous enough most of the events of expansions over two years… Over one year. Omg.

Tumultuous is a word. Lol

Still plenty of time to figure it out.

well we are still in the same year the fourth war began. probably just on hold to see where we stand after playing around in the afterlife and how long we were actually gone

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Old gods I’d forgotten.

We don’t even know when we are right now.

I hope they don’t mess things up with that plot point too much… Though… A world rework and actually being on Azeroth would be so refreshing for me.

I’d just like to point out that it’s kind of creepy that you like your own posts.


True, I don’t think Void Elves can reproduce per se… well they CAN biologically reproduce most likely… more that what comes out would probably more akin to a fleshbeast since the Void would corrupt and twist a baby a lot faster and more effectively than an adult.

Honestly that’s kinda just an assumption.

Blizzard has gone on record saying all races can breed and some races like worgen come out pure human.

We really have no honest reason to think a void elf can’t breed or that any harm will come to their child… Strictly speaking we don’t even know if the child would come out as a void elf.

It’s not really in blizzards wheelhouse to have babies come out twisted monsters from a player race.

Edit: reading this back seems slightly hostile. I did not mean it to be. Sorry.


You’ve misinterpreted what I meant here…All that means is I’m going to shorten the ears on all my velfs soon as I can. Cheers!

I’ll take your word for it.

Just seems odd your choice of who you responded to to say it given the past.

Also not sure what it has to do wth void based customization options.

All that said I’m happy you will be able to utilize shorter ears. I think many of us were wondering why that option wasn’t shipped at launch.


It’s pretty gross that Void Elves have gotten no void customization updates.


More updates will likely come later once some more ARs have received their pass. They could even release customization for both Velfs and Belfs same time, as they did last time. But this time instead of copying Belfs, they can give unique features to both.


Blood Elves are second class citizens and won’t get anything.

It’s just gross that the Void Elf pass was entirely occupied by purity sue high elf crap.