Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Oh you know more rendered, with more detail and whatnot; not as sketchy.

I still want to! pretty much that was the reason why I made the braided hairstyle a while ago, but I think I have to redo a lot of it cause there are some things I have figured to do better 3D wise.

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Somewhat off topic but close to my heart

One of the cc members suggested character limit increases, and I am all about that!


100% Agree. I know that not everyone likes the concept of dragon-kin humanoids, but I think it’d be cool to see a humanoid Dracthyr for each playable race in the game, including Worgen and Pandaren. A Void Elf Dracthyr skin has way too much potential to be ignored.

At the very least, dragon inspired clothing, armor and accessories should appear. Though there was no specific customization mentioned for non-Dracthyr, I feel that something is on the horizon for some / all of us.

Also, with the talent trees having returned (YES!!!), I’m betting on some deeper customization effects being made apparent in classes, particularly priest and rogue effects. Thankfully, we’ll have a peek under this hood much sooner rather than later. Granted, Ion said it…buuuuut I’ll take him at his word. For now.

A while back, I’d considered making a new, non-antagonistic thread for High Elves. I had a ton of pics and ideas for them and everything. Considering the past year or more, I’ll keep focusing on Humans, Void Elves, Worgen and Kul Tirans :smiley: I’m very happy to see this thread still up and running. Hey folks!


I’d rather like that honestly.

One of my own dragon toons is a velf in her humanoid form. Twilight/void dragon otherwise.

A dracthyr with options to match would be amazing.

I’d also like Dracthyr to have access to other classes but Eh. I can work with Evoker readily enough.

I think there might be too, though as time is dragoning on I’m starting to feel like it might be more of a .5 patch thing after 10.0.

You’d have made a good one I think but I understand folk being unwilling or afraid to. Any elf thread these days is gonna have growing pains.

Happy to still be trudging along.

Don’t intend to go anywhere any time soon either.

Very happy to see you back Anansi!

:octopus: :purple_heart:


I’m happy to be back my friend!

Not sure how caught up everyone is on the latest news, but Blizz has touched on a number of things related to our customization threads:

Bad news

  • Dracthyr seem to be one of the reasons for the customization drought. Customizations for any base and allied races are coming AFTER the Dracthyr.
  • Alternate humanoid bodies for the Dracthyr Visage Form were on the table…but Blizzard doesn’t seem too hot on the idea.

Good News

  • New race / class combos are actively on the table for 10.0! Since Blizz is listening, seems we’ll have to make some noise…
  • Dracthyr, and the Evoker class, are going to have more customization than any other race.
  • Blizz is actively listening for customization requests from players on Dracthyr (likely why they’ve confirmed the “beefier” Dracthyr forms so quick).


Non-Customization, but still Awesome News

  • Dracthyr are set for Pre-Expansion access
  • The return of the talent trees (YESS!!) are coming for us to review around Alpha!

Leak / Speculation:


The pre-order hasn’t been announced yet, because the pre-order gives early access to a new allied race (at least one, so far). That said, has anyone seen the Gnolls, recently? Or the Tuskarr?


I don’t like that all of the customization stuff is being pigeonholed into just one new class, especially since most of the current playable races still feel unfinished.

It’s especially vexing since they’re basically making two races, one of which is only for non-combat use. Feels like a waste to me.

This is probably the thing that has me the most excited for Dragonflight, tbh.

Given the way they’ve worded it, it doesn’t sound like they’re a particularly strong possibility for 10.0 to me. It sounded more like “We’re putting all our effort into Evokers, but we’re still thinking about this in the background.”


Both poor decisions in my mind for Blizzard.

Dracthyr definitely are neat and cool but many core and AR races are still heavily underrepresented in the customizations department and people have literally made threads for 2 and a half years more or less asking for and demonstrating the customizations they want to see.

Ignoring that to give us a race locked to a single class is going to go only so far.

Especially since they’re locked to effectively only two “humanoid” models.

I’m going to agree with Somand here it feels to me more that they’re not really thinking about new class combos there, but that they’ve heard folk want more.

We’ll see though. There are many races I think could use a new class here or there.

You forgot to add the UI changes they’re making which I am personally extremely excited for. (I don’t use mods at all.)


I’m placing my bet on Darkfallen for Night Elves and Blood Elves personally.

Though I know a fair few who would love either Gnolls or Tuskarr. I also think there is a slim, VERY slim, chance for Furbolg. They’re noted to be in the same region and were oddly left out of any showing for some reason.


I just hope they let us have more bars than we currently have. I hate using addons, but without them you just can’t get enough buttons.



If they don’t have this then I’m not entirely sure what the point would be. They’ll still be way behind simple mods.


On this note, I hope we finally get built in map co-ords.


Yep, this is probably going to devour the vast majority of my time when they’re released. I want to give some actual reviews on my fave classes.

My thinking on this, is that the remaining leak is accurate, and if it is, I can see some new race / class combos being released, if in a limited aspect. Sort of like they did when the prior allied races came out.

This probably means that this round will go to Highmountain Tauren and Lightforged Draenei, if I’m not mistaken, but I want to hold out hope for several others (my main is still ready and willing to train some Night Elves in the ways of the Paladin!). That said, if they announce Human Shamans, this may be the first pre-order I ever get.

The feeling I’m getting from this, is that they wanted the Dracthyr project to be much larger than they’ve announced, only they fell behind the eight ball with everything taking place à chez Acti-Blizz.

Meaning, they had tons of customization in place for the Dracthyr under the two core skins they’ve presented, but they lost the valuable time on all of the others. The remainder of their time will be catching up the remaining humanoid Visage Forms, and ignoring the core races already in play. My personal opinion on the matter, of course.

I did forget that! I don’t use mods or add-ons either, I’m not a fan. I don’t mind the base WoW UI, and I’ve never been one to use add-ons for any combat content, in any game. If I can’t do it on my own, then I just can’t do it. But, that’s a bridge too far for many modern WoW players, so I stopped raiding and such long ago.


Tbh the last thing alliance needs is any form of forsaken like race though. I hope darkfallen don’t become an alliance allied race, unless a new class is associated with it to justify it.


I don’t much like the Night Elf Dark Ranger thing. I get why Blizz went that route but its just not for me.

I agree adding forsaken like things to the Alliance just seems so odd. The Alliance has consistently responded one way to them.

Only time anything like them has been allowed was with the Death Knights and they were technically not “Alliance” in full.

(Nothing against those of you who do like the Night Elf Dark Rangers.)


As a button hoarder, completely agree.


While I don’t like Kaldorei Darkfallen/Dark Rangers as in, I wanna play one, I think at least they can show the alliance attitudes towards undeath changing, which is overall a good thing. And it’s not like Calia wasn’t made for that already.

And after an expansion’s long sojourn into the afterlife, the conceit that the alliance would be rabidly against undeath would ring hollow. Specially if it’s connected to the NE and Ardenweald.

Some members of the Alliance have changing views but not the Alliance as a whole. Like no one’s going to just be ok with the Forsaken wandering SW.

Even here only heroes and leaders got to see any change from any of this.

The average person in the Alliance will still see them as monsters.

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No more or less than DK’s currently do: they are tolerated. We are yet to see how the NE would treat the Kaldorei Dark Rangers, but even Maiev’s gossip text is far more sympathetic.

We really can’t know that. We don’t know what the overall perception would be for those fallen Kaldorei because we don’t know how it was/could be spined by the higher ups of the Alliance. If Tyrande came out and address her people and the alliance with a message of unity, I don’t think it would be acceptable to be discriminatory against then.

Not saying that the reception would have to be different, but with how different the situations are, and can be presented to the masses, to expect no distinction on how the Forsaken were seen over a decade ago just doesn’t ring accurate to me.


The alliance is quite tolerant towards monsters (DK, worgen, VE), I think night elf dark rangers will be welcomed without hesitation.
They were in pain from their undead situation, Calia helped them to accept “their new life”, and Tyrande will probably want her people to be united in the same faction.

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This may be seen on a leader level, but what about the common night elf that worships nature and life. Would they not see them as abominations against that and elune? The common night elf may not even know what an ardenweild is.

Ummm… I think not.