Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

As I said, we can’t assume complete ignorance of the population, nor we can assume how much their leaders would tell them.

But if Tyrande and the NE leadership tried to re-integrate the Darkfallen into kaldorei society, I think it’s a safe bet they would explain Elune, Ardenweald and the cosmic forces of life and death being entwined and part of a cycle of rebirth.

IDK, I think that assuming the NE wouldn’t be open to welcome their brethren, specially with some PR from Tyrande, is a weird take that doesn’t track with we have seen of them.

Death knights are feared by the common people.

I’m taking about the Alliance as a whole not its leadership or heroes.

At best it would be tolerance along the lines of Death Knights (and some cultures demon hunters).

To be fair the Forsaken in particular are probably a race where their acceptance by others has been… Somewhat Rollercoaster like. Lol

They’ve… Done some bad things over time.

Death knights are feared, worgen in several cases appear to be somewhat maligned and Velves literally get yelled at in the church.

I think it’s tolerance at best except by the leaders and heroes.

Blizz will do what they do, I just don’t think most would accept them given how such things and especially the undead have been received.

Some are fine with it sure but it’s tolerance at best by the majority.

This is kinda what I’m getting at.

Heroes and leaders are one thing. The people entirely another.

Sure, but leaders don’t define their peoples opinions.

I think at best they would be tolerated like DKs or DHs.



That was both so stupid and so maddeningly within her character…



OK it’s less yelled at than I made it appear. Lol


I really do love that they added that in.
Feels so much more immersive that way
And it was such a small and unnecessary addition that they really didn’t have to.

Its great


But my point is how the leadership can influence the opinions of the people. And I think in the case of the fallen Kaldorei a far more sympathetic spin could happen.

Again, we can’t really pretend to know how the overall populace, specially kaldorei, would react. My point is that we can’t discount Tyrande’s influence in her people, or pretend alliance races are high wired to hate undead even now. It just doesn’t ring true to me.

Indeed. So the context with the fallen kaldorei is not the same, so I don’t think it’s safe to assume the alliance would see them exactly the same way.

But they influence them, specially when your leader is also a religious head of state. We can’t pretend Tyrande’s opinion doesn’t heavily influence NE politics and culture. She was the one that readmitted the arcane users, and we saw heavy pushback, but it happened nonetheless.

Maybe, personally I can se an scenario where they would be treated with compassion.

Part of the point, is it not? What Tyrande believes is what the rest of the NE’s follow through with.

These are the same people who refuse to believe the decorated Alliance hero that Benedictus betrayed them, even though he’s been missing for years.

Liadrin asked a similar thing to Thalyssra later on, but Blizzard just kinda glossed over it. Because much like what Tyrande asked - it’s a legitimate question.


Yes, but I also would find it weird for her to now suddenly be on the forgiveness train.

Then again, I haven’t even finished Korthia, let alone ZM, so maybe she’s changed and I’m missing it.


Agreed, tyrande had been always on the judgemental and unforgiving side of things. It’s malfurion that always reeled her in on that, and he was not in sl.

Except in WC3:TFT when she was all on board with helping Kael, but Maiev was there to be the “we don’t have time” one.

This story has never been one for consistency, has it?

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Perhaps, but we could look at that as she not knowing who he was and the fact that she was in foreign lands as possibilities as why she did that. She also mentioned during that she wanted to return the favor to the alliance for aiding them in need.

Oh of course it can.

Still doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me though that people would just immediately be accepting.

Especially since the Darkfallen turned against their own on the heels of their people getting massacred.

Tyrande could easily go too far beyond what her people will take.

I’m sure blizzard will just ignore it, but I cannot see her people just easily accept Renewal instead of Vengeance for instance. Certainly players don’t seem to feel that way.

The Darkfallen Kal’dorei turned on their own in their darkest moment. That wouldn’t be forgotten by most.

I can see blizz force that on us. I don’t see it as likely for the Kal’dorei realistically.

But like I said blizz will do what they’ll do.

People are not their leaders.

She’s changed but she appears still very angry.


We get unmasked even with high elf customizations ! :upside_down_face:

If it makes you feel better, you get “unmasked” in Court of Stars as a Nightborne.

Rather funny.

Nightborne guard: an illusion, what are you hiding?

Unmasks the player.

Nightborne guard: oh hello fellow citizen!

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Guard: “Wisdom to Elisande.”
Player: “Actually I prefer Thalyssra.”