Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

this. I don’t see how the Horde has paid for their war crimes at all.

Only problem I forsee is when you start a war crimes tribunal, past Alliance acts have to also be addressed.

Ally players want their cake and eat it, too.

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So then why do they?

The answer is: so team blue can have a steady stream of characters to fight.

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its really - really - really dificulty to write someone - according to you - Realistic “bad” if genocide is involved.

The issue is, you can’t walk back a genocide and pretend it never happened. That cats out of the bag, so what is the alliance supposed to do about it? Nothing as usual? Or do they attempt to put a permanent dent/fracture in the horde power structure so they can never perform such a event again? :wolf:


I mean horde and alliance players alike do tend to genocide almost every troll empire they come across if we want to start talking about “things in this game which are uncomfy.” (Yes, I know the trolls are depicted as evil. Yes, it does not make that better.)


This just makes me think…which sometimes can be dangerous…but all you care about is ‘the multitude of NIGHT ELF souls lost’. What about all of the mulitude of souls from other races even other worlds who have been sent there to be tortured in the Maw? I mean I don’t want to sound heartless to the Nelves here by any stretch but good god woman open your eyes. Souls from EVERY race in Azeroth and beyond are affected by this since the big bang of the Arbiter.

One thing that comes to mind for me (as someone who is more attached to Belves) think of the mass murder/destruction Arthas led. How many of the citizens of Quel’thalas were turned into scourge meat puppets just during Arthas’ attack? How many were forcibly ressurected as Death Knights forced to live an undead existance. How many became Forsaken (even though they are represented as human aside from Dark Rangers I’m sure there are some that joined Sylvannas in UC when she took over). And that is just Quel’thalas alone, not including all of the other races who were sucked into the Maw after the Arbiter was destroyed. I’m not trying to be cruel here but by the freakin’ Light get a grip! This is NOT all about the Night Elves and if you say so what about the others, this is about Night Elves then you really need to think on your view.

And yes you are reading ONLY what you want to read in Tyrande’s statement, she is in no way saying ‘Leave my people in the Maw’. If she was I’m sure you would have a lot of folks gathering behind you with their pitchforks to raid the writer’s room right now. Not trying to take anything from Nelf fans or the story they’ve been handed (which isn’t the greatest one), but they are not the only victims of Sylvannas, Zovval or the Maw itself.


Didn’t Jaina murder a city (Dalaran) full of Horde civilians not too long ago?? Didn’t the Alliance enslave Orcs at one point? Lets not forget that Alliance had openly strong support of the genocide of the Orcs left behind on Azeroth after the second war.

My point is: Alliance had committed just as egregious acts of barbarism as the Horde did.

At some point, we have to put our differences aside and work together…permanently if we are to survive the unseen threats that threaten our world. Right?


Genn was also one of the characters who openly wanted to genocide the orcs.


Only two kingdoms strongly supported the notion of genocide the orcs after the Second War. And both kingdoms, Gilneas and Quel’thalas pulled out of the alliance when told that wasn’t going to happen.


Sylvanas and the forsaken blighted the city of Gilneas…a city full of non military targets.

She also murdered his son…

Gives him perfect justification for his hatred of the horde and Sylvanas…

Vengeance is an ugly business.

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Dwarf clans supported as well…

“Naaaaaaiiiil, naaaaaaaaail, I saw a bird… it was pretty…kick it’s aaaaaaaas-”-DBZA, Kami guru.

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I’m just trying to figure out what the alliance is realistically supposed to do after numerous Sorry, won’t happen again promises from the horde. I personally don’t necessarily agree. I’m just looking at this from their point of view of the horde.

If that helps :wolf:

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It’s still poetic justice to me. Sylvanas the banshee queen might not exist if he had helped quelthalas against arthas when he used to have the strongest military on azeroth.

undeads of the scourge are - by nature - not in the maw, because they are stil on azeroth.

Arguably there’s too much checks and balances and it’s being lead by Alliance Sympathizers and it will cost the Horde greatly to be this passive.

Talanji and Rokhan already have no faith in the Horde Council. They want the Alliance to pay for what they did to the trolls.

Only time will tell.

This faction peace is only hanging on by a thin thread. There’s still so much unresolved conflict.

The Horde has skated in terms of the actual story, but the meta perspective cost has completely undermined the faction to the point that it has lost its identity.


I just think the story is stronger when it’s “Red and Blue both do REALLY BAD THINGS” rather than “RED MUST BE STOPPED BY BLUE. Blue is beautiful and sexy and good and cool.”


No Alliance player or character is thinking, “Gee, I hope the Horde’s genocidal, evil ways aren’t brought into the light or else our jaywalking, light grey morality at worst ways will also be judged”.

Pretty much every ‘bad’ act the Alliance has done is either completely justified because it’s in response to a worse Horde crimes or if it is truly unprovoked or less then completely justified has already been settled because everyone involved has already faced justice (camp taurajo and trying to sink the playable Goblin ships come to mind)


The problem is none of that ever happened.
This is a gross mischaracterization of what actually happened.

I would LOVE to have an Alliance who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty but the unfortunate truth is that has not happened since WC3