Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

They are still responsible and we are not even talking about the rank and file of the Horde.

If you want Genn and Jaina “answer for their crimes” you have to be ready for the Horde to actually answer for their crimes.

Because collectively throwing up their hands at the 11th hour and saying “it wasn’t me officer I swear! It was him/her all along!!!” While their hands are drenched in blood is not a good answer.


Yeah which is why it’s a writing problem. Alliance crimes or cruelty falls down the memory hole because horde introduce some threat that takes up an entire expansion.


just like everything else in Shadowlands: Anti-climatic…

so her new job is to be a janitor to dust up all the Night Elf souls who were turned into stygia after being used to empower the Jailer and his armies??

That is Blizzard’s answer to their p!$$ poor handling of the Night Elf genocide?? I am not mad…I am just disappointed.


But it stops there, there are no further lines, so what else is the “and my people” supposed to mean and where is it supposed to go? There are no lines after that and wowhead found it in context with this sentence.
It was obvious that the night elf souls were going to be obliterated but it’s weird that they had Tyrande support that… or maybe she’s refering to the ash/anima that is left of her people?

They already have you boring, boring person.

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why is it boring to want justice? I mean, you cry out for justice here…but tell other people that they are boring…to want this for themselve?


Because they did indeed get justice while the horde story and characters got pillaged by the loot pinata over and over and over again.

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They have? What was the answer?

The horde as a whole…got scot free multiple times right now…you must be very blind to not see this


They didn’t tho. Unless you want to play world of no factions craft. Which I am down to do.

The horde never suffered any consequences for willingly participating in a genocide. I mean come on dude, we’re all aware of that fact. The horde was even allowed to form a council with no alliance oversight to keep them in check :wolf:


they did, i mean, what the horde did in a couple of years never - never - ever happened to them. Imagine instead of simply raiding Zuldazar, Zuldazar would be completly destroyed by a nuke…or instead of siege orgrimmar…burn it down until the last stone is crumpled.

this would be similar events of what the horde did.


I don’t think he can psychologically handle that.

That borders on oppresive Alliance rule.

Do you think Blizzard would really give Alliance superiority and not make them the evil oppressors? The last time they had supremacy they put Orcs in concentration camps.

Is that the Alliance you want?

There’s a fine line between this faction conflict that allows bot sides to feel like they have agency.

Because there’s no possible way to put that in a faction-based video game without making players feel bad every time they log into a red character. Who honestly wants to play team “you are being audited by a group that definitely hates you?”

That’s not a fun play experience. I have not heard a single good idea regarding this for people with interest in the health of this video game besides “write some bad alliance characters for a change” or “absolve factions.” Because right now, it does feel like horde is just being soft-absorbed into the alliance.

an impossible task: dusting up all that stygia from the billions of obliterated Night Elves…

Most people would want to see war criminals to be put to death, yet allowing Sylvanas to live in WoW’s h3!! is much more preferable. I don’t understand.


and you think right now it feels good to login as a blue character? Failed to defend your allies? Got again beaten up and only lost in ressource.


I trust blizzard to go overboard on it. But still the fact remains, there are no checks and balances on this council. The next time the horde does something evil, the entire horde essentially agrees and won’t have a scapegoat to blame it on :wolf:


Or we can write something realistic instead and show some bad on team blue side like back in wc3’s worldbuilding.

Lets be real. At this point? The alliance has zero reason to even let the horde exist after what they done. They’ve proven numerous times they can’t be trusted. Realistically the whole horde faction should’ve been dismantled by now and the races left to defend for themselves :wolf: