Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

I’m just wondering how many Sorry, won’t happen again promises is the alliance supposed to accept before they reach the Enough, these people can’t handle power position is all.


Aren’t the Alliance memes of babies and unicorns for alliance players? We are viewed as weak soy boys…

don’t think you know what you are talking about.

I agree. I think it’s easily overlooked that Horde lash out due to Alliance microagressions that go unpunished.

The Horde must be tired of always being the whipped dog, to the Alliance’s cruel master.

Jaina murdered a city full of horde civilians…

Don’t think that qualifies as a petty crime…


have you examples? And please, don´t even try to take them out of context, most events happened in context of an event before, most often inflicted by the horde.

in canon, she imprissoned them, if you talk about dalaran, and if you talk about Zandalari, this never happened there.


Yeah I almost added an edit when I went back and read my post concerning this paragraph. Let me clarify here…

This was kind of meant as an example of souls/lives destroyed on a mass scale compared to her screaming constantly about Night Elf souls to say…do you think Night Elves are the only ones who experienced a mass genocide/destruction of population in the history of Azeroth? I mean the lore says they lost 90% or so of the population. To act like Teldrassil is the only major mass destruction/genocide in Azeroth (and the result therof in the Maw) or that no other race has souls sent there is pretty self centered. I didn’t mean it to come off as ‘all these souls went to the Maw’, should have clarified that better.

So, what did the Night elves do to deserve to have their city burned to the ground and innocents sent to super hell?

All because the NE didn’t want to give the horde the lumber it had no right to take? :wolf:

Makes one wonder when is the horde going to actually accept responsibility for its own actions instead of using everyone else as a excuse.


the difference is…no single event from such a scale happend during an MMO with player investmend and all, an RTS is different, the situation is different, the perspective on this entire event is different. You don´t play a member of this race, you are more like the controller of the entire units and races and try to outsmart your opponent.

I don´t support anything what eth said, but one thing is true, its makes an major difference is something like this happened in an mmo or not.


I agree that this is dumb. But I also don’t think alliance should be put in the position of power to make that decision in the first place.

Uh no? Male human paladins are not exactly traditionally frowned upon by the wow base.

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I think blizz once mentioned Jaina killing the store keepers was a bug with the scenario at the time. I could’ve sworn I read that somewhere :wolf:

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didn’t Genn try to outright assassinate Sylvanas in Legion?

I mean if assassination attempts aren’t a war crime, I don’t know what is…

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Where? Zandalar hadn’t joined the Horde in BFA till the end, and Dalaran was a culling of the militant armed Sunreavers, who actively fought back or resisted.

We’ve been over this in other threads, Dalaran is NOT the slaughter the botched Horde side of the scenario wants one to believe…

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doesn’t make sense when the incident in question is literally called “The Purge of Dalaran”


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They dared to exist in World of Hordecraft, which is enough for some Horde players to justify their genocide, torture and oblivion.

Didn’t Sylvanas kill his son and commit genocide against his people before that?

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It’s because that event has 2 seperate realities and nobody knows which is canon. Which is blizzard’s fault, not the players.


out of context, yes, in context change the entire dynamic. I´m not sure if you have kids or not, but would you don´t want to kill the one responsible for killing your child? (And this is only genn as Person, if we took genn as king inside this entire situation, then sylvanas would deserve much more hatred and justified anger)

if you took the context in this entire situation…is kinda well deserved for sylvanas crime.


Only issue with this is…he did ultimately prevent a far worse crime/fate from befalling a group of innocent angelic people. And I get that’s the issue at hand, is the alliance is ultimately proven right in the end. Which nullifies their initial aggression because it just makes the horde look evil yet again.


a small faction of militants while a large portion of Horde civilians also purged…

Think Jaina said something along the lines of, “No one can be trusted…”

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I would exclude Dalaran here once for canon reasons, as I said, it would have made more sense if they had admitted it was a Purge, but they changed - purely in canon - the whole event and said it was a bug…(however).

Completely unrelated but a big reason I really didn’t like that whole lantern situation is that her super elite poisonous arrow didn’t even take out genn and she lost the lanturn for that. xD

Wasn’t even a trade.