Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

Genn did absolutely nothing wrong in Stormheim. He did a great thing by stopping Sylvanas from enslaving a group of angelic people for more power :wolf:


You can have… checks a list, squinting Callia menethal.

I’m talking about building a massive wall that got lordaeron zombified and also letting the blood elves get wiped out by arthas… which directly created sylvanas. xD

Lordaeron was doomed from the getgo. It was going to fall regardless and Gilneas would’ve fell, and Sylvanas would have became the Banshee Queen anyway.

Again, Genn did nothing wrong. Looking out for and prioritizing your own people is not a crime :wolf:


No, it super wasn’t. He refused to take in a lot of refugees. It was real bad.

He also voted not to help quelthalas. Doing nothing made the whole scourge problem WAY worse.

Well if you are not willing to let Horde characters with much more horrific crimes committed face justice then why are you complaining about Genn or Jaina?

I’ll repeat it I guess, prioritizing his own peoples safety is not a crime. Quel’thalas, who wasn’t even in the alliance at the time, they left at the same time gilneas did, were not his problems to deal with.

And not letting the refugees in is understandable, he had no way of knowing who was infected and who wasn’t. :wolf:


B/c they already did face justice. There’s no horde character I know about who did not face justice.

That’s true, he shouldn’t held responsible for not helping Lordaeron. But he did release the feral worgen.

It would be a full circle moment if the Worgen lead the victory against the current Scourge. Because then thier gamble to release the feral worgen would have a full circle destiny and victory, I want that for Gilneas.

Imagine Forsaken and Gilneans working side by side to fight thier multual enemy, the Scourge?


  • chef’s kiss *

i´m certain that you are a little bit confused on this part, because the sentence is seperated from each other, i´m pretty sure that the sequence of the sentences will be different


Well again the story goes out of its way to say him doing nothing made it his people’s problem. It’s poetic justice. He didn’t help the world when he had the power to make a difference. This is why Crowley hated his guts before Genn apologized to him for being a terrible king. AFTER releasing him from years in prison.

Lorthemar, Baine, pretty much every forsaken with a military rank like Belmont.
Thalyssra, mayla I can go on.

Supporting and enabling a genociding maniac is a serious crime and most of them did it not once but twice.

The Horde has so much to answer for. So much.

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Yeah you’re just not realistically looking at the whole story at this point. Those characters are also minor at best, aside from Baine who gets no story, and Thalyssra whose story is mostly over.

Crowley was angry because the Wall had cut his lands off from the main city. It left him and the others outside the wall vulnerable. It was more about that and less about helping lordaeron :wolf:


I don’t know what else it is supposed to mean, and so far everything has been hinting towards the night elf souls being obliterated, including the writers hatred towards the race

Crowley wanted to aid forces at lordaeron and at quelthalas. Platinum wow talks about it in his lore video on genn.

It just annoys me that people act like Genn is some war criminal, while ignoring the actual war criminals that the horde keeps willingly following, after numerous failed promises to not do such a thing.

I know Crowley wanted to help, my point was it’s more complicated than him just being mad about not helping Lordaeron. There was more to it than just that :wolf:

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My point is more that people always look at anything bad alliance characters do with rose tinted lenses. I don’t think they need to be raid bosses or villain batted. But horde characters always get the villain bat and alliance ones do not. So it’s just not equal, and it’s very frustrating from a horde player experience.

I’m still not okay with alliance raiding Zandalar and rping conquistadors commiting regicide and pillaging a vault.


it means that this statement is not ONE Sentence, but two, and the second part of it is not in context of the first, please do yourself a favor and relisten to the audiofile again.


the horde-charakters did much worse thing in scale toward the alliance, thats the reason the alliance warcrimes are pale compare to the horde ones…

the zandalar and horde attacked before kul’Tiras, why is this allways forgotten?


I get where your coming from. It just annoying when people act like Genn prioritizing his own peoples safety and the safety of his kingdom is on the same level as some of the horrible crimes the horde comitted.

That’s ultimately the problem, whatever supposed crimes the alliance comittied, are pretty minor when compared to what the horde has done over the years :wolf: