Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

I thought about that, Tyrande can see through Dorithur. Tyrande will be watching everything Sylvanas does. She’ll have zero privacy and for a character like Sylvanas who thrives in the Shadows that’s punishment for her.

She has Tyrande now breathing down her neck. It may not seem like justice but from a Sylvanas fan pov, Tyrande is more intimidating now than ever.


If that’s what was actually happening, sure, but that walks face-first into Sylvanas being a victim of Arthas, winning back her free will and agency a—psych! She was a puppet of the Jailer, suckers!

Danuser has insisted that isn’t what happened anyway. If the guy calling the shots isn’t an authority on what’s actually happening in his narrative trainwreck . . . well, I guess that probably explains a fair deal, actually.

Out of all the endings for this character this was probably the least worst option.
I am going to wait for the full reveal because the tone of Tyrande and the tone of Sylvanas is going to really make or break this scene.

One of the problems with Sylvanas for these past couple of years has been that everything happened by her design.
If her punishement is also by her own design its going to really take away from the impact of this scene.

A scene like when Genn smashed her lantern infront of her. So Tyrande throwing Sylvanas kicking and screaming into the maw instead of skipping like couple of school girls towards the ledge is going to be much more satisfying.

She took so many things away from people… its time someone took something from her.


So what you’re saying is if Sylvanas fails to uphold honor as Garrosh did, we will e- whoops.

I feel it bears reminding that a near-permanent refrain from Horde players is how much it sucks to have their characters killed and lost. BFA into SL has cost us Saurfang, Nathanos, and Sylvanas. Baine if I’m being hyperbolic and extra smarmy.

A near-permanent refrain from Alliance players since Cataclysm on has been that the Alliance never holds the Horde to account for whatever tragedy they visit upon them. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


I’ve just read a lot about sylvanas and the story “Sister is a word for always” by cat valente in the fairy tale book really, really did emphasize that the jailer had an important piece of syvanas’ mind and soul that vereesa tried to save but couldn’t.

I don’t think she was a literal puppet for the jailer but I do think she got duped by his lies to remake reality into a just one. Was definitely was a literal puppet for arthas though.

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Yeah but there may also be a time when her tactics are needed.

The Alliance is becoming increasingly aggressive, Jaina attacked Zul Dazar and the Zandalar have yet to get justice for that.

Tyrande will still have a bone to pick with the Horde, do you think Horde logging operations in Ashenvale are safe now that the NE’s are planning to reclaim thier home?

The Forsaken are rebuilding in Lordaeron, do you think the humans will be happy that the Forsaken now have claim to the land because the rightful heir is now Forsaken?

There are so many potential future conflicts.

Yeah, we see what happens with people who backslide. Just look at what Varian said at the end of MoP!

If Sylvanas does backslide literally nothing will happen to her.


Alliance never ever ever has to deal with any of the crimes they commit and that’s still the most frustrating part of wow.

It just feels:

Team blue tortures a kitten for fun.

Team red bombs a city because plot contrivance.

Team blue kitten torturer is OUTRAGED by this new development by team red and gets to kick some butt.

Rinse, repeat.

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eh, either way.

I think the spotlight and pressure being taken off Sylvanas is a good thing for a while.

Now she can quietly repair her personal relationships, and I’ve been waiting for Sylvanas to have more interpersonal drama for a while now. She went right to the Maw where she will eventually stumble on Nathanos’s soul and there’s going to be some drama there. She also has an opportunity with her soul restored to address her tense relationship with her sisters without the threat of her killing them.

What kitten did Tyrande torture? She has been the only one really outraged by the horde committing genocide, Anduin in 8.2.5 was trying to say she was crazy.


Given the impending dissolution of Faction divide in-game and a public insistence on not wanting to perpetuate Faction Conflict stories, I don’t think we’ll see any real movement on that front. So, yeah, because they’re telling us they don’t want the story to go down that road, I don’t think anything will come of Ashenvale or Lordaeron.

I think the Horde will concede the territory without question because Nu Horde is probably going to be as insufferable as Anduin Alliance is. Even with the shaker of Edge he received from his time Dominated, I don’t expect Anduin to stop finger wagging anyone who tries to take any reasonable course of action in opposition to the Horde.

I will gladly take the L on all of this if it means rich storylines and engaging conflicts. Mostly expect to see that stuff just dropped or shrugged away in favor of whichever NPCs get to be the protagonists that we follow around and watch interact in a handful of 2-5 minute snippets over the course of a couple expansions.

Kind of sad that the only two races who stood up to the horde/sylvanas were Tyrande/Nightelves and Genn and the worgen.

The rest of the alliance did completly and utterly fail the night elves when they needed their allies the most. That much is true. :wolf:


I think this is key. No more burning Teldrassil’s just for shock value.


Tyrande never does anything bad because she’s miss perfect and will finger wag every character always.

Genn still has a lot to answer for. Jaina still has a lot to answer for.

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When the Horde finally answers for all their crimes Genn and Jaina will send you a card.

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The horde still hasn’t answered for participating in genocide and continuing to kill and raise night elves into undeath after the burning. The horde is still invading Ashenvale in Exploring Kalimdor.


My guy we have no faction leaders left lol. Do you want Baine? xD

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You have plenty left and answers could involve more than one or two faction leaders :grin:

If you say so. I sure never see them and do not know of them.

Well its a deal then. Glad we could come to an understanding.