Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

Tyrande should’ve executed her there and had the Arbiter send her soul to The Maw until she freed every remaining soul, then she can go start her Revendreth phase. That would have satisfied justice, vengeance, and closed the lid on (speaking of butchers…) the absolute sham her character has turned into.


The Alliance won back Darkshore.

The NE’s moved back to Nordradsil.


I agree, I think it would’ve been more satisfying to see Sylvanas actually get killed by Tyrande (and then have this whole Maw fate situation) 'cause at least it would’ve made sense as to why Elune would’ve blessed her with the Night Warrior in the first place.


Darkshore is mostly destroyed and devoid of life as of exploring Kalimdor. It’s basically a wasteland.


There’s a “stay a while and listen” with Tyrande where she talks to nelf souls in the heart of the forest about fixating on renewal rather than retribution. It’s a pretty touching back and forth.


So it can be rebuilt.

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And the Horde is still trying to get it back and they are actively killing Night Elves in Ashenvale, now the Night Elves don’t have the Alliance’s support anymore.

Nope, only Tyrande went there.
We never heard anything about the Night Elves going there, and again what kind of life do you expect them to live with their friends and families not only dead, but tortured and obliterated while their abusers got away with everything. Both Sylvanas and the Horde.

Restorative justice is much more satisfying to me than characters getting pointless vengeance to me.

I think it’s very cool when characters kill a threat who needs to be taken down-- but sylvanas isn’t a threat, and was a character who was never given a whole lot of free will in life and undeath. Hard pass on that.

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And how is being obliterated after an eternity of torture in the maw considered “restorative”?

Do I have the wrong definition of the term? What…

This has nothing to do with justice, at all.

How is it pointless vengeance if the only thing that changes is that she is executed and barred from Reality, but not the Shadowlands?

Even ignoring all that, the person who somehow managed to nuke a World Tree with catapults from miles away and erase the last bastion of Night Elves isn’t a threat? Because she feels bad about it now? Really? What the hell would constitute a capital offense for you if genocide doesn’t stack high enough?


As much as I do enjoy/love sylvanas as a character, lets be real here. She very much was a threat, she attempted to wipe out the gilneans with the plague while trying to take gilneas, and than she successfully genocided the Night elves. On top of all the experimentation she was doing on humans and scarlets throughout the years :wolf:


Yes, and the stay a while and listen is just about Tyrande moving on, that was between her and Shandris, then the spirits just talking about how they could feel her presence in the maw. It wasn’t touching, it was more ignoring what sylvanas did and glossing over teldrassil and trying to sweep it under the rug.

They aren’t going to present the suffing Sylvanas caused in any actual way, they will just continue to mostly ignore the victims of her so she can again and again have cinematic after cinematic showing her sad faces. Meanwhile in this judgement thing you get a snarling angry tyrande, likely again with ominous music playing, yelling at a sad and docile sylvanas in order to get more people on the side of the victimizer. It’s sick.


Idk man the maw doesnt seem like a huge punishment when the reason it sucked to begin with because of the jailer stripping your soul for power or dominating it. Also she probably would have went there looking for nathanos anyways

If tyrande cares so much about the souls stuck in the maw why is she sending one elf and a bird? Seems like if you wanted to help with that mountain of a problem more people should be enlisted. Maybe have an open enlistment for those wanting to help from those in the Shadowlands?

Not the worse ending I could have imagined but still very much unsatisfying

Yes, you do. Justice is about diminishing existing structures of harm-- not taking pot shots because they make you feel good.

If you mean “recieved a supernatural lobotomy that cut off empathy and had it undone after she commited an emotionless logical gambit” then yes

I agree that she very much was a threat. I disagree that she is currently a threat.

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In her current state? Yeah, she’s more introspective than anything else

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No it’s not lol

The Night Elves being obliterated in the maw and never having anything positive happen to them as genocide victims is not justice.


Time will tell if she’s really good, but one thing is sure, if she backslides she has to face Tyrande.

And it seems like, from Tyrande’s warning, she won’t hesitate to kill Sylvanas if she ever tries anything again…

This rivalry is far from over. There will come a time when the Bamshee Queen’s tactics are needed.

Which is fine. I don’t think anyone actually has a problem with that. And with Dori’thur watching over sylvanas, tyrande is going to know every move sylvanas makes anyway :wolf:


It’s not like we can even take the “she’s changed” stuff at face value because every scrap of information that has filtered out of Cdev has insisted no, the soul fragment didn’t change who she is.

Looking at it another way, Sylvanas only cared about getting revenge on Arthas. After that, she was done and attempted to end herself. Val’kyr intervene and she finds new purpose in 1.) never ending up in the Afterlife she thought awaited her, and 2.) carving out a corner that her and the Forsaken could survive in. Except Jailer Retcon Action 3000 happens, and now she was doing everything she did to Remake Reality for Reasons, I guess(?) that entailed no specific plan or explanation from Zovaal. But she was duped, somehow, by the guy with nothing but villain catch-phrases that included “reality is flawed” and a penchant for tormenting and grinding innocent souls into dust. Now that she knows she was duped, why would she want to go on living?

^ This garbage is why she is ruined. Even if you set aside the soul fragment concerns (you can’t have it both ways, Steve) you’re left with a character who has burned the only tethers that kept her willing to go on (un)living—She cast the Forsaken aside and never cared about them to begin with, I guess, and Nathanos is dead. So why keep her around? Let her die, do penance, and find an Afterlife.


Sylvanas is gone, but only temporarily (unfortunately).

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