Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

One happened to a playable race with actual fans and you know…real people playing. Thats why Teldrassil sucks for NE fans.

Again, you don’t have to like it, but it’s not going to away.


I’ve compared the Wowhead transcription of the dialogue to the actual audio, and noticed that once again Wowhead’s transcription contains some errors, though none that change the meaning quite as much as some of their transcriptions for 9.1 did. They also transcribed some of the lines as being together, but in the audio there’s long pauses between lines that suggest they might not run together. We know that the audio isn’t all in order. In any case, here’s my attempt at correcting that transcription. I’ve broken down the lines by audio fragments as best I can tell, even when I’m fairly certain two lines do run together, just because there might be something else between them given the large pauses between most segments in the audio.

Pelagos: Sylvanas Windrunner.
Pelagos: There can be no true justice without compassion, and I can see your deeds bear the mark of the Jailer’s influence.
Pelagos: An influence we failed to contain.
Pelagos: Then, you know in your heart to whom you must answer.
Pelagos: Entrusting justice to your most fervent adversary.
Pelagos: Are there any gathered here who object to this fate?
Pelagos: So be it.
Sylvanas: The Jailer did not control me.
Sylvanas: Death would be a merciful end, Tyrande.
Sylvanas: However long it takes.
Tyrande: What game do you play now, Banshee?
Tyrande: The Sylvanas I hunted would never submit to the blade of her enemy.
Tyrande: Your newfound remorse might be genuine.
Tyrande: There will be no peace for you, Windrunner.
Tyrande: The prisoner is in my charge now.
Tyrande: Below lies the Maw.
Tyrande: Every soul lost in its depths, betrayed or condemned, you shall find and send forth to the Arbiter.
Tyrande: You will toil there under Dori’thur’s watchful eye.
Tyrande: This is how you shall bring renewal to your victims.
Tyrande: Andu-falah-dor, old friend.
Tyrande: Watch her well.
Pelagos: The time for your judgment is at hand.
Sylvanas: My actions were mine alone and I accept their consequences.
Sylvanas: And I do not expect your mercy.
Tyrande: But it can never erase all you have done.
Tyrande: Until there is peace for the souls of your victims.
Tyrande: Bring her.
Tyrande: An unjust fate to which you doomed so many.
Tyrande: And it will be there that your penance begins.
Tyrande: To be judged with the compassion all souls deserve.
Tyrande: Scouring every darkened reach.
Tyrande: Until the final soul is free and you are all that remains
Tyrande: And my people.
Sylvanas: It shall be done.

Now, time for speculation! Here’s how I think these lines fit together, we’ll find out how wrong I am next week:

Pelagos: Sylvanas Windrunner, the time for your judgement is at hand. There can be no true justice without compassion, and I can see your deeds bear the mark of the Jailer’s influence…an influence we failed to contain.
Sylvanas: The Jailer did not control me. My actions were mine alone and I accept their consequences.
Pelagos: Then, you know in your heart to whom you must answer.
Sylvanas: I submit to the judgement of Tyrande Whisperwind. (audio for this line was previously datamined, I assume it’s part of this scene)
Tyrande: What game to you play now, Banshee?
Pelagos: Entrusting justice to your most fervent adversary. Are there any gathered here who object to this fate? So be it.
Tyrande: The Sylvanas I hunted would never submit to the blade of her enemy.
Sylvanas: Death would be a merciful end, Tyrande, and I do not expect your mercy.
Tyrande: Your newfound remorse might be genuine, but it can never erase all you have done. There will be no peace for you, Windrunner, until there is peace for the souls of your victims. The prisoner is in my charge now. Bring her. Below lies the Maw: an unjust fate to which you doomed so many. And it will be there that your penance begins. Every soul lost in its depths, betrayed or condemned, you shall find and send forth to the Arbiter, to be judged with the compassion all souls deserve. You will toil there under Dori’thur’s watchful eye, scouring every darkened reach, until the final soul is free and you are all that remains. This is how you shall bring renewal to your victims, and my people.
Sylvanas: It shall be done. However long it takes.
Tyrande: Andu-falah-dor, old friend. Watch her well.


I did this for the last year… for 15g…

Hardly seems like a punishment fit for genocide.

But that’s none of my business


As Denona pointed out, this means she also has to empty out Torghast, and she has to keep going until she’s found everyone. We only had to do 20 souls a week. She’ll be busy for a while.


The problem with this judgement is that Tyrande assumes that noone else will be helping her. But if any of the people whose kin’s souls were cast into the Maw care about their dead spirits, they will be trying to get out souls as well.

The other problem is that Dori’thur is apparently condemned to her fate as well. Why should her pet be cast into the Maw too? That’s ridiculous. And we won’t get to see that bird as long as we cannot see Sylvanas. That’s a damn shame and a punishment to Dori’thur fans.

Yes, there are Dori’thur fans.


Dori’thur is Tyrande’s eyes. Tyrande can see through her and “keep an eye” on Sylvanas.

Sylvanas isn’t pet sitting for Tyrande.


How long is the life span of this owl is my question? xD

She’s not a regular owl. She was a gift from Elune. To protect Tyrande.
She’s an immortal aspect of Elune’s power.


My point remains.

Incoming wall of replies:

I don’t think High Elves have Warden units. Even Dark Wardens are Undead Night Elves, not High Elves or Blood Elves.

And much like there will never be another Lich King, there is no new Jailer.

Dori’thur is a spirit owl. At the very least can traverse between the material plane and the Emerald Dream, and the Emerald Dream is connected to the Shadowlands through Ardenweald.

Has Sylvanas’ line about no longer being the Ranger General or the Banshee Queen come up in-game yet?

Just talk to Zidormi to set Darkshore back to exclusively Night Elf controlled.

Indeed, Malufurion even already started reforesting Darkshore in the Warfront itself:

And both are part of the Horde now, no longer the Alliance.

Didn’t Sylvanas try to outright assassinate Genn in the Worgen starting experience?

The Horde’s unprovoked attack on Gilneas.

Your favorite Esara Verrinde literally calls out Quel’Thalas for being stagnant and xenophobic as recently as Legion.

The pet I have set to come out and follow me is a Sentinel’s Companion owl named Doríthur. Matches my glowing green Feral Cat Form perfectly.


Someone might want tell the gilneans that than. They’re fighting for the alliance :eyes:


Whoops. Sorry. Meant Lordearon (which ran the camps, wasn’t one that left after the Second War, no) and Quel’Thalas. Good catch, thank you.


The Maw is teeming with souls that belong to anima-starved Realms. It is certainly hard to imagine they’re going to kick back and let problems fester until Sylvanas sorts it all out on her own lol.


I don’t think the other parts of the machinery of faith are going to distract themselves from running the afterlife and rebuilding themselves would be concerned with souls unjustly placed into the Maw.

While the Jailer was definitely crazy and had to be stopped, there were legit criticisms to be made about how the machinery of death lead to a lot of stupid/unjust stuff happening for no other reason than a bunch of people -instead of doing the RIGHT thing - were “just doing their job”.

Kyrians were still recovering souls to be sent to the Maw while all this was going on.

I think they’d gladly leave the job up to another Maw Walker do the job for eternity.


Likely a quest that was devised before a major rewrite, but needed to be left in to inform the segway into the next expansion (like, whats going on on Azeroth?).

I can’t imagine that that quest was meant to originally show the Kyrians ferrying souls to help Zovaal fight them.

I can, considering the entire Shadowlands’ denizens tended towards a “big picture” view of the universe and operated more under the guidance of mechanistic principles than they did out of some kind of actual empathy for trillions upon trillions upon trillions of souls in their care. The Kyrian plotline was all about criticizing how blindly following orders could cause problems. A good chunk of the Ardenweald quests is even getting the Winter Queen to take you seriously. Maldraxxus and Revandreth pretty much fell to internal bickering. And of course our new more empathic Arbiter is again a sort of challenge to the idea of the Arbiter as an android sorting hat for the afterlife.

I don’t think any of them ever really express any sense of dismay at the fates of any of the individual souls sent to the Maw beyond the fact that it resulted in a lack of anima that made it harder for them to do their assigned jobs.

That they came together was largely the work of people from the living world turning their world upside down and the threat the Jailer posed to the whole mechanism of death. And when we leave and everything gets working back the way it originally did before the Jailer broke it, I think they’re very likely to pretty much go back to how things were before.


100%, yeah. When you consider the cosmic scope they operate on it sort of makes sense they are prone to being so dispassionate. Souls pour through Oribos like sand grains through an hourglass, and have without stop for billions of years.

Don’t know if I missed some explanation along the way but it strikes me as strange that Oribus default setting was to send souls straight to the maw.


They never really explain it no.

It is my running theory the maw was originally more like a shredder for souls deemed too dangerous or corrupted to exist at all. As it seems souls are unconscious during their sorting, likely those sentenced there died and that was it. They never woke up again in the Shadowlands.

The Arbiter would of had the power to basically delete these rare individuals and reduce them into just raw anima. Revendreth didn’t originally send you to eternal torment for refusing to repent, it sentenced you to true oblivion.

After Zovaal went all Omnicidal it was edited by the Primus into a prison realm like it is now. Perhaps after everyone is emptied out they can revert it to its original intended function.


The default setting was to send it to the Arbiter. Which was the Jailer.

The old lore, stuff that never made it past beta, more or less painted the picture that the Maw didn’t exist until after whatever war happened and it became the Maw when the Jailer was locked away and Zovaals previous zone is what became the Maw.

You found this out through the Venari items as they had notes and stuff on them.

The story as it exists now based on art interviews, IIRC, is that the Maw just destroys stuff, and that was that until the Jailer got there and any landmass that drifted close to the Maw he used chains to grab, which is why the Maw currently has landmass.

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