Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

lol. We know thats not going to happen

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I get both sides of the arguments. I really do. I just don’t want people getting confused and think anything being said count as my personal opinions. They aren’t. I’m just trying to look at this from the alliance perspective, since that is the faction I’m stuck with.

If that helps at all. :wolf:


Yes she was, but unfortunately the horde didn’t give her a chance to raise her son and had her killed.

Yeah because people still have to find ways to survive when their governments are terrible.

I don’t blame dranae for the eredar either.

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Daelin Proudmoore paid for this with his life

I said a few lines before, if it would be to me, i would say it was intendend, but right now, in canon, its a bug and the elves were inprissoned…but i would like option 1 more, then option b.

the responsible for this paid with their life…they are dead

and the trolls take this land from the titanforged, and the humans from trolls, and the trolls from dwarfs, and the elfs from trolls and so on…every race did this…trolls are not innocent in this regard.

was not “unprovoked”, i mean, remember, the events in gilneas?

and before was the attack on Kul’Tiras.

compare this to

  • ashenvale offensive
  • WOT and the night elf genocide
  • Draenor and the Draenei genocide
  • Theramore Nuke
  • Stormwind Burning(Wc1)
  • Plagueing of Southshore
  • Darkshore Plague
  • Destruction of Gilneas and Plague the lands

“to name a few”


And by doing so destroying the only chance azeroth have to survive the legion?

We killed nzoth with a laser beam I’m sure there’s another one lying around here somewhere.

Good for our Dark Lady to have an expansion or two out of the spotlight. I’m sure she’ll be brought back and undergo and Illidanesque rehabilitation to become the ultimate hero in some future expansion.


This proves why Sylvanas was not a scapegoat.

We can’t scapegoat the entire franchise of faction conflict on her and sacrifice her as a sacrifical lamb and hope for peace.

It’s not going to work.


It’s just silly to say that everything bad that ever happened is the fault of Sylvanas. She’s a victim too, even if people don’t want to see it or admit it. :wolf:


No one argued here that everything is sylvanas fault, but;

  • gilneas
  • wot
  • fourth war
  • helping the jailor
  • southshore
  • plague

Is her fault.


I think this is a justifiable end to Sylvanas. This is probably the best outcome that could be hoped for.

You know what confuses me though?

If zereth mortis can remake reality, why can’t they just bring all the dead in the maw back to life. I guess I am not up to speed on that detail.

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Because you’re not supposed to use Zereth Mortis for that function.

And I think it would just be a bad idea in general to bring back everyone that died.


I don’t even empathize with them. When arguments become so irrational its best to just ignore them.

You know, I’m really tired of the word genocide being used as a superficial, throw-away line.

In this story it’s grotesquely vapid.

Really, there’s a giant death machine intended to kill every living thing on Azeroth’s surface.

This story has devolved into an absurdity about mass-killing. Just one cheap emotional appeal after another.


Hating the meta doesn’t make the plot non-existent.


We can’t help the fact that blizzard put a genocide in the game and than did nothing to rectify it. We’re all trying to come to terms with what blizzard did.

You can hate it, that’s fine, but it’s not going to make it go away. :wolf:


More than just one.


Thing is: I don’t come to terms with fictional writing that is bad, I blame the writer(s). There is nothing to go away, it doesn’t exist, it’s fiction.

That’s a lot of my point. People are acting like there is one event and there are too many. And on that, I think I’m out.