Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

The frostwolves participated in the genocide of the draenei and they weren’t on demon’s blood. The humans also didn’t know about this and the orcs that even resisted the demonic orcs were killed off. The orcs that were imprisoned were the ones on demon’s blood, the evil ones.

Thrall would be dead as a baby if Blackmoore didn’t find him and raise him, even if it was as a slave after the demonic orcs killed his parents.

Yeah but we are talking about the old horde, the alliance at the time had no idea about demon’s blood or that the orcs weren’t originally just genocidal demons. It was only after the imprisonment of the orcs for their crimes did they get off their addiction to the blood.


The orcs that crossed over through the Dark Portal, were not civilians and they weren’t innocent by any stretch of the matter. After wiping out most of the natives on Draenor, they went to azeroth and attempted to do the same thing all over again. :wolf:


I am pretty happy with this outcome, Sylvanas gets to actually undo the damage she caused.


Do you think the New Horde should pay for the Old Horde’s crimes?

The New Horde has it’s own crimes it needs to atone for. :wolf:


Very true!

I hope Tyrande doesn’t think that just because Sylvanas isn’t leading the Horde, she shouldn’t still make the Horde pay. They willingly follow tyrants. They are canonically warhawks.


They should strive to prove they aren’t like the old horde, and shouldn’t glorify the heroes of the old horde. This discussion started because people were acting outraged the alliance showed mercy to the genocidal demonic invaders by imprisoning them instead of executing them.

I mean I can say “Azeroth as a whole would be much better if the trolls culled the night elf progenitors entirely so the shattering never happened” but I don’t say that because I can tell the difference between good and bad when it comes to harming people based on race.


Punishing the adults is one thing but humans kept orc children in cages…

…but anyways. I really don’t want this to become an “orcs are savages and need to be caged” thread because those usually get 404’d


I mean it is pretty endemic of “Horde should never have characters and enjoying any horde character is wrong” mentality which is exhausting to see when you just want to be invested in a video game world.


So can I. But I’m not the one, sitting here trying to paint the Old Horde as the victims. That’d be you :stuck_out_tongue:

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They were punishing the genocidal demonic invaders which all of the orcs were at the time. Do you think the humans should have taken all the orcs children away from their parents and not allowed the orcs to reproduce and raise the remaining kids themselves? Seems kind of messed up.

And again the alliance didn’t know the orcs weren’t demons, the other option is executing them all, which people seem to imply would have been the better choice because then at least the kids wouldn’t have been imprisoned as well?

It’s a difficult topic to be sure. And most people seem to be split 50/50 on the matter. It’s why I’m trying to keep my personal feelings out of it, because I know these type of topics turn ugly quick :wolf:

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Some of them were definitely victims because no group of people is a monolith.

That’s pretty much what happened. Thrall was raised by humans.

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Sure, some were victims. Like Draka who was murdered unfairly. But lets be honest, no one put a gun to the orcs heads and made them drink the demon blood. Most of them did that entirely on their own.

Than you have people like Doomhammer, who never drank the blood but was just as cruel.

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Thrall was found before the orcs were imprisoned, it was after the horde had his parents assassinated.

Yes, absolutely.

They do, there’s no right or wrong. No matter which way you slice it. There’s crimes on both sides but the Horde’s crimes are objectively worse.

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Draka was a good person. So I think she would have raised a fine son just as well.

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