Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

And it’s a lesson in not letting a power hungry noble to take over several camps full of demonically possessed orcs. Terenas long suspected…I forgot his name… was up to no good. :wolf:


Agreed! Thrall did not do that, lol.

False. Thrall was an innocent person. He did no cruelties. That’s the whole point.

After everything that’s happened. Putting the orcs down would’ve been a small mercy for the rest of Azeroth. Sad as it is to say it, it’s kind of true. :wolf:


Daelin Proudmoore’s attack on Thrall’s Horde.

The purge of Dalaran.

They killed a bunch of goblins fleeing Kezan.

They stole troll land.

Genn’s unprovoked attack in Stormhiem

The attack on Zul’ Dazar.

To name a few.

I don’t to rehash this debate and make another thread about what the Horde deserve. We have threads and threads on that topic. Zahir you should just post on your Alliance main already.


I mean, sure, he was used as a gladiator; but Blackmoore did teach him to read and write, fed him, etc. Not saying Blackmoore was a good person, he’s basically every drunken father turned up to 11 and also a deranged traitor who planned to use the Orcs to destroy the Human kingdoms… but at least he did treat Thrall about as well if not better than he treated everyone else (considering everything else that came to light about him and how he treated the humans he had contact with).

Yes, this is more of an attempt to downplay what the orcs did from you again. The alliance didn’t know they were demonic infused, but they still chose to spare them. Thrall wouldn’t even exist if the alliance didn’t show the orcs the mercy the orcs weren’t showing anyone else.

Also tell me what happened to the person who was cruel to thrall, did he get away with it?

It probably would have been the correct choice at the time, because the orcs were essentially demons at the time and we don’t really spare demons. It was only after they were imprisoned did they start to detox from the demon blood.


Okay yikes I never wanna see you complain about genocide again lol.

I mostly meant, that IF the alliance went that route instead, it would’ve been understandable given what the orcs just got done trying to do to Azeroth. :wolf:

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Killing innocent people is always bad. Enslaving people is always bad.

People wanting to role play as bad people in a fantasy world is whatever.

People wanting to roleplay revenge fantasies based on the idea that enslavement or genocide isn’t bad imo is probably not a healthy mindset to be in.

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Well, it seems like even though Blizzard hoped to introduce faction cross play, and announced “We have peace between both factions Huzzah!” they have done absolute squat to heal deep rooted faction bias and conflict that is still here.

The faction war lives on in all of our hearts /s.


Are you saying the orcs, after literally trying to wipe out the natives on Azeroth….were innocent? I’m confused by the implications you’re going with here :wolf:

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The demonic orc invaders weren’t innocent, this is your problem. You are again trying to downplay their multiple genocides and the fact that they were invading another plant.


Durotan’s entire tribe fought against it, lost, most died and the rest were assimilated. So you need to learn more about orcs I think.


I don’t even hate the horde. I’m mostly spitballing about what realistically is expected from the alliance concerning the horde. I’m trying to leave my personal feelings on the matter out of it :wolf:


The Old Horde yes.

But Thrall’s Horde has done a lot of work to seperate themselves from the Old Horde. Thrall’s Horde deserves a chance at redemption.


Saurfang admits in BfA that the horde never really changed much from the Old Horde. That it was wishful thinking on everyone’s part. :wolf:


I know. We’re good.


I get annoyed when people blame civillians without power for the choices of their government. And it’s a whole other ball game when mind control magic is here.

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I think the Horde has done a lot more to internalize it’s past and grow than the Alliance have. The Alliance remains stagnant in it’s xenophobia.

I left the Alliance in Mop for Horde full time and I won’t go back until the Alliance shows the same level of personal growth as the Horde.

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As much as people rag on mechagnomes they’re pretty great in terms of self-reflection. Hoping that goes somewhere.

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