Voice dialogue for Sylvanas's Judgement *Major Spoilers*

two wrongs don’t make it right…

And the ends justify the means is terrible ethical thought pattern, imo.

While technically it did happen in the RTS, it is still part of the lore and still has lasting effects into the MMO through the story. All I’m saying is, I’ve read her posts for a long time and its all about the Nelves, I’m just saying, they aren’t the only ones who were sent to the Maw/suffered so stop pretending they are the only ones who are affected by it. Bringing up the Scourge invasion was just the easiest example for me because it too was a mass near extintion event for a race I am fond of and the closest example that came to mind that could even come close to what happened at Teldrassil, thats all. To say to her, I get your point but…they weren’t the only ones in all the history of Azeroth to suffer a catastrophic event or the only race sent to the Maw.

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That’s fair. And Genn dying from it would’ve been realistic. Mia Greymane is pretty cool and she’s been shown to be far more reasonable than her husband. I totally wouldn’t mind her taking over :wolf:

Yes, however, the whole situation is different. One is fluff story that is in the background of your people or played in a RTS game, the other is live, experienced, experienced the whole story behind it and actively took a position in it, that is a difference in investing in this whole situation.

i get you, i really get you, but in this part…its difficulty to compare the events.

To say “Hei, lok, other races have its worse too from time to time” change nothing that the night elves have it WORSE now, and the other races have this most of the time as simply background…and not as live event. The player of the night elfs feels themselve helpless now…it will not help if you say “Look, but others”…thats not the point.

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If the purge of Dalaran was a “bug” then the burning of Teldrassil was a “bug”…

Two events were barbaric and savage. Same in regards of cruelty. Only difference is the # of lives taken in each incident.

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She jailed everyone who DIDN’T fight back… that’s not murdering a city of Horde civilians as you claimed…


we know that the purge of dalaran was - according to blizz - was indeed a bug.

The burning was non. To stay on this ground simply for YOUR argument, even if its in canon wrong doesn’t make you believable in this whole situation, what are you trying to accomplish anyway?


Nelf players are empowered left and right. Very tired of them getting most of legion’s , bfa’s and ardenweald’s story, a whole warfront, beautiful player character cosmetics, character customizations via events, tons and tons of unique outfits catered to them, a community voted ancient mount, and leaders who are depicted as always good and always in the right who are empowering figures to look up to.

They even got ysera back and the still complain.

They’ll probably get a brand spanking new city hub and will still complain.

She murders a ton of civilians in the horde event only.


Difference is…one ACTUALLY took place and the other, Dalaran, was a in game bug….

You’re over inflating something that never actually took place :wolf:


I see your point, but she acts like ONLY Nelves have been sent to the Maw since the breaking of the Arbiter and that simply is not true. Anyone who died be it Azrothian or other worlds connected to the Maw have had a one way ticket to Zovval’s Torture Paradise since that point. So to pretend or choose to only see that its one race affected is a bit short sided. That is the point. Not the history (that was just for comparison on the scale of loss), but that she’s acting as if only Nelves are suffering there and its simply not true.

And for what its worth…I’m good with what Tyrande chose as punishment for Sylvannas. She should have to fix what she broke but no she’s not saying leave my people there either.

You mean the alliance imprisoning demonic orc invaders that were committing genocide instead of executing them all?


I also want to point out that the Horde character never actually tells Lor’themar or any one else for that matter “Hey yeah guys, remember the purge? I CAUSED that!”… cause they DO help Garrosh’s men move the Divine bell to Silvermoon…


You mean the blessings they gave up again and again for the good of all?


I agree that it has affected more than just night elves, I never disputed that. And if Tyrande had said “save only night elf souls” that would have been quite shameful, but it somehow lacks the “exclusive” something for night elves, well, Sylvanas is now allowed to collect souls, but what do the night elves get out of all this, where is the benefit, where is the pay out on the other side?

This feels empty, and blizzard will now “move on” and do business as usual.

Thrall grew up in an internment camp and it was pretty abhorrent.

In all fairness, this was largely one man who took over the internment camps after they were up for several years. Things mostly went south when as it turns out you need a LOT of food to feed an army of Orcs and house them…

I just think innocent babies should never be slaves. Lol.

nonsense…its not slavery when Alliance does it. Duh.

Or it’s a “bug”…


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Here’s the real problem.

Even if you ignore the logical inconsistentcy of this move vis a vis kyrian intervention to save souls.

From a purely narrative standpoint its also a failure.

The Burning of Teldrassil was never addressed at large by Alliance. By Night Elves. In BFA it was largely a driver of Saurfangs drama, and from a npc perspective, the God of War reference NPC acknowledges it more than anything Alliance side sans Night Warrior.

Which led to…

Sylvanas being judged in a way that is… About her. The punishment is highlighted on her. Ultimately its the same as Teldrassil.

The people she killed are so inconsequential that very obvious plot holes are overlooked so it can sound like a dramatic thing.

The entire even from burning to Night Warrior to Judgement has been the vehicle for Sylvanas or Saurfang.


The genocide of the draenei was pretty abhorrent, what they did to the priestesses of Shattrath was extremely abhorrent, the attempt to commit geocide against all of Azeroth was pretty abhorrent. I think everyone as well who ran the interment camps was dead.

This is the problem, you try to do a turn about because some people running the prisons were mean, but their cruelty pales in comparison to what the orcs were doing beforehand, imprisoning them was the kinder of the two options of executing them all, the same mercy that wasn’t afforded to the people the orcs ran across.