Visions of N'Zoth Daily Quest Rewards Increased

Awesome change! Thanks.

Don’t you still need to unlock the purification protocol which is well into the quest chain?

You get it literally right after the first invasion that you complete.

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I know that. I have 25 120s. I don’t want to touch 8.3 content at all on them but I am sort of forced to do so if even if all I want to do is play in the old areas and gear up my characters there.

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Thats what I thought when I read this. How bad was it that nobody was actually playing the patch that they have to increase rewards so that people will actually engage with it?

This is all we have for possibly the better part of a year folks. Dont grind it all away too fast. :joy:

Unfortunately there is nothing to play for. Getting a 420 ilvl item and having to worry about whether it is better than a 440 ilvl item completely ruins the idea of this game. The RNG did indeed end up being worse than titanforging. Sad

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Oh please, if you don’t want to play the content then just quit until 9.0. The chances of getting a corrupted piece are as low as getting a titanforged item and if you are bent out of shape over THAT little bit of a chance, that’s entirely on you. As someone with 26 120s.

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Feel free to look at my account wide achievements and the dates I got them in. They are account wide too.

Also I looked at your “achievements” and am not impressed. Must be on your “other non-linked account”.

Exactly - it is a retention mechanic designed to cap your progression week over week forcing you to logon week over week.

It isn’t interesting nor fun.

It is however required to leverage corrupted gear properly, progress in visions, etc.

Correct, because it is boring and trivial content. There are significantly more interesting things to be doing with the 45 minutes or so it takes to complete these daily quests.

This “bare minimum” is just tedious MAU mechanics. I would much rather harder interesting content.

To each his own my man. You can white-knight this all you want.

I have already gotten two pieces of corrupted gear from world content in the old areas …

here is one from yesterday I still have

I might have the other too but I ran 15 or so through the turtle quests and I can’t remember which one got it.

So, when did we portal into this more player-friendly parallel universe?

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Thank god, I love this change.

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Thank you so much!!

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You have two AotC and an end of the tier, post-severe nerf CE that you likely bought from people like me. You didn’t get Keystone Conqueror, let alone Master. You also have a single Rival achievement, and have never even hit 2k, so you aren’t doing any challenging PvP content. So no, you don’t do any difficult content in-game that requires you to min/max whatsoever. You don’t do any content that requires you to even acquire your cloak, let alone cap it. You are whining about non-issues because you are, in fact, lazy and don’t want to put the bare minimum effort into the MMORPG game, that is about grinding for better gear to further empower your character, that you are playing. That is your problem, and yours alone.

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2 pieces across 25 characters is pretty damn low.

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That was a 2 out of 30 tries. I didn’t do that many gear quests.

Before if I got titanforging gear it was a bonus - with this system I have to trash it. That isn’t progress.

So a 6% chance of it happening is causing you to be all in a tizzy? Corruption until 40 is easy to manage. If you don’t want to manage it, be prepared to not be able to equip something 6% of the time because you can’t be bothered to do the intro quests for 8.3 on your characters.

That kind of chance had a whole lot of people crying their eyes out about titanforging.

What are you talking about? What achievement did you have in a relevant time frame?

It doesn’t look like you raided seriously at all since Legion.

If we are allowed to go back years then let’s compare years where I actually took the game semi-seriously - before there were a million skinner box pre-reqs like back in early Cata.

You can’t cherrypick whatever timeframe suits your narrative. We are talking about BFA here, so let’s keep it to BFA.

Titanforging was a cancer because it overinflated item levels so you had people with ridiculous ilvl requirements for content, which had people like you whining about things like Raiderio and high requirements in LFG. Corruption is bad only because Blizzard has no clue how to balance traits like Infinite Stars.

I have more AotCs than you, I’ve had Rival on multiple characters every tier in BFA, I have Keystone Master, I have far more pre-nerf CEs than you, have far more AotC achievements than you, currently back in my CE raiding group and clearing Heroic first week. You are lucky to clear raids on Normal and you’ve done nothing of note whatsoever since MoP(And even then, you likely bought your Garrosh kill). All of your Cata raid achieves, except 3, come from MoP. Nice try though!

Really needed…thank you!

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I don’t understand the argument that this change makes dailies go from optional to mandatory. Before this change, if you only did the weekly assaults and daily lesser visions you’d get something like 3 Horrific Visions per week. Now if you do the exact same thing without changing your play style one whit, you now get closer to 4 Horrific Visions per week. That’s more than enough to stay up to date on your cloak since you only need to get one upgrade per week. So what if the guy next to you doing dailies all day is doing more visions than you?

Doing more content gets you more rewards. Shocker. But the bare minimum of content you need to run to stay a viable raider hasn’t changed since yesterday. In fact, it’s been made easier. The only thing this change means is more visions for everyone. If you were okay with the amount of visions you got per week yesterday it baffles my mind that people are upset that they get to run more visions per week today. Really it makes no sense to me.

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