Visions of N'Zoth Daily Quest Rewards Increased

They are still 100% optional.


If your goal is to get a specific cape rank, the extra Visions don’t change that, it just gets you there faster. You still have the maximum cape rank timegated per week, and you still have the maximum 5 Horrific Vision keys you can hold at a time, meaning if you don’t do them, you won’t be able to build up more anyway. Doing the weeklies gives you 2 keys, so if you do them once a week, you’ll build up to the maximum in 5 weeks anyway. If you do them twice a week, you’ll catch up to the maximum cape rank anyway, since the rank increases by 1 every week.

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Thank you for doing this, however can you also do this :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

I agree, spending so much time trying to get stuff done so you can move on to other aspects of the game becomes more of a chore than being something fun to do.


I think my big question is, “why is it mandatory to do the maximum amount of visions every week?” They already give you more than enough visions to keep your cloak at max rank. I don’t see how giving everyone, regardless of play style, more visions changes that. What is the threshold for mandatory in this discussion?

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So…you’re upset they are giving you more…to do content.
This community is a joke

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I feel sorry for people like you. I’m not being insulting here or anything, I legitimately hope you can find real happiness in life at some point.

Any increase in the events around the assault? They hardly seem worth it and it is a nice way to mix it up in case you don’t feel like doing the typical dailies.

Most of your ahead of the curves look either bought or carried. Given that they all happened within about a week of one another in MoP. Even your Legion ones look questionable at best.

You have 2 more Rival achievements than me - because presumably you bothered to play S2 and S3 for mogs I wasn’t interested in. The “multiple characters” we will just have to take your word for.

Your Chosen achievement was a week before mine - which is kind of funny since I pugged my way through that (on all 4 armor types just for the mog). So all that mythic progression didn’t help you much there I guess.

I applaud the effort though. You are a boss.

If only y’all made changes like this at the start of the expansion and more player friendly player first mind set, I’d still have half of my guildmates around.

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yikes. really didn’t want to do those boring dailies…

it’s meant to get you over the hump if you’re at 8 or 9k.

Nazjatar and Mechagon tho? Or nah? Ouch.

Nice change, probably should sticky this for a bit. Already people asking when this began lol.

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Nah, I never complained about Raiderio.

And it is amazing people got so worked up about items with a 6% drop rate that they ‘considered’ it a cancer on the game.

Love this change, now I feel like I don’t NEED to do these quests every day to get the two characters i’m working on set up. After all, there are other things under the sun than just crushing N’Zoth’s flunkies all day :slight_smile: TY Blizz.

I can’t help but wonder how much their time metric was impacted that they made this change. I’m appreciative, but I don’t believe it was simply an altruistic move.


It is a nice change. Just lol at whoever it was that came up with 50 per quest before

How are they mandatory when its still time gated? This is nothing more then a way for alts to catch up quicker, or anyone behind. You can completely ignore your daily’s and be good. If they decide to drop the time gate then this would be a more valid point.

Still not very interested.

I’ll actually have to run more Visions this week than I need to just to avoid capping currency/keys. Kind of a bummer.

This needs to get buffed again…like it’s still going to take atleast another month and a half of constant dailies before we hit exalted to get our rank 3 essences…and I don’t even want to think about trying to get them for an alt…ugh