Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit

The balls it takes to not dispell that debuff in a pug, hahahha yeah nope.


But fr as a holy priest main I’m planning on just doing vessels with friends. I have good friends who are willing to help me out. Hope you get some good friends like that too op


Because playing one spec is a perfectly acceptable way to play the game. It’s also perfectly acceptable for a spec to be weaker at some pieces of content than others. The only issue here is that there are specs that are completely hopeless for some required content that’s only there for a single patch. This should just be fixed.

You misread my quote, I was supporting your decision.

Preach it sister.

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But it literally goes against the BLIZZARD STATED way to play the game. You’re literally going against their philosophy.

Not everything will be 100% balanced. Which is why they want you to use every spec

What would they do for Holy ? Buff dmg just for one instance ?

If you say add AI dps. Remember how useless they were in Mage Tower? Remember how Blizz said Islands were using smarter AI? Ha. How OP would they be ? Easily help with 5 masks ?

And I’m out. I hope you all enjoy the rest of this thread because it reached a critical mass of obtuse for me.

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Even re-reading it, it still comes off bad, rather than supportive. I’m not sure how you can reword it.

What about the blizzard philosophy says I have to play a spec that I don’t enjoy? Please point out where it says I have to pass a DPS check as a healer in order to do basic core content. Not even the holy priest mage tower was as hard as the visions.

Check the Blue history, or google it, where they stated that they want you to have multiple sets of azerite / other gear- so you could switch specs.

It’s literally why we have a reforge price

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Or me with a tank. Just stack everything and spam epidemic with a vengeance

Even if Blizzard literally said this in no uncertain terms, which I heavily doubt, who cares? Blizzard also said BfA was going to be a good xpac, warfronts and island expeditions were going to be fun, corruption gear was balanced, and lots of other demonstrably false statements.

Common sense should tell you that people should be able to reasonably complete pre raid content with their main spec. That’s about it.

And no one has ever asked me to switch to a DPS spec as a healer, or even switch to disc for that matter. I’m sorry that you have to grind our essences for 3 specs, but that’s just not reality for most players.

Why don’t you do it for us? It’s your imaginary quote after all. Sounds like you are just misunderstanding what they said. I don’t think they’ve ever said they expect people to switch specs to pass certain pieces of content. In fact, the 40% healer nerf pretty much proves you are completely wrong with this. Why do a 40% nerf if they think we should all be using our dps spec? #logic

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There has to be some guildies or friends who can carry you through, with the nerf to health with a healer in the group it is pretty easy to carry you through what you need.

Holy priest here, ONLY HOLY for the entirety of this toon life span. I’ve cleared the vision almost entirely (didn’t do the mage tower cause I was tired even though I had 2 orbs up available to me). So yes I could’ve full cleared if I wanted to. My cloak was Rank 10 at that time. As a Holy Priest I feel it’s only possible to attempt to solo full clear after you research Gift of the Titans AND your cloak is at least Rank 10. If you aren’t up to that point I would suggest concentrating on clearing one of the smaller zones and then kill off Mathias Shaw. It’s hard for us Holy lifers, we get very little utility and dps options and I don’t blame you for feeling like you want to quit.


That’s only if you solo as a healer. You don’t get the 40% nerf if you go in with a group.

I wait for the day when they put a healing check in the game as a core system for personal advancement. And I’ll dig up all these posts from people saying to just change specs, and laugh atop my mountain of healing, drinking the bottled tears of people who only DPS.

They added a nerf to health if you bring a healer to the group it’s only 20% but I is still super easy for most dps like a ret pally to carry you.

February 14th notes.

Horrific Visions

  • Reduced the health of enemies for groups of 2 or more that include at least 1 healer.
    • Developers’ note: We expected that groups with a healer would gain efficiency by taking more risks, but we’ve found that this gain is offset by healers shifting focus from damage to healing as group size increases, so we’re adjusting creature health accordingly.

I have no idea how holy plays, but I know it’s quite easy to clear as a resto druid. Are their any guides regarding builds for holy visions on YT? That’s what I used and it worked great for me.

This is probably what I’m going to do. Find a 2s partner and take advantage of the nerfs on tuesday to try to catch up. It’s just difficult to find someone who I can trust that is also at the same cloak rank and needs the same stuff. Most of my guildies got ahead of me because I had a few weeks of heavy work were I couldn’t play as much, and they told me I could just pug them as a healer lol.

Holy is not a dps healer and we don’t have any mobility. We are the least viable spec in m+. We are primarily aoe raid heals and we have some cheesy arena builds that work really well with a nuker.

I would not imagine that they would be hard for other healer specs - we are actually a special case here.

Don’t ask me to do the work for what you can also search for. You’re the 1 with the problem.
The nerfs were great and any spec CAN do it. But wth do you want them to do? Make you Godmode?

My Holy Priest has more than one button. Holy Fire, Chastise and Smite. I haven’t attempted Visions, though. Chastise does a nice chunk of damage out in the rest of the world.

Because there’s no other options. They could have, but they didn’t. So while pointing it out and making Blizz aware of their stupidity is fine, in the end, we either adapt or don’t do it at all.

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I’d love that. That would mean DKs got a healing spec.