Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit

I am trying to progress - I have AOTC, trying push higher keys, work on my 2s rating (I’m still new to arena), and yet I have a bunch of missing DPS/healing from corruption gear I can’t equip because I’ll wipe a group/lose a match if I get bad rng. So cloak is pretty much mandatory for me, even with the essences.

Problem is, I’m in a different time zone than my friends, who are now all at max cloak rank and don’t even need to run it while I have vessels I need to get done. Since avoiding pugs and soloing is the meta, I’m now trying to solo as a holy priest. Why not shadow you ask? I heal 99% of my playtime, know almost nothing about the spec, don’t have the gear, and there’s a 40% nerf for healers.

Ok, so let’s solo as holy. Well, I have the worst mobility of any healer, no defensive CDs, and my primary way of dealing damage is either an extremely low damage aoe or spamming smite. Every once in awhile I get to press my holy nova button and stun someone. Hooray.

So basically, I can barely even clear one zone before going insane. I never even come close to death, but the timer just runs out. Not to mention the fact that the whole process is just SO FREAKING BORING. Seriously, I hope the people who design this stuff have to clear it all on holy just to see what they’re doing to us.

Feeling like I want to quit, I mean it’s either continue to slog it out for another however many runs so I can catch up, or admit defeat.


Do it as Disc. You still get the 40% then.


I also cannot play shadow on my priest, but I run it as disc, seems like it would be easier than holy, and that’s coming from a holy priest main.

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I don’t know disc. This game might as well be world of holy craft for me. I have a horde and ally main and they are both holy priests.


It’s really not hard, shield yourself, put your dot out, use offensive penance on CD and smite as filler. Shadowfiend when available. You’ll heal yourself while killing stuff at the same time. EZPZ.


What sucks is that I’m hesitant to even try it and waste a vessel. I just don’t understand why they are making me do this garbage just so I can heal.

My DPS rotation is literally spamming one button guy. If you think the issue is git gud you’ve never played holy priest.


Well than learn to do it on another spec or group with someone else. However, if you do full clear it you’d probably be the world first holy priest. :sweat_smile:


:expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:


I know the pain. I treat the game as world of arcanecraft. xD
The other two specs just don’t click nearly as well with me.

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I’m in the same boat on my priests. I have zero ability to play Shadow because I haven’t even touched the spec since MoP due to an inherent dislike of the playstyle. The only thing I do with my priests is heal, and I do that fairly well. I will not be even attempting to get the cloak on any of my priest alts and I’ll just park them until Shadowlands to see if the game treats them any better. It is really just not worth the stress for me.

And before anyone gets on and tells me how excellent they are at Shadow or how easy it is - it’s always easy if you are good at something.

OP, I feel your pain. I can only suggest that you try to find someone to do them with, as difficult as that might be. I think you will find it a lot easier if you have a strong dps like a DH or a Paladin or Warrior who can smash through the mobs and the boss and you just keep them and yourself alive and sane.

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You know you could always use CoF + formless void to increase your dps

In before a DH says how easy it is to full clear with all masks.


Honestly it’s not hard at all, very similar to holy except your dot is spammable so you should spread it around when you have multiple mobs. They’re making vessels easier to get soon, so even if you waste one, it won’t be the end of the world.

There are also azerite traits you can pick up. Death throes (a shadow trait that you’ll have to be in shadow to pick) with the purge the wicked talent hits hard. Stack it on multiple pieces, it does good dps and makes your dot fairly powerful.

Some of your healing trinkets work well too (the dragonscale and the claw that returns mana help with dps). Use the Schism talent (makes all your spells hit 40% harder for 9 seconds) before popping trinkets and shadowfiend and you’ll be doing fairly decent dps.

This will also make world questing faster and less painful. What else do you have to lose?


That’s for disc priest, my friend.

No one makes guides for holy, I mean who plays holy right??? Yeah I actually watched that video too. Not kidding. Our DPS is that bad.

Crazy idea, let healers progress through healing instead of making them have to DPS their way to get to the thing they actually signed up to do.

I’ve cleared h nzoth multiple times healing pugs, but somehow my ability to smite fast enough is holding me back from equipping some of my best gear.


Wait, if I do it as healer mobs are 40% weaker?

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Thats for healers in general , the guy is using disc but the guide is for all of them .

People in the comments mention that guide helping them do it has holy .


Yes, there’s a big ole nerf for healers/tanks.


Further reduced the health of enemies in Horrific Visions for players who enter the instance as a solo healer or tank specialization; healers will face enemies with 42% less health and tanks will fight enemies with 25% reduced health.

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