Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit

That’s it, and that’s all.

I like how OP is ignoring all my comments. Blizzard wants you to have multiple sets ready, to switch specs if you need to. N’zoth kills and the skill required have nothing to do with HVs.

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I do have the cloak, but I haven’t really been doing the vision stuff, but working on Legion pathfinder and LF Draenei unlock instead. I pretty much only play Holy, so Visions being a giant pain to run as holy just lets me do other stuff.

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If you can push keys, earn AOTC and heal in arenas, swapping to Disc or Shadow isn’t really asking much of you.

Disc is super forgiving and you are practically invincible.
Shadow is just like any other DPS in the game, build and spend.

If you can heal in semi-difficult content or PvP, you can handle Shadow or Disc if your Holy spec isn’t cutting it in visions.
If you’re only goal is to upgrade the cloak you probably don’t even need to worry about gear/azerite traits.


It’s not broken for holy priests just because you can’t clear the content.

This has nothing to do with anything and you know it.

I wouldn’t have a pot to stir if you’d just take ownership and agency over your own experience. You’re asking for Blizzard to do what exactly? Give you more damage? Make you OP? You’re not trying to suggest or discuss anything.

Do you know what a complaint without a solution is called? Whining.

No one in this entire thread said that.

Your raid was fine even though it had a healer that couldn’t clear solo content so your point is what?


Imagine the QQ when her mythic team starts socketing all their gear and she’s still working on Mother traits … all because she refused to learn her entire toon

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That’s not the point. Seriously, how are you people not getting this?

People shouldn’t be forced to switch specs to do a meta. If you think that forcing people to switch specs or not do progression is ok then you’re hopelessly lost up Blizzard’s pie hole and there’s really no point in even having a discussion about this.

Once again, another example of why you are both hopelessly lost to the reality of the game

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Shouldn’t ? It’s their STATED intention and has been the entire xpac.


You learn quickly, dontcha?

No wonder everyone’s frustration with trying to make you see the light of day.

BTW, switching specs is not the most effective tactic available. It is a tactic, but not the meta.

If anyone knows, what actually is the meta for a vision?


I’m honestly about to just leave the topic. I intended to be hard but helpful but that’s not how it turned out at all.


I’m confused why anyone would limit themselves to a single spec. I knew all 4 when I was a Druid. I know all 3 as a DK. 99% of the time, I only tank


I am unsure what you are trying to imply here. I enjoy the Holy playstyle, I realize this playstyle has a weakness against a specific set of content, thus I do content I can do with the playstyle I prefer. How is that me being “lost”?


I also main holy priest main, but raid as shadow because guild needs dps and I also run visions as disc. It’s much better as disc, its easy to learn for solo content you just need to practice a little. You can move while casting penance which makes it better than solo as holy.

It is possible to solo them as holy though, depending on your upgrades and what you are trying to accomplish. You should have no problem earning the weekly cloak upgrade but you definitely wont be doing 5 masks runs solo at the moment.


You aren’t forced, you are just not capable of doing it as Holy.
That’s a you problem.

Are you using any of the vision exclusive buffs or consumables?
Are you using the right talents/traits/essences for solo play?

You have a problem, not clearing HV as Holy, people offered solutions.
If you didn’t want other peoples input, next time use the in-game suggestion tool instead.


This is a bit unrelated but when I was doing a 16 shrine the tank told me to not heal and dps the boss down because it gives me a dmg buff and said I’d be doing the most damage out of everyone and I was like lmaoo I’m holy bro

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That is exactly what I have been doing for my resto Druid friend, he just runs around and “helps” dps while I kill everything, we did a few full clears of stormwind this week with time to spare, it is pretty easy to carry a healer with 1 dps.


I should have mentioned the consumables and researches honestly. I just forgot about them completely. This would have been more helpful.


I want to give you the biggest hug EVER. Because you are preaching to the literal choir here. I haven’t done any of the Visions this week. They’re just awful. I’m not even motivated to do the black empire assaults, the daily lesser visions, any of it. Because all of that only leads back into content that I don’t enjoy. So why would I do it?

Do I know you? Are we the same person? Because I feel like I say this exact thing at least once every week.

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LMAO, excellent lol.

You using vision food ? You drinking vision potions ? You completing vision events ? Flasking? Unlimited rune? Pre/post pot? Drums ?

Do you full the entire section to aoe it down? With potions, everyone has an AOE.