Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit

I’ve pug killed the final boss of the xpac, but I should get skill shamed because I can’t smite hard enough to clear timed encounters? OK, yeah I should just git gud at my four spell dps rotation.

You’re literally sitting here defending visions so - I think you need to take off those blinders.

I’m complaining about the meta, which should be fixed. Visions should be puggable by removing the arbitrary daily gate and making the encounters difficult to clear. Which is how we’ve been doing stuff for the past 15 years.

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I hope it doesn’t come to this, but if it does, do you have any plans for your gold?


Considering Blues said they wanted you to have a set of gear ready for every spec- they want you to go Shadow if you can’t pull it off as Holy

So no Holy Fire, PW:Chastise, Holy Nova or Divine Star/Halo? That might be your problem.

I do agree that some classes are more screwed by the visions/corruption endgame than others though, priests being a big one.

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Completely unrelated to visions. Good job on your kill with a pug group where other people were able to support your success in a collaborative effort. Visions, however, can be solo’d. Except by you I guess.

So you’re delusional and illiterate. Good to know.


Then Horrific Visions shouldn’t have been advertised as being soloable by any class/spec.


I was using hyperbole. Most of the rotation is spamming smite and waiting for hf and chast to come off cooldown. I also use my essence. But we sincerely have the worst dps in the game. There’s a reason why the priest leaderboard for m+ is all disc.

“Meta” either means “within itself” - as in meta-fiction (see Don Quixote), or a meta-achievement (one larger achievement earned by completing several smaller parts, like “Glory of the Such-and-Such Raider”.)

Or it means META (most effective tactic available.)

I am not sure what you’re trying to say by continually using this word in the wrong way. Horrific Visions aren’t “meta”, nor are they “META”.

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I’m not about to wonder why Blizzard advertised something as something or why anyone feels how they do about any of this. The only point I’m making is posting here is a massive waste of time. Like I said before, I’m not even defending Blizzard with this.

so in stead of being stubborn you should learn to do another spec or pug it. The only thing holding you back is you…


i went with it with my resto druid and while i wasn’t able to get to the final boss i still managed 4 areas so easily o.o
damn once i get that elite buff it’s gonna be pretty easy to solo everything lol

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Says they aren’t defending Blizzard. Proceeds to bash people who criticize Blizzard’s avoidable choices that make the game almost impossible to play for people who don’t play their spec


Horrific visions are supposed to be groupable, yet they are mechanically unsound for grouping such that everyone does them solo. That is called a meta.

Is this your first day in WoW?

lol, speaking of meta

You are a priest with 3 specs available, nobody is preventing you from doing any relevant content as a priest. We are criticizing your stubbornness and hard headedness despite clearly having time to learn to do visions as shadow or even disc, based on the amount of time you are investing in this rant thread.


Anyone can pug kill N’zoth … I got my AotC week 1 and it barely relies on what the healer does at all. It’s a positioning and dps fight

Literally made a thread complaining about content that obviously wasn’t necessary to down the content they claimed to have been able to pug so what’s the problem?

So, you’re clearing keys fine, doing AOTC fine, but you somehow feel like you don’t do enough because you don’t have a magic number you’re reaching and you have no idea how you want to solve the problem but you don’t want to try anything new and you are clearly emotional but we’re supposed to magically give you the answer? OK.


You could at least be supportive of people playing specs that get shafted in content. Yeah, that would be nice. Like it’s going to really break your game if holy priest could be able to clear visions as well as every one else.

Oh wait, this is the forums so anyone who asks for any changes is a troll without skill.

I main Blood. I have sets of gear for Frost/Unholy. When there’s groups that don’t have tank spots, that I want in, I go DPS. I play DPS 1% of the time but I’ve still learned how to do it. What happens when your guild is doing M+ and there’s only dps spots? Learn your toon

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No, it is not. Meta, or META means what I said it means.

Meta does not mean “groupable content that is unsound for grouping such that everyone does them solo.”

If you mean solo is the META, it’s not, but for the sake of your argument, let’s say it is.

Then “soloing a vision” is the META.

The Visions THEMSELVES are not meta, or META. Yet you keep saying they are.

Compare these two sentences:

  • Soloing a horrific vision is the most effective tactic available.
  • Horrific visions are the most effective tactic available.

You insist the latter, and I am just wondering why the strange usage of the word.

And now we’re at the real goal of this thread. Which I mentioned earlier. This is a big play to gather everyone’s attention. Your class didn’t get shafted. Nothing is stopping you from doing it as a holy priest. Why are you trying to compare yourself to anyone by the way? If you’re doing things just fine as you are, what’s the point?


I don’t know why you’re trying to win an argument about the definition of the word meta. What is this going to do for life? What’s your end goal here? Are you the meta police? Am I going to jail?

Guy, this is the wow forums. I came to make a post to gather support for making visions not broken for holy priests. I don’t know what you think you’ve done here. Solved a murder mystery? Nasuuna wants to be able to clear visions and thus morally bankrupt?

Honestly, starting to seem like you’re the one who is here to stir the pot. I’ve already explained, and other holy priests have chimed in, that our spec does not have the dps to do this content in its current form.

Really no reason why anyone should be against holy priests being able to clear visions. We’re healers, our success = the success of more raids and groups.

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