Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit

I’m 462 equipped and I use crucible. Halo isn’t a good idea because it has a 40 yard range, so it would pull too many mobs. I also have the heroic nzoth trinket for a critical strike CD and I have a passive 5% speed buff.

you be fine with Halo your worrying too much about the range…if was 100 yards on the other hand…but ya have some faith in Halo and not fear pulling multi pack…also you can see halo outline to see how far it reach if the animation display mobs you dont want to pull within the circle u can always move a bit to cancel it and take more distance…that said mobs are in static spots so you should know where to cast it safely but here I tell you my strat for stormwind

grab first 3 pack in sight…run to corner on the right…cast Halo…crucible of flame on voidspeaker to kill them b4 they cast psychic scream(fear)…for the other voidspeaker you can use chastise to stun it for an interrupt…once these 3 packs are down…grab the 3 other pack (those blocking the way to enter another area and LOS them so they stack nicely…just like previous packs focus the single voidspeaker this time after using Halo…then focus the heart piercers(they deal a bit of dmg)…kill the enthralled guys last…now your left with 1 pack of slimy like mobs and the 2 guard in front of alleria spot(recommend killing the slimes to snag the void caches nearby but Alleria Guard can wait later…next up in the first area you can get either a 10% haste or 7% Versatility buff(depend which building is open)…the 10% haste is from the the mobs with the spirit bear…and the 7% Vers is from the drunk guy in the tavernish spot…move to next area after that(recommend southern area first to get the 10% crit boost(gotta kill the gold guy to get the buff) the gold guy isn’t always up so 50/50 to get the buff…if you see Tentacles they take top priority b4 u pull more or they WILL screw you over(hug them otherwise they burrow)…that said…if a sanity draining caster is with a tentacle kill them first then kill the tentacle…u can figure the rest out for the southern area…next up the other second area(they’re all dmg mobs of memory and there is no buff to gain from that area so that’s why you do it after the southern area

once you finish both area for Fear & Flesh you can either go kill Alleria or try your luck for a 150 memento cache in a very corrupt area(not likely gonna have the time…bout mass pulling DO NOT attempt in the most corrupt areas the mobs have some very nasty cast(5 sec stuns)…entrance and fear and flesh are fine…just dont try it in most corrupt area unless your a tank and have “Anima of Life and Death” rdy to use…but as Holy…no go for the 2 most corrupt areas

Can you not? DPS for holy priest is insanely low, “learning to play your class better” won’t give us a feral kit and 2 dots like you have as a resto.


Should really try to do it as disc or shadow. My knowledge on my alts rotation are pretty much press the button on CD. But I do get through the content.


Blizzard i don’t care i am waiting 2 hours in ques and swapping to tank spec in old gear just give the masochists that quest in tank spec and holy spec what they want thank you, i don’t CARE! i care about QUES… and seeing 40 uncompleted 3 dps 1 healer no tank groups. JUST GIVE THE HOLY PRIESTS A GUN THAT INSTANTY KILLS EVERYTHING IN VISIONs, i really honestly don’t care about solo content at all and im tired and having all this whine all the time ruin the gaming experience with every single person turning it from a game into a laundry list of demon hunters represent Jesus’s Sins and crucify me on a stick!

Vaelian its nerf sufficiently…the issue is that thread host and likely many holy priest ain’t using Halo cause worried to pull extra with it

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I was under the impression this is only in effect in groups of 2 or more.

That it wrong.

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Hit me up in game sometime and we can get that bread. Valkyrië-Kel’Thuzad


I didn’t read this whole thread so Idk if someone said this already but this Tuesday they’re making changes to the visions and healers were taken into consideration so may be better to do them on Tuesday.

Stop limiting yourself, expand your mind, try to learn your other specs.


Holy priest main here, this thread made me laugh at how lazy OP is. Honestly, it took me all of 30 minutes to set up a shadow ui and maybe 10 more minutes to read the rotation section/azerite trait of a shadow dps guide. Seriously, how lazy can you be? My shadow set isnt even good, using 445 azerite from last tier mostly, and i can still easily full clear and 1 mask clear with the elite extermination research upgrade, and im by no means good at the spec.

Im not defending visions as good content, they arent, but like this thread is actually ridiculous.


The fact that you’re defending having to switch to a different spec to clear required progression content is actually ridiculous. Punishing healers because Blizzard can’t think through content is ridiculous, as is defending yet another broken system after Blizzard has literally been delivering doas all expansion.

There’s no reason why the visions shouldn’t be equally puggable. They have scaling. It’s purely a meta they created because the game is on life support until SL and they need to pad their dap by forcing people to do more repetitive low tier dailies in reused zones.


Its SOLO content. Expecting to do 10k dps as holy to get through it is insane, You must be the kind of masochist that spams smite to clear world quests as holy. I mean, lol.


This entire thread is a waste of time because the obvious answer of, “diversify your arsenal” is obliterated by, “I only want to play one way.”

No amount of help will help this person other than carrying them through the visions. Not sure why they thought coming to the forums was a great idea or they’re trolling.


What? It’s not solo content. Visions scale to your group size genius. It’s solo content because of a meta due to bad game design, as I have already explained.

Diversify your arsenal a.k.a. play something else. Yes, people are bad players because their main spec is not capable of clearing required progression content. Obviously Blizzard is big braining an IQ test to see who has an off spec.

No amount of dumb decisions by Blizzard will stop people from defending every piece of fecal matter they produce. I bet you also think that people doing 2/3s of their arena dmg via passive corruption gear is also perfectly balanced and we should all just git gud.

Give me a break.


Just because you can’t seem to manage it, which I am not trying to make fun of you for in the slightest, doesn’t mean the class cannot. I happen to know a few priests that hold their own just fine.

If you think what I was saying was in the defense of Blizzard you’re delusional because I didn’t even mention my opinion on the matter. This point is just as worthless as this thread.

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In your original post you discussed trying to solo the visions as holy and then went on a huge rant complaining about it, so yeah im talking about solo visions here, and dont pretend you werent.


The point of this thread is to garner sympathy for the player at best. To troll us into responding to bait at worst. There is no actual goal in mind and no call to action proposed either. I’m sure they’ll respond to these replies with as much fervor as they have been though.


This caught my attention. I don’t think blizz realized that, between the necklace and now this cloak, all that would happen is people would play less because they’d start parking their alts instead of playing them. I know I have. In fact I just deleted my entire Alliance roster so there goes a LOT of future play time down the drain for blizz (game is way way WAY too grindy now, decided to play only one faction).

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