Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit

You just aren’t praying hard enough.


holy crap i didn’t know that :open_mouth:
my main is a healer, i gotta try solo with it now

thanks for the hint

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Here, please take this dose of Empathy Plus and see me in the morning.

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Get your cloak to 11 before giving others tips?

I’m getting on my hands and knees every night. I don’t know why it isn’t working.

But where’s my 5% damage increase that MW got? Oh, I guess holy damage is fine. I guess the fact that our defensive talent has only one correct choice and gives us our only mobility is fine.

shakes fist angrily at the sky

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Why should someone have to learn a different spec in order to complete required content (cloak)? Blizzard could have easily made visions for healers only, where they heal the person helping them vs doing the damage. (And yes, blizzard has done this before).

OP, is there even one person in your guild who is online when you are and could run them with you? Maybe post in the guild discord that you need help with them. I’d think the guild would want their healer to have max cloak when raiding.


Look, chit-chat from the peanut gallery. “Get cloak to 11 before giving others tips”

How about you do a full clear 1-mask run before you open your mouth about horrific visions, cretin.

Edit: In fact, come back when you do 3 masks.


My guild is a mythic progression guild. They’re all capped basically as soon as it releases. :’(. I am still new and don’t have as much time to play so I’m behind. Otherwise I would totally run it with them. I did try some pugs using raider io but we had to wait an hour for a tank - my theory is that the tanks can get ranked pretty fast and since everyone needs a different set of stuff it’s just low odds of getting one in the same cloak rank bracket as you.

Plus, in m+ hey - I can heal idiot pugs. I can’t heal people using two of our orbs at once, and since we can’t “chest” even if we are a group that’s going to wipe thanks to bad DPS/tank I just said forget it, I’ll just try and solo.

Yeah this should have been obvious. I mean, it’s 2020 AI in video games is pretty good these days.

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If that was the case, then blizzard could’ve just added dps NPCs instead of nerfing the visions for tanks as well.

Then again, the last time they added NPCs to assist the player in a hard solo content scenario was the Mage Tower and most of the time, they were useless lol.

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Damn, pulled the rug right out from under me.

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Bring a murder hobo.


That’s ok, you can come with me and I’ll make you snacks while you stomp the baddies. Do we have a deal?

Only if it’s Draenei jerky. Made from real Draenei, not some mage-conjured nonsense!

What. The. Bleet.

I have done all of mine as a solo holy as well and it is painful. I am at rank 8 now.

I only have time to clear one area per vessel. I might max out my cloak in about 4-6 months.


OMG this exactly what is happening to me! I can only get through area. It’s just so painful.


Your best bet is yo group with randoms then, they are removing the Vessel cap so you can carry more than 5 and buffing the rewards from dailies and assaults to give more Coalescing visions

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Get Halo Talent…that thing hit mobs rly hard…also at least 1 Echoing Void corrupt effect would help nicely…Crucible of Flame as main also help greatly…lvl 9 cloak on my Holy Priest(all done solo(been struggling to clear fear and flesh X2)…due to Holy Priest Nature I went for a different path for my Holy with the memento purchases(delayed the killing elite for 200 sanity to increase my base sanity by a bonus 50 at base as well as getting the free 500 sanity if I reach 0 sanity or die(started my priest late or would likely be lvl 11…Echoing Void is doing very nice since priest has that Stam buff available to them at all time if you happen to solo(unlike a tank you cant move as a healer so twilight devastation would fail to hit most mobs because you gotta stand still to heal yourself and cast in general)…Twilight work as healer if you run dungeon or raids but…solo content not so good so dont recommend for vision…other helpful stuff would be Lady Waycrest trinket/ring set for chance at dmg procs weither you heal or dps…my priest is currently ilvl 439…curious about your ilvl and what you do use in term of gear

If he wants to pull half of the freaking adds of the area…

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it dont pull unwanted stuff unless your bad at positioning which is not an issue in vision(much easier to get a spot that wont mess up cause so much empty spaces in there)…for your info I pull 2-3 packs at a time as holy(Holy is a tanky heal spec(30% dmg reduction skill) so they can pull more crazy than any other healers…just gotta slaughter the cc mobs quickly(voidspeak that can fear)…stunners in other area…pesky tentacles doing knockback(interrupt your casting)…once those are down its easier to mow the rest down…for the guards in front of Alleria entrance they’re the only ones which i’d would NOT pull along more mobs cause lots of health and they’re stun attack force you to move)