The stuns need to go in horrific visions

No, it seems like a simple request to just balance the content ever so slightly so players can play the spec they are most comfortable with.

Make it debuff that can be dispelled. If you don’t, it stuns you.

It’s more simple to just go in as a spec other than Healer if you feel you can’t get it done than to reconfigure things.

Mixture of spamming holy nova whilst running, planting your feet and smiting until everything around you is dead, pressing holy fire on something high HP on cd, and popping double CoF + Claw on bosses. Also using chastise or fear to interrupt casts.

If you make it a dispell then other people will complain about not being about to dispell it, especially if it’s a stun.

Seeing as I’ve done 5-masks from 4-mask, it’s not THAT much of a difference as long as you’re smart about which mobs to focus on/when you have CD’s up.

Especially with Crucible you don’t need to spam it twice right away. Learn to hold on to the 3 min buff to increase the damage of the spell after you get two stacks.

then maybe they shouldn’t sell it as solo content?

Who’s gloating? You told me you can do a 2 mask easily as if it’s supposed to matter. Me responding to your comment is gloating? Who’s the brat?

I’m not asking for hand outs. I’m asking for the content to work well with healers. Which, it could with a very small change. Since that is just such an appalling thing to ask for, I guess I’ll just keep arguing.

Where were you for Visions as holy priest makes me want to quit - #28 by Caféaulait-hyjal?


It is solo content. Every spec has solo’d them and if you still feel your spec is lacking you can use one of your other 3 (as a Druid) to solo them.

huh? They can deal with it the same way they are dealing with it now. By kicking it.

make it a cast. make the cast apply a debuff. You can either kick the cast or dispel the debuff. Now both can deal with it with the tools they have.

cds? I’m already focusing the correct mobs.

Look man I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m only asking that the RNG be taken out of it. The stuns aren’t adding some insane talent gap. They are easily dealt with by some specs and not by others.

If asking for a small change that would help all specs have an even playing field, why is that so troubling?

okay, so what’s the issue then?

Me asking for better balance is sooooo offensive to you? Why not just make the mechanic easy to deal with for everyone?

Crazy I know. But hey, lets attack the people making suggestion to make the game better. OR NO, we can just make the content easy for melee and annoying for other specs.

Got it.

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There is no issue since players have done 5 Masks with every spec including healers. If you feel it’s too hard for you as a Healer Blizz has given you easy access to 3 other specs which at this point in the patch should be geared enough for this content.

You’re creating a problem where none exists.

great, thanks for the input. Clearly there is no issue.

I dunno what’s RNG about the casts though, it’s right after they cast voidbolt.

Cast voidbolt, kick Abyss stun. DPS add.

Edit: You say it yourself here Horrific Visions: Your progress? - #57 by Adrot-tichondrius, that Resto druid is OP for doing horrific visions. Since you’re able to do 4-mask without being stunned, then it’s a matter of gear that’s the problem.

No, i’m saying that there is a lot of RNG and that it’s something that could easily be changed to be more accommodating for other specs.

Take that i’m a druid out of it even. The mechanic could be made to keep healers in mind. It’s not add to the difficulty to change it. As is, the mechanic is a non-issue for the majority of specs. So why not take it just a bit further and make sure it can be dealt with by everyone?

edit: I should add, I think gear does change it, but… wouldn’t it be more interesting if it was about mechanics rather then just powering through the content?

Now you’re saying that horrific vision mobs are just an RNG fiesta now? That all their abilities are just randomly cast?

If it’s a healer problem, why are other healers about to 5-mask clear it. Especially on the part you’re having difficulty with: The kithir casters that cast Touch of the Abyss AFTER one cast of voidbolt.

What was interesting about Mage tower when you could just power through the content at the end of the expansion?
Challenge mode, when you could power through it with gear.

The only time mechanics are interesting in this game’s history is when it comes to group content.

did I say that? no.

I didn’t say they couldn’t.

this isn’t the end of the expansion.

like, that’s just your opinion, man.

“No, i’m saying that there is a lot of RNG and that it’s something that could easily be changed to be more accommodating for other specs.”

What is RNG about horrific visions besides the buffs?

If you have to ask, you’re either here to argue or you’re not actually doing them.

Of course I’m here to argue, you still haven’t explained what in horrific visions is RNG based and looking for pity points on a public forums isn’t helping you much when there’s proof that other resto druids have done the same content at near or close to the same gear ilvl as you.

I’m might not be the best at horrific visions(since everyone seems to be about mass pulling) but least I’ve done my 5-mask:éaulait/achievements/expansion-features/visions-of-nzoth

oh gz man. must have been hard to hit that… interrupt button. man, color me impressed.

Pity? Oh, yea. Clearly that’s what I want here. Yep. you got it.

Must be hard playing the best horrific vision healer and still dying to an easy mechanic.

Clearly you’re looking for Blizzard to give you get outta jail free card for poor skill.

Edit: Instead you’re here on the forums instead of getting gear, watching videos of resto druids clearing 5-mask and putting that 2k M+ experience to use.

This is a stunning thread.