Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

The map that we have in 1.13 is the same map that was used from 1.8 till the end of vanilla and beyond. The mobile elements were drastically changed, and I would be MORE than happy to get those back.

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Oh no we can also blame the horde for playing scorched earth, it is the mapā€™s fault for allowing that strat but some blame does lie with horde for using it.

And ironically a main source of rep from pvp, holding druids and farming hkā€™s, is being removedā€¦

I have that person on ignore and your quotes are a reminder why. Some players are only in these threads to cause conflict. When they repeatedly deny map imbalance, they lose my interest. Unless theyā€™d be okay with alliance start moving in AB so that we all meet at the farm. If a headstart is not imbalanced, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be fine with that.


The ā€œhide at SH and surprise them!ā€ thing never existed.

it did and i participated

I can see how difficult capturing and holding IBGY (which you do not need to capture) can be, when your entire force refuses to go south of SH.

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The population balance is really not much different than it was in vanilla, and this is the same map as vanilla from 1.8 onward, when alliance had a higher win rate than horde.

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the true is: alliance tried to capture IBGY but always ended the same, trapped north without honor and rep.
So in the end its better get some rep a leave the BG than try to get south just to getting trapped north being farmed in the cave for 30mins. You want to believe alliance never tried because it only fits your narrative.

This person has me on ignore, while agreeing with the wall-of-no troll who actively argued FOR this version of AV.

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Get SF, Get FW, IGNORE IBGY. For goodness sake, it is not necessary to cap and hold IBGY! ESPECIALLY if horde has SF and the bulk of their army is north of it.

Stop thinking you cannot skip objectives and perhaps you will go further south.

And guess what that strat has the same exact same problem as trying to take IBGY. Anyone killed south gets trapped north regardless of where they die.


Softcap IBGY, get outreinforced, BOOM, trapped north

how we do that if horde is already there and coming to SHGY? and if we lose SHGY the game is over?

Fixed that for you, maybe with it being removed we will see alliance focus on winning for their rep now and see the winrate go up from them actually trying to win.

The logical thing is to head south of it. Seriously, do you folks really need led by the hand the entire BG?

There is a reason thereā€™s a YouTube animation of classic AV of one alliance person endlessly whipping the alliance, they need a leader to do anything, horde have the opposite issue, we have to many people trying to lead and it gets confusing.

Let me explain to your horde brain to understand

The fight happens at SHBY door, we have to wipe horde 3x+ just to get to ibgy, if we softcap ibgy we have to hold for 5min being outreinforced while defending SHGY because if we lose it and dont have any other gy the game is over.
If we try to cap SFGY is basically the same, we have to cap SFGY while defending SHGY.

Some ppl here in the forum explain that better than me but doesnt matter because u dont give a sht and think alliance are bad players, and i dont have the patience to deal with people like u.


But when horde soft cap your graveyard you get back to it faster than horde doā€¦ Itā€™s called defenders advantage, both sides have itā€¦

Itā€™s harder to defend a soft capped graveyard as the attacker that is contesting it than it is to retake it as the defender

But itā€™s ok, we already know alliance ignore all of their own map advantages and only see what the horde have.

Iā€™ve even had alliance claiming the bride is better for horde because after they softcap the GY the alliance have to cross the bride to get it back (which is what the horde had to do to even get it and the horde donā€™t spawn on that side of the bridge until itā€™s hard cappedā€¦)

Some horde are just salty that their hph messed up in an av that lasts longer than 30 minutes. They get pissed that alliance has an actual incentive to pvp, loot, and turn in. They arenā€™t going to say this but they are just salty and sweaty. They thought that their guild giving them that asskandi gave them leet skills. Fact of the matter is allliance figured out a way to get fast rep, and horde are getting worried that not enough of alliance are going to actually queue. Guess what? Eliminate the druids and you eliminate the alliance. Cry for merc mode all you want and blizzard might give it to you, horde bias and all. Even the bots will after they finally realize that they actually got 0 rep.


No, because now we are trapped north with IWB chokeā€¦
and u guys have SFGY for free.