Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

It’s ok little alliance clearly the map is to blame, your strategy of rep farming till you lost is not what caused a 99% loss rate, with the druids fixed maybe try and new rep farm strategy called “trying to win”. You might find yourself with a good amount of rep afterwards.

That’s odd, because just last night there was an AV where the alliance (we thought it was a premade) actually rode en mass down the map, west of balinda, easily grabbed SF and eventually made it down to work on the marshalls at the horde base (they did not have anyone even attempt to soft cap towers along the way).

Was actually a good game. 1 time out of 100 “trying a different strat” is not going to change the meta of idling at SH though.

Wait, they actually tried to win and got to horde base! What a concept!

Nope, since these changes don’t address the horde map advantage all you’re going to get is even longer queue times for horde.



these are the afkers and the strategy to hide at SHB dont exist anymore.

I’m trying to find out what is more amazing, your delusional view of the map being so unbalanced the alliance seem to have no chance to win, or the fact alliance defeatist mentality seems to have turned it into a meme (and I’m not just referring to classic, I’ve seen it in retail as well) of blaming the map.

Good, maybe now it can be a 40v40 instead of a 20v40.

For some reason horde think its fair for them get 1 gy and bunker for free…


Whelp enjoy your queue times :slight_smile:

Continue to deny the horde map advantage all you want.


Let’s be honest: Alliance got to this point mainly because:
a. Their queue times are relatively instant, making a 1 badge loss worth as much as a 3 badge win, because the latter would take too long.
b. Premades had alliance abuse the AFK reporting feature until that feature was broken, leading to a large % of alliance AFK sponging
c. Premades, when the hammer came down, by then had their rep items and honor, and found that the other 2 BGs had VASTLY better HPH. Many other alliance refused to even attempt to win after their exploitative crutch was kicked out from under them.

Many of us know quite well how it got to this point, and are not afraid to admit the true reasons, and then there are others who blame the map. The very same map as was in the very same version in vanilla, where alliance had a higher win % than horde.


Let’s just keep blaming the players and ignore the map imbalance.

None of the changes coming to AV will entice alliance who stopped queuing to queue for AV. Unless real change is made addressing the horde cave, it’s not going to get better despite the denial. Horde can expect longer queues.


Let’s be honest, alliance do just fine in WSG and AB, the mirrored maps. Yet for some reason have a huge loss rate in AV. Weird it seems like the only difference is the map…


Let’s just keep ignoring the players while blaming an alleged map imbalance.

It has nothing to do with the premage/pug situation.

The imbalance in the map has to do with the difficulty for the alliance in capturing and holding IB GY. That’s it.

The imbalance in win rates stems from that issue first and foremost. There’s other imbalances (horde rankers queue for AV while alliance rankers do not), but the current horde meta of defending IB GY while taking SH GY is only possible due to the difficulty that alliance has taking IB GY.

That entirely comes down to the horde rezzing in the cave and rushing to defend IB GY. 10-15 defenders with 2-3 waves from the cave can wipe an alliance group of 25-30 at IB GY.

That is the problem and it has nothing to do with skill/gear/etc. It has to do with horde rezzing in a larger group at cave and being close to IB GY.


If you think this change will somehow magicly create alliance who care about winning in av your wrong.
The non afk rep grinders will be gone leaving:
10-15 lvl 50’’s
20-25 afker
5-10 actually trying to win

Well over 50% of alliance queing will stop.
Horde que times will double or triple.


The players are a result of the map and population balance.

Yeah, it’s a new level of denial to defend that but yet they do.


I actually wish they allowed same server premades in AV. I too play AV mainly for fun, and would welcome the chance to do it with a guild raid, and even moreso to go up against a competitor who actually wants to play the BG properly.

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Alliance do fine in the other maps because it’s much less effective to not work toward win conditions in those maps when trying to get honor/rep, yet in AV there is plenty of pve “distractions” to get rep/honor from without ever having to fight an actual player.

Alliance mostly go into AV with a pve mentality that has them actively avoiding pvp. The other maps don’t have this option of “distractions”.

Back in the day, being there from start to finish was not necessary, as honor and rep could be accumulated while actually having fun playing it for as long as you desired.

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