Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Alliance Druids can no longer have their actions disrupted by talking to them.


This is a weird flex. Itll just fill your games on alliance side with bots, and massively lower the actual players on ally that queue, so Horde ques will explode to 6 hours…

No one really wins. But yall celebrated the killing of the premades too, then cried about it later, so I guess people just have no foresight.

Once again, glad I got my alts exalted in those first few weeks. Feel bad for anyone who missed that boat, better get it done before this AQ patch goes live.


thinking Ally play AV for anything besides rep



all you forum trolls can cry more.

lots of people play AV, its a great BG, and 1/3 of the BGs in game. this announcement is progress and shows blizz does listen. that should be enough for celebration.

if theres a huge problem with bots, this gives hope they will fix that too.


Patch isn’t live yet D most likely won’t make it. It’ll be just bots in av. The bots will start realizing they are getting 0 rep and stop queuing. Av will be dead.


Not alliance players, no. The horde queue times are a proof of that. So is the number of concurrent AV lobbies.


Well, at least you got 1/3 of your statements right.

Enjoy the incoming death of your favorite battleground.


the amount of horde pandering in this game is unreal.


They fixed most of the minor problems in AV.

Just not the big one. Maybe they’re waiting to see what happens after this batch to do the big change to cave rezzing.

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the iwb change seems like it worsens alliance and are now completely choked in. The Druid one was more likely that they saw alliance getting exalted too quickly and leaving, making their horde queues rise. Are they fixing both dB backdoors? I mean it’s almost as if the one by dbsb had an escalator on it.


It chokes both ways though, most games I was playing when alliance have an effective SH GY turtle, jumping to the left through IWB was the only way to at least get some people past to try to snag SP GY.

I assume both the db south one is getting fixed.

Once the horde cave rezzing situation is fixed (either cave moved south or just making it so that you have to rez at a controlled bg) I think AV will basically be perfect.

Yea. They can do both at one time. Not that the druid’s was even an issue. It feels like a mean spirited change just to spit in the face of people who are there simply for rep because the BG is completely, utterly broken in favor of horde.

There is no reason to step foot in that mess of a bg in it’s current form as alliance for anything other than rep.

With AQ releasing and the gear that is becoming available broadly, AV queues are going to double for horde with this.


That’s great! it is/was an exploit and should be fixed, same goes for the “back door”.


I think we can all agree here on that one. This might be minor too but I wouldn’t mind an invisible barrier behind ibgy, that way it feels like shgy where alliance that Rez there are trapped if horde are near the flag.

Or maybe it was blizzards way of trying to keep alliance In the queue. Too bad it’ll backfire


The alliance who are ignoring the other fixes that benefit them (closing of backdoor for instance) while bemoaning their exploit being fixed is embarrassing to see.


Closing the backdoor is nice and all, but pretty much meaningless as it won’t fix the real reason alliance don’t win AV (the lack of Alliance rankers queueing; the map certainly doesn’t help but that doesn’t explain 99/1 odds by itself).


It doesnt matter. You horde think Alliance currently barely queuing for AV is “embarrassing to see” too. You still have long queues at the end of the day. And now they will get that much worse and you’ll be forced into AB and WSG where we will continue to eat you alive in Premade vs Pug steamroll matches


Its just kind of sad that Blizzard won’t make this BG a decent one for both factions when the opportunity is there. They have continuously taken an open air crap on Alliance in AV since its release. Its really not surprising that Alliance as a whole has boycott it. This will just drive the final nail through. Especially now that AQ gear will be out. Now the gear is less impressive on top of BG being even worse than before?



I am forced nowhere. I am not a rank chaser, and WSG and AB could die in a fire as far as I am concerned. If the alliance whos only goal in AV was to hand in blood for rep stopped playing, I am glad. I would prefer that when AV pops, no matter how long it takes, that I am pitted against competition that actually plays the BG.

If fixing an obvious exploit while ignoring the things in the patch that are fixed to your advantage makes you stop playing, good riddance.


I bet horde will still easily backdoor DB. They probably didn’t really fix anything like the WSG “fixes”.


Since there are at least two paths, I’m afraid you might be right.