Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Yes it is., You’re view on how they play is completely cynical. And those who are doing things they find un-fun to get pixels have my pity.

Where on earth did you see a whine or tirade? What are you even arguing at this point?

There is absolutely zero pleasing you lot. Blizzard I hope is taking notice of the alliance reaction to making changes that they were asking for.

Now excuses are invented whole cloth.

lol horde alt spotted

The other faction is arguably not smaller, but rather simply dislikes pvp, but wants the rep rewards.

It either needs to be removed or made 40 man. The only ones the 5 man queue are benefitting are multiboxers.

What was removed? Stopping the exploit removed rep from turning in blood, scraps, hides, tamed animals, mine supplies, objectives, killing npcs, and winning?


They would blame racials next.

I really don’t get why people bother. There’s evidence the map is unbalanced and yet these Horde hardliners and their sympathizers claim there isn’t. It’s like arguing with earthers at this point. No matter how much data, statistics you show them, it won’t matter.

I’m surprised they haven’t made themselves out to be the victims yet, maybe not enough victim blaming yet to get to that point.


The map very well could be busted. My point is that we don’t actually know because since AV Premades died, Alliance haven’t actually been playing to win AV…they’ve been playing to maximize rep…many strats include things that actively reduce a team’s chances of winning.

My argument is that it is impossible to use a win-percentage to try and justify map-balance when 1 side isn’t playing to win, and in-fact doing things to lose.

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the first month after premades died, alliance tried and nothing worked so… there we are


No, the first month after AV was infested with people hiding in the Stonehearth houses and trying to find as many places to hide as possible.

trying different strategies…

I mean if you’re going to count non-participation as “different strategies”

They did for a few months after until everyone who tried to win quit. It didn’t turn into a rep farm over night. Rep is the only thing that makes it worthwhile to be there.

It’s not rocket science. People don’t find losing fun, people don’t find having handicaps fun.

People got lemons to they made lemonade. Rep farming hurt nobody, it was better than banging your head against a wall and endlessly losing. You could go in, kill for an hour and go do something else. Now nobody will go. Congratz.


if u think hiding to suprise the enemy counts as hiding its up to you.
the fact is, we tried many different things but nothing worked

Yes, hiding the entire length of the battleground to “surprise.” The ultimate strategy.

oohhh, u are talking about the afk ers, ok mb

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My recollection of events was that there never was a change of strategy. Alliance kept trying to zerg to Drek and kept dying in the Field of Strife without ever dismounting while a 10ish people went to go hide in dwarf houses.

It kind of did turn into a rep-farm over night because the only people left on the Alliance side who wanted to put up with that were the rep farmers. The old Alliance AV Premaders absolutely HATED their pug counterparts, and made that point as clear as they could as often as they could…and the moment they were forced to integrate, the chose to never step foot in AV again and leave only rep farmers behind.