Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Them horde ques about to be 4+ hours.

Should of just removed AV from the game with this fix.


Exactly. The battle often stalls right where the two armies clash initially. This means the druid summon area is behind horde lines. Even if the druids give you a bit of a push they will get kited behind horde lines and killed.

You need to get the battle down past midfield to have a chance and that just doesnā€™t happen much. However, if you stall them long enough and people are working on ram riders then releasing the two sets of NPCs is a very good thing.

But that will rarely happen now. They will get sent singly and die without doing much.

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horde get so pissed if the game isnt 30 min. in ally bg chat we just lol at them while we hold the druids. every1 is there for the same reason. listen to turn in calls. we get in the grind and get out. once we accumulate a bunch of rep we start laughing in bg chat about how the sweaties with their asskandies must be flaming in their bg chat. always a few warlords in there too so we just lol. if the update comes live we just wont queue.


Wdym? I thought thatā€™s what this patch was for with these changes lol

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Ya you right. Lmao

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Move the horde start cave back and maybe it will matter.


Wait till they re-release TBC, then youā€™ll get your wish. Cave was moved in patch 2.4.

The irony here is if they did move the Horde cave back, but left the backdoor inā€¦the very same people would be slinging the very same complaints. Instead of ā€œthe back door never really mattered without the caveā€ it would be ā€œThe cave never really mattered without the backdoorā€

And if both changed, and they still lost because its more rep/hour to just lose fast with instant queuesā€¦I dunno, but it sure would be interesting to see what complaints they would come up with then.

So if they fix one glaring issue but leave one, itā€™s quite obvious the other glaring issue that went unfixed would be a problem?

Maybe? At this point I donā€™t think anyone cares to try and win AV. The damage is long done - itā€™s just more efficient honour to make use of our much faster queues.

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The issue is you have half your team interested in doing things unrelated to winning a game of AV. A few-second head-start at the start of the fight is such a minor advantageā€¦and one whoā€™s effects are completely null after like 30 seconds worth of fighting anyways. Head-starts only matter in races, and AV most certainly is not a raceā€¦all moving the cave back would do is change where the first fight happens. And moving the Horde cave back any amount means that first fight actually happens closer to FWGY, giving the Horde more of an advantage in that fight.

But the real problem isnā€™t anything to do with the map. Its people in this thread proudly boasting how they afk out once they get their rep. Nerfing the druids is probably the best thing they could have done to help the Alliance out, the lazy rep farmers hopefully will no longer queue up and only those who want to actually play the battleground will.


I already addressed this, several times, and said why that is.

Not correct. Thereā€™s a solid head start - which matters for positioning - and their spawn timers are shorter. I believe Alliance have to kill 3-4 Horde for every Ally death to win that objective.

So, again, do you just not read my posts? 'Cause I specifically addressed this too. That even if they did fix it, it wonā€™t actually change anything because nobody is doing AV for ranking on the Ally side - thereā€™s just no reason. Thereā€™s just more honour in winning AB/WSG, and even then if they lose we have such fast queues we can just be in another one instantly.

And Horde whine about that. Theyā€™re upset that the Ally have shorter queues - even though thatā€™s how it works given weā€™re the smaller PvP faction - and theyā€™re upset that premades still exist in AV/WSG - even though both sides utilize them.

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The way spawn advantage works, the closer you die to your grave yard the less travel time you have to get back into the fight. Moving the horde cave back makes the first fight happen closer to FWGY, which gives the Horde an ever-increasing advantage the closer that fight happens to the grave yard.

What? Like what? No. All graveyards in all BGs are 30seconds.

Youā€™re allowed to do BGs becauseā€¦theyā€™re fun. And you like to PvPā€¦you know that right? Removing the people who just want to get rep and lose would be the best thing that can happen to the Alliance queuing up to actually play the battleground.


Why not just do what they did in live?

Itā€™s been a really long time since I did it, but if I remember right thereā€™s a spawn point for Horde that has a 20 second timer, not a 30 second timer. Also itā€™s closer. The cave spawn IIRC.

Cool, just doing it because itā€™s fun is irrelevant. That has no bearing on the winrate overall, given as Iā€™ve said - Ally rankers donā€™t do AV, Horde rankers do.

Because live has a completely different version of AV that functions on a respawn ticket system. They donā€™t even play anywhere near the same.

No. You are not remembering correctly. Both Alliance/Horde spawn caves can rezz a max of 20 people instead of 10. But that only matters if youā€™re able to completely kill half of the enemy team in a single 30 seconds spawn wave.

Youā€™re joking right? If youā€™re doing things inside the battle ground that actively hurt your teams chance of winningā€¦that will effect your chances of winning. Standing in front of the druids for the whole game so they donā€™t move is lowering your chances of winning the gameā€¦/afking out once you get your rep is actively lowering your teamā€™s win rate. Playing the actual battle ground DOES increase your winrate.


Then this change wonā€™t really fix anything. Itā€™ll just annoy the people who need the rep. Maybe itā€™ll let people turtle longer, but it wonā€™t affect the winrate.

Even if I was wrong, if thereā€™s a difference in how long it takes to reinforce, is that not a bigger advantage?

Uhā€¦ in what way did you get that from what I said? The Alliance start at an inherent disadvantage. Blizzard nerfed Allianceā€™s winrate twice. Ally rankers no longer cared about doing AV, so the people serious about winning stopped queuing for it. Horde interesting in max honour and winning continued to queue for it.

In what way is this going to influence Ally rankers to queue for AV? Are the non-serious Ally PvPers that do AV because they enjoy it going to somehow play better because thereā€™s more of them?

You have no idea, that is complete speculation. No one has any idea how moving the cave will change anything because it has never existed in a version of the map without respawn tickets.

Under extremely rare circumstances, sure. But both sides get the same bonus from their caves. Alliance cave is closer to Stormpike than Horde cave is to Frostwolf.

You just assert this and presuppose it to be true. I do not.

ā€œRankersā€ donā€™t need to be in AV for the winrate to be up. Just people queuing who actually want to play Alterac Valleyā€¦not those who want to cheese rep and quit out. Right now Alliance has upwards of half of a team that little better than being /afkā€¦removing those people and replacing them with people who actually want to fightā€¦ranker or notā€¦will increase the quality of games.

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Correct, I donā€™t have any idea and all of this is complete speculation. But the current winrate is trash, and without convincing the people serious about winning and ranking to queue for AV - theyā€™re not going to make a big impact on the winrate. Getting the people interested in rep to participate or stop queuing will help a bit, but thatā€™s it. Itā€™ll also cause the queue times for Horde to rise.

Weā€™ll see. I donā€™t think the winrate will change significantly.

The current win-rate is trash HERE, in North American servers. Its fine in other regions. Trying to shot-gun random changes in HOPES that it will even things out is not a great way of solving a problemā€¦and even if it does fix things here, it might break things for other people who are not having a problem.

Lol, I was waiting for this one. It always comes eventually.

Weā€™ll see. I doubt anything will make a massive impact on win-rates as long as Alliance have instant queues. I whole-heartily believe you could flip the map completely and the current Alliance would still lose 90% of games simply because theyā€™re not interested in grinding out a 60-90min long win.

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Iā€™m not sure on other regions, but itā€™s quite possible the serious PvPers never stopped doing AV - I donā€™t know their winrate either.

Well yeah. If the bulk of people doing AV right now are only doing it for rep, what happens when that goes away? How long until more Alliance start queuing for AV?

Yeah thatā€™s what I said.

Probably not. Thatā€™s one of the few benefits remaining to Alliance and I like it a lot, actually. I vastly prefer AB/WSG so it works out well for me.

Yeah, the only people interested in that are the people who just want to faceroll turtle in a BG - and anyone interested in ranking (which is a lot of BG goers) arenā€™t going to want that. Itā€™s not as good honour.

So youā€™re agreeing with me that the map really doesnā€™t have an effect on the Alliance win-rate? Because right now it seems to me like youā€™re agreeing with me that you could give the Horde side of the map to the Alliance and theyā€™d still lose because it would take far too long.

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