Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Anyone grinding rep knows that it’s better to take the deserter penalty instead of slogging through 30+ minutes of meager armor scrap turn ins after the druids run off to die. Enjoy half of your team /afking out.


There are a number of other objectives that reward rep.

And farming mobs in Elwynn gives you money, what’s your point?


The problem is just that this batch of fixes gets rid of most of the other imbalances about AV other than the single big one (horde’s respawning at cave to defend IB GY).

Once that one is fixed (either move the cave or make it so you rez at a GY outside cave if you have at least 1 outside cave), I really do think AV would be perfect and would be worth playing.

The AV meta would probably change to a base race of 25-30 offense/10-15 defense for both sides since IB GY would be capturable by a large alliance attack.


This is basically it- the faster Alliance get out of AV the better for them, Blizz are just trying to make an already miserable rep grind worse. Any Allies that want rep should do it now because once this change goes live you may well give up on AV rep.

These changes will do nothing to make the BG worth playing. That it took this long and they still ignored anything that might balance the map says it all- they don’t care to balance it.

How does having the backdoor to both the Horde and Alliance bases benefit Alliance? Sounds like an even trade- for you to whine about players ignoring something that ‘benefits’ us you’re quite happy to ignore that it benefits both factions.

The druid ‘exploit’ has nothing to do with Horde, if anything it was beneficial since they wouldn’t get druids.


The Alliance only use the backdoor to turn in rams for the ram riders. Closing it does make that a little harder/more of an early game decision. But it’s nothing compared to shutting down the opportunity for 4 high rank Horde to slip into and burn DB:South early in the game, crippling half of our base’s defense, eliminating the bridge choke and generally hastening a Horde win.


Do you mean to ask what the CLOSING of both back doors benefits Alliance? Alliance have claimed that the backdoor to horde base was really not used that much and was nowhere near as “easy” to navigate a the one into alliance base. Every single time the alliance bridge choke has been brought up, alliance like yourself IMMEDIATELY jumped on the “bUt tEh bAcKdOoR!” excuse. Are you really going to now pretend that closing of the alliance base back door is not a HUGE deal for alliance? I mean holy crap, there is no pleasing you lot.

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And Horde have claimed that it’s just as easy to use the backdoor and that they’re equal. No surprise that the moment it gets taken away you’re willing to say it was a major advantage for Horde to exploit.

Are you really going to now pretend Horde hasn’t been using the backdoor to the RH to say both sides have it since the topic’s come up? I mean holy crap, there is no pleasing you lot.

Unless you’re finally willing to admit that it gave you an unfair advantage because your exploit is better than the Alliance exploit? Is that really the point you want to make now- that you’ve always had a major advantage?

At this point Horde and Alliance are even on the backdoors- neither of us have one, most people would look at both sides not having an exploit to get into the back of our base as balanced.

But if you really want to go the route of ‘but this hurts Horde more because our exploit was more impactful and Horde just need to cheat’ go ahead.


There’s a couple of ways to backdoor into alliance base.

My question is, why didn’t the fix the terrain exploits and the ability to wall cast on stormpike GY?


AV will never be perfect and that’s okay. It’s not a mirrored map so both sides will have advantages the other side doesn’t have, but until the cave is moved, I don’t know how anyone can consider this map remotely balanced. One side should not start that much closer to objectives. If we all met at the farm in AB, who would say the map is balanced?

I’m glad to see AV is on their radar and I’m glad to see fixes, but these changes will push more alliance out of AV and bring none back, imo. Sounds like horde queues are going to just get worse.

Good thing I never made such a claim.

I went no such route. But hey, quite impressive strawmen you are crafting these days.

And yet you had to whine and go on a tirade about it even though you ‘went no such route’. If you don’t think it’s an issue why try to make it an issue?

Yeah, especially since only one of the two backdoors to DB were patched

This is so irritating. When defending SHGY I spend most of my time trying to poly and defend through the wall =/

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If you think this is a victory for AV, you are either extremely short sighted or a Horde alt. Quite possibly both.

The end result of this is going to be longer queues for Horde. You literally didn’t need or want the map changed at all. It was already heavily in your favor, and now there is going to be even less alliance playing.

For Alliance, there is no tangible benefit here. I say this because I am confident Blizzard will not properly fix the DB backdoor. Their incompetence has been proven again and again, so I don’t know why people continue to expect competence.

In fact, all of these changes (unless they ACTUALLY do fix the DB backdoor - which that still won’t matter for us) are negative for Alliance. Rep grinders will literally quit. You’re going to need to fill AVs with… people wanting to fish in AV and bots grinding the harpy cave. Spoiler: That’s not going to be many people.

It’s a literal lose/lose for both sides. Somehow neither side getting what they want or need is a victory.


if you cant see the benefit to alliance, your probably a rep farmer. games werent like this even 2 months ago.

sitting at SH and getting 0 bonus honor, no one trying to win or do objectives at all, isnt even a battleground.

this is at least a step in the right direction.


The druid change will actually hurt the people who want to keep trying to turn an AV around. When the druids get sent out without the ram riders they are pretty easily kited and killed. At least if the druids could be paused you could try to time them with the ram riders and get a push going.

Now? The druids will just die.

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The only way an asymmetric map works is if the starts swap randomly. It’s very difficult to balance such a map so at least if the starts swap then each team gets to play each start evenly over time.


you have to send them before horde get past SH

but thats besides the point. the biggest help is that people wont que ONLY to turn in rep. killing 0 lieuts even. thats what was happinging. Taking the druids out entirely would be just as good a fix. Success or failure of them riding out is irrellevant to the problem holding them created.

if people do actually want rep (the rewards arent even that good considering the alternative loot now) they will complete objectives.

If you send the druids before Alliance controls the mid they will just die.