Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

right, but you see the situation, correct?

Better items are coming. It would be wrong for blizzard to add new items to incentivize AV over AQ. So the answer to should they is Yes, and No.

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Yeah I have a hard time being mad at 50s for queuing when the rewards are good for them. I mean the harpies give xp. I would prefer they turn in rams, but itā€™s a volunteer army.


The fact that the map is disproportionately disliked by alliance vs horde(see ever increasing horde queue times for it) indicates itā€™s a map problem for one specific faction not just a generally disliked map.

We already agree dude. Stop preaching to the choir.

Actually if mages in the 50s (54+) queue they can actually be a big help. Spamming blizzard or fs, even a poly is very useful. Donā€™t forget the blink nova ae spam on flag to keep it from being capped

Itā€™s also possible alliance population has caused most alliance main characters to be exulted and because of horde population many mains are not finished gathering their rep, and results in alts with maybe some raid gear, vs full raid gear mains.

This is another factor that is effecting the win rates

Itā€™s a factor yes, but having an asskandi doesnā€™t make them leet.

The first thing you do after getting your Thunderfury is go to a BG. Am I right? Or am I right?

Only if you are a hunter pally or rogue. Also gotta our fiery on it

Saw a feral with a cheeto yesterday. Had agi on it though.

Football allowed premades- which when we had them we were fine.

Football matches wonā€™t have half a team AFKing, because if they were theyā€™d be kicked off the team immediately.

Football also has a mirrored map, which makes it nothing like AV.

So what is it? Is it bots/leeches, or is it defeatism? Do you think if football was 12v6 (I donā€™t recall the actual team sizes) the team with 6 would really think they had a shot at winning? Heck, even at the most pro level losing ONE player to a red card generally is considered an absolutely massive handicap.

Do you think if you were Alliance in AV, youā€™d keep going and thinking you could win after 50 losses, 100 losses, 200 losses? By all means, show us how its done.

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Horde in AV think being born on third means they hit a triple.

Yes other people can get a homerun, but it is way harder and way less likely than hitting a single.


I feel like you think the entire Alliance is one big hive mind. Weā€™re individuals with our own opinions, and I personally never saw it exploited, but as the other two that responded to me said, apparently this happens at the beginning of the game.

Granted, the last time I actually qued AV was during premade AV meta when we had a chance. Even THEN, I remember Horde pugs swamping us every here and there. We were using all the mount speed increases and everything just to outrun the suicide mages, and if those mages succeeded, the premade would fail. If we managed to fail to continue the wiping at IBGY, weā€™d lose.

I honestly canā€™t even imagine how you could percieve a pug defeating a fully stacked 40 man premade having to do with anything but the Horde having an obscene map advantage. You should just try playing Alliance and see what the actual issue is rather than just speaking from an RP Horde perspective where Alliance brains just donā€™t work the same as Horde brains. Behind the characters, weā€™re all people, maybe you should remember that.

The ONE fix that could have made an impactful change: Horde spawn at cave when killed at IBGYā€¦


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During the days of premade AVs, AV was the best hph. Mainly cause you could very consistently cap all the towers, kill all the LTs and win in under 10 minutes, getting all of the bonus honor.

Iā€™d play. Iā€™ve gotten 2 characters to exalted this year, one in the past month. Iā€™d actually play AV just for the fun of it if it was balanced. Same for my wife. I have 0 (zero, nill) interest in playing it ā€œfor the lulzā€ in its current state. Itā€™s not fun.

So letā€™s see: you canā€™t rank effectively in AV, it isnā€™t fun, and now it wonā€™t even be a reasonable rep grind. Others have said it already, but Iā€™ll reiterate in case you havenā€™t clued in yet: Enjoy your queues!


I suppose their reasoning for it was AB and WSG you could queue as 5 man, so not sure why AV couldnā€™t be the same. Yeah, it wasnā€™t in vanilla, but this was a minor change.

You can queue as 15/10 man for AB and WSG. Not sure why they would take out queuing with your friends as an option in an MMO?

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Thereā€™s literally no reason for Horde to play AV either though? Anybody who isnā€™t just hitting level 51 has no reason to queue for it.

During the days of premades, horde adapted and began to defend rather than race. Good luck rewinding time.