Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Those low win rates do include some matches against horde premades. I haven’t tracked specifically how many are pug vs. pug or pug vs. premade, but since I mostly play on Sun/Mon (hoping to avoid people who are now bracket capped), I would say maybe 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 of my matches are against a horde premade.

That said, Alliance pugs are pretty bad in comparison to horde. I think most agree horde have on average the more dedicated and skilled player base (short of the Vampire Clan and Grizzly’s of the world).

In terms of the thread topic (AV), I will say that even when I was playing Rank 10 AV premades horde still beat us occasionally. Some may remember horde putting 30+ people on defense and basically dragging us out if our forward push failed (Pally pull got messed up, warmasters gone wrong, etc.)

Even in those days the horde pug win rate was much higher than the alliance pug win rate. Can’t blame them for trying hard with lengthy ques. Now that alliance have no hoping of winning, horde ques only seem to be getting longer and alliance who value honor per hour won’t do AV at all.

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Alliance pugs can be really bad. I say coming from playing horde and doing pugging with an alliance in the last 3 weeks or so. You’ll get games were most of the people are from PvE servers or really low pop servers. Those games tend to be the worst.

Occasionally you’ll get a good game and those are nice. We beat a premade with an ally pug yesterday. That was pretty awesome. The horde were really bad in that game, I have no idea what they were doing. It must have been a trade chat premade. They had the heals so it wasn’t that.

Alliance pugs give up just like alliance premades do. Alliance pugs have no problem telling people to give up flags and very typically will AFK but stay in the game when they see we are losing. The horde who post here and think that pug vs pug is so pure haven’t seen this side. Any talk like this in a pug vs pug game horde side would be quickly shut down.


they arent this bad really, only sometimes