Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

No, it’s not remotely irrelevant.

No, it’s not. PVP is dynamic, not static PVE content.

And the current strategy of a large portion of alliance playing AV is to not try.

If they have to leave, how would it negatively affect them? The debuff would only be a negative if they left a BG just to get into another BG, which is exactly what would be abused with the quick alliance queues.

Not really, because those that would remain would end up with at least a MoH.

I was not being remotely hostile toward you. Much of my response was directed at those around you like zyrius, drinkydrink, zakari, etc. If you feel it was attacking you, I can assure you I wasn’t.

Look, I don’t want to argue all day with you. You’re very passionate about this topic.

I’ll just ask you one question.

If the ptr data shows that alliance are genuinely trying, with these changes in place, and the winrate is still 95%+ horde, would you support further balance changes?

Nothing is going to change until TBC.

But in TBC Alliance AV is looking really solid

The problem with waiting for the PTR is blizzard typically uses the PTR for bug fixes not design changes.

And based on the changes we already know they don’t address the real issues with the map. The back door at DB is not a major issue, and people were losing when they were trying so breaking druid holding won’t change anything.

The problem isn’t so much full afk any more, it’s people sacrificing win conditions for rep.

As an example I have seen alliance rogues stealthing into the battle looting the corpses and then going out of the fight with stealth, mounting up and running to do turn ins for rep, instead of stealthing past to soft cap an objective to disrupt horde offence and give alliance time to gain ground.

The only thing that’s going to change is it’s going to make Alliance not que anymore

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Ok, same question.

If the data on the ptr shows a continued, extreme lopsided winrate with druids changed and alliance genuinely trying, do you support further changes?

Depends on a lot of factors, if it’s decent PvP alliance vs decent PvP horde?


If it’s clueless lvl 51-59 alliance players and people generally bad at PvP vs the top horde pvpers? That skews the data a lot.

I think after the change blizzard should take some of the best pvpers from both sides and have them test the map and give their views.

I hope you are right, but having seen how classic horde play, I predict they will jam everyone up at iceblood choke. Moving the cave and fixing the cave res is a needed change, but classic horde have a different mindset than bc horde.

That seems likely, between failing to address any of the real issues, nerfing the one thing alliance could reliably do and with even more raid gear coming out that trumps AV gear it’s going to be a lot harder to justify wasting time in AV for alliance.

Then you are a reasonable person and I don’t see a need to argue with you further.

I am confident the data will show the map imbalance is indeed present and powerful.

Also, if it’s 51-59s, would you support making a 51-59 bracket?

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Yes. And I have time and again voiced support of changing the cave respawn system to that which was changed to in TBC.

MOVING the cave is another matter entirely, as I can easily see blizzard caving (pun intended) and moving it, just to have alliance blame a losing % on it being too close to the horde base.

At the end of the day though, no matter what the win/loss is on ptr, the reality will be that on live servers the HPH will never compete with the other 2 BGs unless it is a flat out non-pvp race. Which will mean that those in AV will still only be there for rep, and do the least bit of effort to win because they can just get into a relatively instant queue fresh AV. Breaking the low HPH cycle of AV is not going to be a “fix the map” issue. It is not going to be a higher win rate but longer games success, because those games will be even worse HPH.

Unless blizzard goes completely out of the box and make objectives vastly worth more honor, I envision nothing at all changing ratio wise.

Cool, then we agree on the stuff that matters.

Carry on then

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There is a huge bug that they will never catch in a PTR: alliance just won’t queue anymore.

and if that’s the case, fine. Blizzard isn’t responsible for making every bg equally popular.

Are they responsible for providing incentives to play the bg? UnEqually popular and dead are completely different

Yes and no.

This patch coincides with AQ release, including aq20, which has better rewards. Even without the rep change, the rewards would be less appealing and see less participation.

Of the games that continue, they should monitor win rates, punish afkers, fix exploits, and if it’s clear the reason alliance loses is the map, make map fixes.

I would prefer a 51-59 bracket though it would likely be a dead bracket because it keeps lvl 60 Bgs much more fair.


Depend on the realm tho. Pretty sure some of them won’t be opening the gates any time soon. (Looking at you skeram, stalagg, heartseeker)

Me too.

I don’t think it’s an unreasonable goal to try and get a level 50 blue around level 50. Current design makes it super-duper free and easy for one faction and impossible for the other.