Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Never claimed it was a perfect map for AV, but it’s definitely not the major contributor for alliance win rates being so low.

The AV changed in TBC were made because of the reinforcement mechanics that were added PURELY to prevent matches lasting for much longer than intended (though rare for 1.12 AV some matches did still last for a day+)

The changes after reinforcement mechanics were made because of the new win conditions of the reinforcement mechanics and the imbalances that change caused.

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Which AV change on the ptr was a result of “horde wailing”? You cannot seem to shake the compulsion to make up lies whole cloth.

So which change was it, and extra credit if you manage to cite examples of the alleged “wailing” that led to the specific change.

Why even bother explaining that anymore. They will just ignore it over and over again as if you never did.

He can’t, even the premade breaking was primarily from premades abusing AV by either leaving or mass reporting when it didn’t have enough of their players in it/ the game was going on to long.

Weird flex

Is this some kind of reddit thing

You broke the combo. I had 5 hidden replies in a row going. 6 would have been a new record!

Well and a lot more to do with horde whining incessantly about it.

So you think people literally exploiting the report mechanics to where blizzard had to break it had less effect in their decision on stopping premades than horde complaints…

It’d be a big deal that the “back door” is closed if I had seen the horde use the backdoor a single time. It’s not like they need the backdoor lmfao.

I’ve seen it every AV where there wasn’t a rogue that stealthed the bridge.

The horde use the backdoor nearly every time. I see it all the time. It’s why you find 2 warriors, a priest, and a hunter in DBS early in the game. They did not ride past all the guards, they waltzed up the hill.

Each and every time the bridge choke is brought up, alliance posters fall all over themselves to point at the backdoors. They were proclaimed to be gaping holes that rendered the bridge obsolete. Now you lot are pretending they are never used. What a shocking change of narrative.

No wonder blizzard pays attention to players less and less.

Maybe. But that’s not something blizzard should be sitting on their hands about, either. And they aren’t! Druids are getting fixed, which will remove the strat to farm instead of winning.

Good followup steps would include making penalties for afking higher, up to and including bans for people who do it frequently enough.

However, if blizz did all that and the winrate does not improve… then you probably have a broken bg.

From personal experience, I’m leaning more towards that than just being an effort problem. There were many games I’ve been in where everyone is trying.

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Maybe? Seriously, that’s your response? And why should blizzard bother to do any more changes, in view of the ridiculous pouting that has flooded the forum, not because of the specific fixes that alliance asked for, but rather than yet another of their exploits has been shut down. Alliance players immediately posted about wanting to shift gears and mass leave the BG after the druids are done collecting.

Seriously dude, why should blizzard lift another finger for alliance at this point? While there are alliance who actually want to try to win, they are being dragged down by lowlifes with zero desire to do anything but exploit, AFK sponge, and generally not try. Too many alliance are falling all over themselves to put as little effort as possible into playing the BG.

Yet again completely ignoring the alliance win rate under the very same version back in vanilla.

Would you support longer deserter duration to combat the idiocy of leaving the BG as soon as the druid rep is completed?

And those games are more enjoyable for BOTH factions.

Alliance can’t even use the bridge defense in this version of AV.

When we die defending SPGY we don’t Rez at our hut, we Rez at our cave, which is no where near the bridge.

If anyone gets to use the bridge it’s the horde after they take SPGY and send us to the cave.

Good news is that TBC AV is looking good when you combine both changes that are on PTR and the 2.3 and 2.4 changes.

Can’t backdoor the bridge any more.
Can’t rez at our cave so we will now go to our hut and be able to use the bridge.
Horde can’t Rez at their cave by IBGY so we will actually take and keep IBGY.

The PTR changes alone won’t do anything unfortunately, but when you add them with BC changes then it all comes together.

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Lose the hostile tone or we’re done talking. I haven’t been arguing with you for 3+ days, I just got here, and I don’t appreciate it.

Yes, maybe. Maybe because I’m pretty sure both sides have afkers and leechers. Pretty sure it’s always been that way, too.

Vanilla winrate is completely irrelevant. That’s like claiming raids are hard based on vanilla clear rates. Players change, strategies change. Compare like to like data or your data is useless. You should know better.

Longer deserter is one option they could choose. I think that causes a lot of collateral damage to people who genuinely have to leave, though. I would rather them eat the debuff and get the hell out of the game so someone who wants to play can join. Realistically, people would probably just stay in games once the rep farm is done if the debuff is too punishing, and roll over for horde.

I think that’s worse, don’t you?

Ally rep farmers are the human equivalent of bots. They have no brain.

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If only there was a trinket available… :thinking:

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If only people didn’t respawn at their cave we wouldn’t be having this conversation