Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Most of the horde arguing that alliance suck aren’t good themselves…if he posted on a retail toon I’m sure his achievements would reflect that.

I bet he doesn’t even has a 2k achievement. Let alone any PvP achievements of worth. He’s finally good at PvP and it’s unfathomable to him that it’s not him that good, it’s the map, let him have AV, it’s all he has.

More importantly his personal record doesn’t even matter.

If as he claims horde are simply better at pvp than alliance we’d see the same win/loss ratios in WSG and AB. But we don’t.


Bull. I never suggested they suck, but rather they do not try. They make excuses for not trying, and blame the horde. Blizzard then makes changes that were specifically asked for, and before those changes are even rolled out alliance are making excuses for further not trying. At what point should blizzard finally be fed up with you all? Why should they make any further changes when they are met with that kind of attitude?

How many of you chronic whiners actually downloaded the test client and will be seeing how it plays out? Much easier to simply make thread after thread instead, bemoaning the shutting down of an exploit and threatening to play the BG even less.

The pattern will continue even if they make cave changes. You lot will find yet another excuse to not try, then blame the horde, then demand blizzard do yet more “fixes” to cater to you.

All of this, after it has been REPEATEDLY pointed out that alliance had NO ISSUES having a higher win % than horde under the very same conditions during vanilla.

Why should blizzard care about your self created plight at this point?

edit: how precious of your fellow forum strawman brigade picking up your false statement and running with it. I especially appreciate drinkiblink suggestion that gasp I don’t have high retail pvp achievements! Holy cow, the tone deafness of the guy.

Maybe Blizz will put out a solo arena queue for all the Horde that don’t know how to make a team.


One of the changes is to cull rep gains for Alliance, something very few Alliance want because there’s really no reason to want to get less rep.

Another of the changes is to remove backdooring exploits for both faction’s bases. This is a balanced change that would benefit both factions equally, and thus cancel out and be a neutral change- unless you were to assert that Horde are more reliant on exploiting and need to cheat more than Alliance, in which case getting rid of exploits that Horde uses far more would be a win for the Alliance.

The only reason you’re in your current position is that you whined for a month straight after AV launch and Blizz caved to your demands, you have a lot of arrogance for someone who’s sole talent is throwing a temper tantrum.

Superficial changes that do nothing to address map imbalance are being labelled as something that won’t do anything to change AV because that is exactly what they are- superficial changes that won’t address map imbalance and won’t change AV’s current state.

Your attempts to spin this as some massive alteration that’ll change the BG is downright pathetic, but expected from you.

Interesting, yet more falsehoods being created on the fly. Cite a single post where I complained about early AV and demanded a change.

I am not at all shocked that you have chosen to blatantly lie at this point. It’s pretty much all you’ve got

Nope, never did that either. But hey, keep making stuff up on the fly.

Your tribalist mindset is so blatant at this point there’s really no point trying to hide it- the changes haven’t even come out yet and you’re trying to spin your own tale as to why changes that never were intended to balance AV aren’t going to do so because of Alliance players.

Just more of the same from you.

Yep, fixing the npc exploit to pull vann, totally not a balancing change. Fixing galv rep, totally not a balancing fix. Sealing backdoors, nope not a balancing change.

Blizzard should totally take you seriously. You seem really insightful.

edit: you sure are taking a lot of time crafting your response. No doubt it will be yet another highly introspective wopper.

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What a shock that you’ve left out the one to pull adds away from Drek, once again you’re intentionally ignoring the changes that are made to BOTH sides to try to pretend Blizz is doing something unfair by only fixing the exploits that Horde use.

Both sides had these- are you dense? Changing something on both sides of the map isn’t Alliance advantage. It’s not something that fixes balance issues if they do it to both sides- which of course is why you’re conveniently ignoring the changes are being made to both ends.

Did you skim the patch notes, only read half of it and ignore the rest? You’re not even telling convincing lies, anyone can go and read the patch notes right now and see that these changes are being made to Alliance and Horde bases.

The only way these changes would be Alliance favoured is if Horde were exploiting considerably more- but I’m not making the assertion that Horde need to exploit even in a BG they have a 95% win rate in. If you want to make that assertion go ahead.

Unless you’re trying to say that being able to exploit the side of IWB was a Horde major advantage and without it the tides will turn. Frankly I’ve seen both sides use that one, the Horde to try to skip to SPGY and the Alliance after SHGY is taken to try to go on offense without facing the choke, but at least in this case it’s not a mirrored change so there’s some potential it won’t be a non-factor. Not much of one- but at least you could potentially make an argument for that one.

It took half a year of Horde getting bonus rep from Balinda either way, and Alliance not getting the same from Galv if he was killed second for Blizz to fix that. That’s embarrassing, to let a bug like that last that long. Even the biggest Blizz suck up should look at that and be disgusted.

And even so- rep changes aren’t going to actually balance the map, the druid change will hinder Alliance rep farmers and the Galv change may slightly get some of it back, but I’d expect a net loss to rep per game, which isn’t something any Alliance is going to benefit from.

Perhaps you should try thinking before you post for once, maybe then you’ll stop leaving out half the details. Feel free to take your time, I’ll be surprised if you manage to respond to even half of my post, at this rate even a sign you’ve read it at all would be a welcome change.


A winrate of over 95% when the other team doesn’t even try is not a sign of a broken BG.

Let’s take soccer as an example (or futball if you prefer)

You can have a team with a 100% winrate and be a horrible team compared to the other teams. If the enemy teams never shows up to play ball they win by default… This is how AV is working right now, sure the alliance show up, but they don’t play AV, they play pve rep farm simulator inside of AV.

Before alliance gave up they had a bot/leech infestation that ate up on average half of their teammates spots. So it was a 20vs40 BG by the time blizzard addressed this it was to late and allies had already let the defeatist mentality set in and this focused on pve rep simulator instead of actually playing AV. And why did the bots not become an issue for premades? They were able to make sure to have the teammates they wanted in the BG for 95% of the time. This removing bot/leechers from being anywhere near the majority of their team. Unfortunately premades were jerks to their non premade friends by abandoning games or mass reporting their non premade allies to get their premades in, this is a major reason why blizzard broke premades for alliance, because of how they were behaving.

AV map is not the issue alliance are having causing the huge loss rate, it’s their own defeatist mentality that has them playing inside the BG as a pve rep farm simulator instead of the war scale pvp BG it is.


But it is when the other team is trying, which was the case when horde first started playing scorched earth.

This was pointed out to be false multiple times.

The reason the AV winrate is so different isn’t because of alliance just being bad at pvp, it’s because the ones that do que for AV are, in general, not the best the alliance has to offer for PvP, they are more focused on rep farm than winning, and the best of the alliance pvpers avoid it because of HPH being better in the other two Bgs for ranking up their PvP ranks because they can’t premade AV, while the other two can be premade.

These factors are what cause the AV winrates to be so different than the other BGs.

Yes but you are confusing the order of events.

The alliance queuing for AV now might not be the top pvpers on alliance. But at one point they were. They stopped doing so because of the map.


Your alliance teams in AV at the time when scorched earth was first started consisted of about 50% bot/leeches at the time.

I went out of my way in AV at the time to report every single one I could find, and I usually reported 15-25 a game… Because they were not hard to identify as I could see them with track humanoids and eagle eye to search the caves for players, if I saw more than two I went in there, reported and killed them. I also found bots on the field of strife that would all go to one spot and stand there mounted until attacked, the. Do very poor “PvP” attacking back.

The last spot I regularly found them (leechers not bots this time) was at your back lines, which I regularly got to using invisibility potions. And there were times I found 2-3 multi boxers (10-15 player spots taken) doing this.

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No they weren’t.

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Between bots, leeches, afk, and levelers per game I played of AV at the time? Yes it did, near 50%. 15-25 was the averages I saw.

There was a few games where I only encountered about 5.

Unfortunately the win rate for pug vs. pug is no where near 50%. I have ranked to 11 on a Mage, 7 on a Warlock, and 6 on a Paladin, all decently geared w/engineering, etc. Mage was solely in AV so no stats for WSG/AB.

Paladin WSG: 12/40 (30%)
Palain AB: 3/20 (15%)

Warlock WSG: 11/34 (32.35%)
Warlock AB: 0/25 (0%)

Total AV between three chars: 92/359 (25.62%)
** 91 wins were on my Mage during AV premades.

I won 1-game on the way to exalted on my Warlock. I refuse to grind AV exalted on my Pally.

I believe most alliance who don’t premade have similar statistics. In short, if you are playing BG’s as alliance and choose not to premade you are likely going to get stomped by a) horde premades or b) horde pugs.

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Are these number pug on pug or including games where you faced premades? I can’t for the life of me believe that alliance pugs are that bad.

Oh god, is the “Map is perfectly balanced, it’s just the Alliance at fault” stuff still going on?

I wish they’d just make the BC AV map change since they keep changing stuff because of Horde wailing. Give them merc mode too so they can fight among themselves that “It’s the horde who start on the top part of the map that are defeatist.”

Come BC I expect the cave change to reverted to vanilla because heaven forbid alliance having a win percentage over 10%.

It’s going to change at some point, especially now that Blizzard is making changes to the BGs.

I have no idea why they’re rolling out all the minor changes without the most needed change but at least they’re looking at AV.

I just hope we get a change to cave rezzing sooner rather than later, waiting another 6 months is not acceptable imo. Horde queues will be 3+ hours by then…

The current list of changes, while needed, will not affect the 95-99% horde win rates.