Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

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And we are not talking about general retail PVP experience, we are talking about AV experience in vanilla and TBC.

Trying to recall if I was this hpally or my mage.

Hereā€™s my pally
Itā€™s drinknblink

Hereā€™s my vanilla mage

How convenient that the blizzard site suddenly runs into an error when attempting to view acheivements.

ā€¦are you saying heā€™s doing thatā€¦?

I got it too.

I think more of my arena achievements are from TBC and cata.

Not sure about AV tho, I never really looked at them, but they should be acct wide.

I even got Bloodthirsty achievement back in 2010 or 2012.

All i did was PvP. Which is why I want TBC to come out I never really did the pve side of it.

Not at all.

Try rereading, I said AV games lasted 15 minutes to 3 days, yes the 3 days was an exaggeration, but technically AV can last indefinitely and it was those complaints of long games that lead to reinforcement mechanics.

Sure in late vanilla AV the average game was short, but it also wasnā€™t unheard of for a game to last multiple hours. I had 2-3 of them in actual vanilla that I was in that lasted 5+ hours before I had to get off in 1.12 AV (I miss the days I could just get home and play games till I had to go to sleep, lol).

Yes it was rare, but it happened. And itā€™s what lead to the reinforcement mechanics.

Also I canā€™t post my Original wow character, me and my brothers shared an account at the time (kids growing up) and my brother got the original account when we got separate accounts, which he lost to hackers and stopped playingā€¦
Regardless itā€™s common sense as to what the reinforcement mechanics in AV changed. The max duration of the game. It had nothing to do with win rate balances, but when it was added horde figured out how to cheese it for easy wins, and THAT is what triggered actual balance changes for AV in TBC.

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Donā€™t bother, anyone who doesnā€™t agree is just inexperienced, according to Misadventure. No point in trying to debate.

No, they did actually last that long at one point. I was in one at the start and left it and entered it again over the course of several days.

When they first instituted achievements they were pretty buggy when accounting for past ones. Some of my characters got ones that others didnā€™t, even though I had done stuff on them.

So you really canā€™t look at someone and definitely say they did not do some content before the achievement system started.

Sometimes they lasted that long, but it was during the same server BG days and it was also much more common that there would be no AV going on at all on many servers.

It depended on a lot of factors. On my server there was one going at all times.

I doubt people will even be doing AV in TBC anyway.

You only need the first honor set, unless you have Alts who will need it, at that point itā€™s just easier for Alliance to premade to get their honor set.

Iā€™m sure most of you horde pros on here will be hard stuck at 1700 tho. So you may need BGs longer than others since you wonā€™t replace that gear for far longer.


In the 1.12 AV it was very rare for it to last that long in vanilla, earlier versions of AV lasted up to a week or more on rare occasion.

And how much of that had to do with the players simply taking longer vs what the map actually required?

Some AV were long because of evenly matched teams, pushing back and forth.

It just depended on the game, and until reinforcement mechanics were added there was no hard cap on how long a game could be

Again, the irony is that when they enabled reinforcements to shorten the games, they made changes like handcuffing the warmasters to the generals.

Right, thatā€™s why I said at one point it was like that. I donā€™t recall exactly what patch that happened on so I didnā€™t go further into it.