Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

What if, instead of moving horde cave, we move alliance cave to near the lumber mill?

I hope I get to fight you in arenas.

Please play TBC.

I think the fixation on the horde cave is that they already have a map / graphics / textures / some code to make that happen so they wouldn’t have to start fresh to do so.

Makes sense, but the code for av is already so bad (galv didn’t give rep, etc) Sitting here wondering how much spaghetti code is actually in av.

Totally agree. I am guessing they don’t have many devs dedicated to Classic though and their attention is likely on making sure the large changes (like AQ40 and Naxx) come out smoothly rather than making changes that would make life in AV so much more fun :frowning:

Don’t they already have the code for everything? Usually code like this would be stored in an archive for this reason alone.

Ion during vanilla was a hardcore raider in Elitist Jerks, and I doubt he set foot in vanilla more than just enough times to get exalted. He was not a dev, he was a player.

They have code for it yeah, but they have to make that old code work with modern servers, code bases, etc. Lord only knows how much stuff has been deprecated since this code was live 14 years back.

The interview didn’t take place in Vanilla…

Oh, you got me! :rofl:

(Sarcasm, for the humor-impaired.)

TBC changes were in response to a “QoL” change made to AV.

Reinforcement was introduced to AV to prevent 5+ hour games of AV. A QoL change for more casual players who don’t want to spend an entire day in AV.

After that change every change made in TBC were in response to making the map more balanced with reinforcement in mind.

Horde cave was moved back because horde could go kill your lady wizard for a 100 reinforcement lead, then turtle/defend for the slow win.

The cave location wasn’t changed because it was OP with vanilla map, it was changed because it was OP for reinforcement mechanics in the “new” AV.

Your right, but he wasn’t a dev in vanilla either and so his view on it is not the view of “the developers at the time” it’s his view from remembering vanilla and likely what little AV he actually did, which back then usually consisted of the occasional long drawn out game, which is what got reinforcement mechanics added, which is what triggered the balance changes made in patch 2.3/2.4

Ions view of vanilla AV was as a player, not a developer, as he wasn’t part of the discussion in AV balance until much later when he became an actual developer.

You keep referring to TBC balance changes, ignoring that those changes were made because reinforcement mechanics, which was made to make the games have a more average play time in AV instead of some games being 15 min, others being 3 days.


That’s your take on it for sure.

Doesn’t make it right.

That take just fits your narrative.

1.12 AV didn’t last for days btw. That was old school AV that did.

Good try tho.

No more horde backdooring with 8 people to win the game. And no more rep farming at SH with no end in sight… yay we can actually get marks again and maybe even push to win.


You literally referenced Ion’s insight on AV (assuming you meant AV in vanilla), when he did not even work for blizzard then, and was merely a sweaty PVE raider. What was the point of your “Ion says” garbage?

What the…

His interview was for all of AV, it was how they couldn’t balance it.

That TBC was just them trying to rebalance it again.

I never said his interview was in Vanilla, not sure why you’re putting words in my mouth?

I think the date of the video was 2007.

The whole point was that AV has really never been balanced, I’m not even sure when Ion worked for Blizzard, but the changes in AV in TBC were there to balance it as it wasnt balanced in Vanillaz which is why you see so many new iterations of AV. Just like he said in the interview.

The changes were specifically to adjust for the NEW TBC AV CHANGES THAT OCCURRED TO SHORTEN GAMES, and had NOTHING TO DO WITH VANILLA AV. Good god, and you have the nerve to call other people trolls?


Show me a source.

All you speak of is opinions.

They redid AV for a reason.

You’re suggesting they redid it just to redo it??

I’m suggesting they redid it to BALANCE IT.

Show me a source that states why the TBC version of AV was implemented.

They literally changed AV with the introduction of reinforcements in order to prevent the lengthy games. Are you actually going to debate that?

Alliance win rate was higher than horde up until that change was made. Once horde started winning the reinforcement mechanic, THEN the cave was moved back, so the reinforcement points that Bal was worth would be delayed. Do you want to actually debate that?

If you actually need a “source” for that, it is a glaring sign that you have absolutely ZERO experience with the game during the timeframes being discussed.

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I’d be glad to post on retail characters so we can see who actually has PvP experience if you would like??

Gonna bet you come up rather short.