Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

Which matters why? as soon as more alliance try to head south those 40 horde take SHGY.

Exactly this.

Not if alliance were not 20 seconds behind. We can get more of our group south. How bad do you want SHGY now? You willing to give up IBT? IBGY? Galv? TP? Because right now the alliance have conditioned themselves not to cap towers because they know horde will send enough players back to wipe them because so few made it south and send them back behind IWB choke meaning no lieutenant or commander kills. So I don’t buy the “horde won’t defend” nonsense.

Not sure if you know this but the TBC iteration on AV is a result of how imbalanced Vanilla AV was… That should tell you something…

Even a 70/30 win rate would bring a lot of people back.

Except they don’t? You hold both SHGY and SFGY and horde will split to try to take both and you can beat the fractured horde groups while getting reinforced by 2 GYs. Again. This isn’t theory. This is exactly how my last loss went with the exception that the Alliance actually took IBGY first in order to set up holding SFGY. You were there Ziryus. I posted about it in real time. I recall you not having much to say on the matter since I was losing a BG on horde side and all…

Even if the map is a small part of it then fixing it can help a lot! Right now even a 5% increase in win rates would more than that double the amount of alliance wins.

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We can win the horde have to just be really really bad but if you were in that game that probably explains why the horde lost.

Gotta love the personal insults. The horde was not good in that BG, but it wasn’t awful either. The alliance group actually just had people who were playing and they were actually organized for once.

I at least have a clue why we lost. You keep spouting off gibberish and pretending it is gold…

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Blaming a clear advantage to the other faction is pretty solid strat.

If it wasn’t so overpowered, then why did they rebalance AV in TBC and fix the issues all of us are literally complaining about??


Already explained that in an earlier post which you clearly didn’t read. Did you play AV in TBC? I did.

I have said the map is 60/40 tilted toward Horde. Might read those posts too. It isn’t 95-5 tilted though…

What you’re not getting is that the changes for AV where are result of vanilla’s version.

They weren’t just trying to redo it they were trying to balance it, which is why they changed it so drastically.

This is incorrect. Players not rezzing in caves happened in 2.3. The cave got moved back in 2.4. Neither of those were patches in response to Vanilla. Got any other garbage theories you would like me to shoot down about TBC?

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Dominated? No.

Both sides raced, people hardly ever turtled. Games were over in 15 minutes. In a race alliance tended to win about 60% of the time. It was never dominating. It was never 95%+ win rate. It was never dominating.

Right now horde are turtling, forcing 30-60 minute BG and winning over 95% of them. The long horde queues support this.

If the map was retuned so that a turtle wasn’t as successful then the win rates would even out, game length would drop, and more alliance would play which would drop horde queue times.

You really are something special


Thats when they redid it and made it reinforcements, and stopped the graveyard Rez.


Them in 2.4 they moved the cave back to balance that iteration of it because we would lose 100 reinforcements when u killed Balinda. You were too close to Balinda.


Nope. Yet more evidence that you never played AV in vanilla.

Yeah, they waited over a year to release a patch to “rebalance” AV because Vanilla was so bad and not in response to the fact that they introduced reinforcements as a win condition and horde had a massive advantage getting to one of the primary sources of reinforcements to achieve that win condition.

Right. Get outta here. You are just flat out wrong about this. The reinforcements point is the first time when the BG was so tilted that any faction legitimately had a 90+% win rate built in guaranteed and there was nothing the other faction could do about it. They made the change to address horde rushing Balinda, getting up 100 reinforcements, and then sitting on that lead for the rest of the map. If you don’t know that, you didn’t play back then. Period.

Reinforcements were put in because the infancy of retailer player had been born, and BGs could not be longer than their attention spans.
The cave was moved as a result of those reinforcements and the new win condition.
The cave move had zero to do with vanilla. Whatsoever.

Ion himself has an interview about AV where he admits they COULD NEVER GET IT BALANCED.

In this interview he states that all the different iteration of AV were to balance it for both sides.

He also says they could never get it right and since they couldn’t they never tried to do another BG as big as AV.

And? I haven’t said it was balanced. I also haven’t said they could balance it. What I have said is that in its current state it is 60/40 horde favored. I would like them to move the cave back to see if that would make it closer to 50/50 or I would like to have random start locations so I could play from the north and alliance could play from the south.

None of what you just posted said jack about 2.3 and 2.4 having anything to do with Vanilla though now did it? Why? Because those changes were put in specifically to address the issue I mentioned and had nothing to do do with Vanilla (which had already been in the rear view mirror for over a year at the point 2.3 was dropped).

So yeah. Get back to me when whatever you are saying actually has any bearing on my point which is this: AV in its current state is imbalanced. Alliance could win a whole lot more games if they actually showed up. They don’t. Stop blaming the map for the 95% loss rate. It is a combination of factors. The map being about 60% of those factors…