Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

It’s not hard to cap a place with all 40 horde going after a spot when 5-10 alliance are lvl 51-52 farming the caves, 10 of them are picking up dead bodies and running to turn stuff in for rep, and only 20-25 are actually defending…

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Yeah in TBC. That allowed Horde to kill Balinda then turtle until Alliance ran out of reinforcements. That’s not how the BG works in Classic though.

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Except alliance are already behind? How are you not getting that? Horde are already one bunker and probably a gy, ahead on the push to the general.

Hold on while I think about how much impact that one bunker has on the entirety of the game…oh yeah, none.

In TBC, this is a legit statement because being behind on reinforcements means likely staying behind on reinforcements. In Classic, you lost a bunker that is out of the way to defend and has literally no bearing on whether you win the game.

Edit: Can’t remember the last time I heard someone say “yeah, we would have won AV, but we lost SHB early and could never recover.”

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The first fight happens where the alliance have archers and other NPC to back them up.

That’s an advantage in a 40v40 fight.

The problem is it’s usually a 20v40 fight because to many alliance are distracted by pve inside of the war scale pvp BG.

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In TBC horde stacked Galv. Every game started the same way, at least in my battle group. They weren’t zerging Bal so can we stop using TBC to defend horde getting a head start right now?

The point is and has been that horde should have to face the same decisions as alliance on defense and offense instead of throwing themselves at a single objective.


Yes but that is when the next balance changes happen to it. That’s what all the changes we want happened.

One would hope that removing the exploit (but blood can STILL be turned in until full, a fact that keeps getting ignored) would lead to less alliance trinketing back and instead actually helping on offense.

But from the reaction that many alliance are displaying, they would rather not play the BG than actually contribute to PVP.

You’re right we would rather not play the Battle ground that contribute to horde honor

Don’t know what patch you are referring to, but prior to moving the cave back Horde literally rushed Balinda down then turtled on Galv until Alliance ran out of reinforcements. That’s why they moved the cave. It went from being basically zero advantage getting to SHGY early to getting a free win getting to Balinda first.

My point is and has been that there would be no decision. Horde won’t defend those areas. The only thing they might defend is IBGY. So this is a non-point you are dressing up as something.

There is zero excuse for alliance losing the initial clash, none whatsoever. If you cannot combat a soft cap with all of your NPCs alive there, and cannot manage to send a couple stealthers to flip a soft cap at SF, that is not the fault of the map.

A handful of stealthers can’t win the game so it’s irrelevant.

Yep, I am convinced few if any alliance in these discussions played prior to TBC’s AV system.

A handful of stealthers give you enough time to wipe Horde at SHGY and then reinforce the stealthers to turn the soft cap into a hard cap…

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Yeah I won’t debate TBC because it’s irrelevant to this discussion. If horde have to recap IBT or TP or IBGY at the same time they are trying to take SHGY, then that’s the advice we’re being given from horde players. But now all horde have to do is soft cap SHGY and after that clean up any alliance who made it south knowing they will all respawn behind the choke they just set up at SH.

Which doesn’t matter because that means less defenders at SHGY, and horde take SHGY then kill any alliance south.

Literally only 1 of these would happen as a group and that would be IBGY. IBT / TP would be recapped by a stealthy or two. Also, I would point out that Alliance can currently send stealthies to cap IBT / TP without any resistance.

Man, you really must suck if you can’t hold SHGY with 37 against 40 when you have reinforcements respawning at the graveyard 20 feet from the flag. Maybe I really have been giving the Alliance too much credit if this is what you legitimately think would happen.

That’s the whole point, you’re proving it for us.

If 40 of us are at SHGY, then who’s winning us the game???

Issue is we need to stay there or we lose SHGY and then lose the game.


I said you had 37 of you at SHGY and that 40 horde were there getting farmed while 3 stealthies were capping SFGY…