Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

True, it’s a pointless thing to argue with Horde at this point, and after half a year it’s clear Blizz doesn’t consider balancing AV to be important so we may as well concede that AV’s dead.


That exploit should be fixed, and yet if the archers are still up when the alliance arrive, this means they have damaged the horde, they are still alive to help you fight the horde, and you have 5 minutes to take back the tower.

Sure they can soft cap the tower before you get there (if they want to exploit) but it’s not going to prevent you from having the home field advantage your charges give you to wipe the horde and retake it.

The only way they get it free is if you give it to them…

It’s not a 60/40 map when any singular condition can be exploited to create a nearly invincible meta that can only be overcome by either a vastly superior group makeup or much higher rank ally players.

That’s the entire problem. IB GY is too close to the cave and even a much smaller group of horde defenders can rez a couple times and rush back to IB GY chipping away at any alliance defense.


It’s only free if you don’t contest it… Takes 5 minutes for the horde to own it, regardless of if they get there 3 seconds sooner.

See? They think its fair LMAO
You shouldn’t get there first, end of discussion.

I did a play by play of the horde Rez timers when IBGY is soft capped.

In the 5 minutes it takes to hard cap IBGY, at 1:50 into those 5 minutes there would of been UP TO 60 HORDE who rez’d and MADE IT TO IBGY, in that SAME time there would of only been 20 ALLIANCE WHO MADE IT FROM SHGY TO IBGY.

This scenario assumes we KEPT SHGY.

Not even horde would win fighting those numbers if it was reversed, horde would never keep IBGY with that DISPARITY.

LOL! A nearly invincible meta? Get outta here. The only thing being exploited is the fact that your rankers left day 1 of the premade changes without ever setting foot in the BG. It is a 60/40 map when the sides are even. That does suck. It isn’t some “invincible meta.”

Seriously, if it was so invincible, Horde would have been doing it 15 years ago. They weren’t.

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Are you seriously saying that starting at a massive disadvantage with the entire middle of the map lost to you is a good thing?

I’ve heard so many stupid arguments from Horde so far but that has got to be the dumbest one yet.

We have to wipe the Horde raid multiple times to get an offense off- by the time we get to IBGY in the few matches we can I’ve had 200+ HKs every time.

We need to wipe your raid 5+ times just to get into a comparable position to what you START THE MATCH WITH. And you think that’s our advantage?

Then they should make it so every point on the map is tagged by Alliance from the start- hey, you have 5 min to take it back so it’s not like it’s an advantage. Heck, somehow having every part of the map already preflagged for Alliance would be a Horde advantage, and let’s just put the Alliance cave in the middle of the FoS so we meet at IBGY.

A headstart and free flag caps isn’t a big deal after all, so you shouldn’t take issue with that.

Clearly, that this even needs to be argued, that both sides should meet in the MIDDLE of the map is somehow I guess unfair to Horde is absurd.


If there are 60 horde that rez’d and you lost, you sucked so bad you deserved that loss because 60 horde means you flat out wiped us…hard. Let’s do legit numbers. It is 15 horde instead of 10. You played Horde. You know how it works. 90% of games we ride in there in waves and just throw ourselves at alliance without a care in the world. Why? Because there aren’t actually enough alliance defending SHGY. Games where there are 35+ playing, we never touch SHGY. Ever. We get smashed because wave after wave of ungrouped disorganized horde doesn’t actually work against a full team.

35+ playing, you get the advantage of first wipe from a favorable defensive position.


“Your”; you’re talking to a horde only player.

This is my only character; it has 137 days played on it, I can show you a screenshot if you care.

There’s 15 year old videos of horde getting 3-4 minute Vann kills on Youtube.

As far as this stuff goes, nobody really defended 15 years ago, so everything was just a base race. That’s my recollection as a horde player 15 years ago (I was a Tauren warrior named Shkar on Executus, my only character back then as well).

The only reason we developed the current horde meta is trying to defend against ally premades during the first months. This kind of min-max strategy was not used 15 years ago because there wasn’t any point for it.


ikr it’s completely unbelievable that they still defend that

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This is ridiculous. You throw stuff out here like that’s how it works. How many of those games did you actually have 35+ playing. Like actually trying? I doubt many. That’s why you need 200+ HKs for those games. Because you are a carry. Add more of you and a bunch more that actually give a crap and yeah, it is a HUGE advantage. You get to wipe us. We get to respawn 10 close and 20 back further while you get to respawn 10 close and move to SFGY. Which is exactly what you are designed to do. That’s literally the strategy you are intended to employ with that map configuration.

But you don’t have any rankers. So your carries are literally on their own. That’s the issue. It has been the issue.

Yes. Because we had the instant queues. At the time, Alliance did scorched earth. They didn’t always succeed at it, but that was the strategy then on the Alliance side. Milk as much out of this map as possible. It wasn’t to the level Horde does it now, but ranking itself wasn’t on the same level.

So rush SFGY where horde get to first, try to cap it while defending SHGY, and all the horde have to do is softcap SHGY and go back to kill any alliance left in SFGY and the game is already over with alliance trapped north


SHGY is not a favorable defensive position though. Can a full alliance group wipe horde there? Maybe. Then what? The game ends with a stalemate?

Might want to go back and reread what I said there champ. I said wipe Horde at SHGY then move to SFGY while Horde is rezzing. That’s possible if you have a full BG actually trying and roughly equal skill. It isn’t if you don’t. Guess what, you haven’t had equal skill in the BG consistently since the premade changes went live.

Why are you ignoring the fact that your cave Rez is what I’m talking about.

There could be 40 Alliance at IBGY and we trade it for SHGY.

You send 20 down to retake it, HALF of our troops. We kill all 20 of you, you kill 5 of us… Those 5 alliance you just killed will now spawn at SPGY, THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT SOUTH AGAIN

Guess where those 20 Horse we just killed spawn?? YOU GUESS IT 20 SECONDS AWAY ON THEIR CAVE, now those same horse ride back to IBGY and kill 5 more, those 5 ALLIANCE WILL NEVER MAKE IT BACK SOUTH.

Horse get wiped again,GUESS WHERE THEY REZ?? You guess it!! BACK AT THEIR CAVE 20 AT A TIME.

Those same horde go and now kill 10 alliance. THOSE ALLIANCE WILL NEVER AGAIN MAKE IT SOUTH. Horde get wiped again…



Hooray another post from you with low reading comprehension. NO. AGAIN. Wipe horde at SHGY then move to SFGY (or IBGY if you really smashed them) and take that and hold it.

This should make you stop and realize how silly you’re being. If both sides mindlessly clash, Horde wins. If Alliance has a very well oiled team to run circles around Horde, the Alliance may win.

If you have to hope your team is supremely better than the others to even have a fighting chance, you’ve all but admitted to yourself you’re starting out at a massive disadvantage.


And then horde soft cap SHGY when they rez, then kill anyone who is still north of SHGY. Which is a loss for alliance.