Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

I can see there’s no point in trying to reason with someone with no reason. Being in a position where you need to fight tooth and nail often for 15 min of outplaying the other side so massively you end up often with 3x more HKs than them just to get to the position THEY START THE GAME AT is the furthest thing from an advantage possible.

It’s harder for Alliance to take IBGY than it is for Horde to take the entire Alliance side of the map, no other BG is close to this imbalanced and stacked for one faction, and anyone wanting an even match up is going to stay far away from it.

Wipe the horde at SHGY, go to SFGY and fight the horde there, then the horde we wiped go straight to SHGY.
That is what gonna happen


In this thread, Alliance still oblivious to the fact that alliance dominated av in vanilla, despite this map imbalance, and all the way up until legion it was one of their highest win rate bgs. Also you clowns still whining about not being able to exploit the queue system and run premades in a bg that specifically disallows premades are pathetic.

As for the tunnel spawns, the simplest fix would be only allowing a tunnel spawn if there’s no faction controlled bg…but the reason it was moved up in the first place is because it lets both factions get to the “neutral” gy in fields of strife at the same time aka Snowfall. Move horde start back, and alliance gets the first gy every time and the Meta shifts back to horde ignoring SF every game instead of the current “scorched earth” strat (though we damn debate whether or not that’s a good thing or a bad thing).

Something does need to happen in AV, but a major, or even THE major factor is that your faction largely doesn’t want to actually play the bg.


Horde is always somewhat organized. We get disorganized when Alliance do things to change up the expectation. It doesn’t take much for that level of organization. That’s a simple, hold SHGY then rush SFGY once we wipe them wipe them. Stop acting like it takes more than minor communication to pull this off. You have a couple minutes before the BG starts to organize that. Perhaps if Alliance players weren’t met with “har har we doing rep” all the time it would make more sense.

And you know why alliance immediately gave up after there was a sign of back and forth?

Because they have virtually instant queues and it was not worth a longer game for them

Alliance is pitted against other alliance for ranking. If a game runs long (some do not like it to be longer than single digit minutes), then they fall behind of the rest of the rankers. That was the truth of the matter then, and the truth of the matter now.

Those alternate strategies are rarely even tried anymore, because it would commit the mortal sin of a long AV.

In case you haven’t noticed from your lofty perch on their shoulders, stopping at SHGY has not been working out too well for them as a strategy.

And I am talking to you as someone who did the same, and also played AV between inception and end of vanilla extensively.

They hate the meta because it means a longer game. Full stop.


Yeah, cuz if you have 35+ playing there is no way you could possibly send 15 to SFGY and hold SHGY with 20. Oh wait, that’s exactly what happened in my last loss. Keep playing the victim. I am flat out telling you how we lost and why. None of you want to hear it.

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The same era that saw Rogues spamming Feint, and people claiming killing Rag pre-submerge was not only impossible, but so much so that you’d never be treated seriously on any topic ever again.

If you’re having to rely upon the general lack of information and poor play by the playerbase 15 years ago to prop up your argument, you’re not worth even responding to further.

No. Stopped right here because if you’re going to argue in such bad faith you’re little better than the trolls.

Do you play Horde side? Cuz it sure doesn’t seem like you do. We literally do the exact same thing every single game. We used to haggle about what to do prior to the BG, but now it is so ingrained that everyone knows. Rush the alliance group wherever it is. Try to wipe it. Rinse repeat until they give up. And they will give up.

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You people make me rage…

Did you even ay Vanilla???

This has been beaten to death,NO ONE PLAYED AV THIS WAY IN VANILLA, NO ONE.

horde rushed Balinda from the left side of her entrance, Alliance ran to the right of Balinda building and we rushed Galv. THERE WAS LITERALLY VERY LITTLE PVP IN VANILLA

Why do people still bring up Vanilla, IT WASNT PLAYED THIS WAY, IT WAS A RACE.

That exact change you suggested is put in the game in patch 2.3…

The highest horde win rate bg of all time was Strand of the Ancients… A map where both factions alternate the same exact starting locations. You can’t just ignore your faction’s softness when it’s convenient for you.

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Except horde can throw all 40 players at SHGY, soft cap it, then slowly pick off anyone left north. And since SHGY is much harder to retake from north horde can easily spare the players to do so. Which is what we’ve seen happen time and time again.


It seems to me that your team sucks, if u cant fight 15 alliance at SFGY neither cap SHGY


I do not play those BGs, because I am not a rank grinder, and I find MMO PVP that is done in a box like Unreal Tournament annoying as hell. I DO understand that alliance rankers moved to them for HPH gains.

I will refer you once again, back to vanilla wow during the same patch, when the alliance consistently won more games than horde.

And horde cannot defend FWGY like alliance can SPGY. :man_shrugging:
And Horde cannot defend IBGY like alliance can the bridge of doom.

No. Sorry, but repeating this over and over makes it no more true.

Except it isn’t? It is harder to hold it than the other parts of the map. That’s definitely true. But take it? Nah. Any semblance of organization and 35+ actually trying with at least a few of those 35 being good players and you will take it. The question is what you do after you take it. The best groups? They hold it long enough to do something else. The goal isn’t to hold it. The goal is to fracture the horde into smaller groups then mop us up. Which is pretty easy once you mess up that first wave of us and do something other than act like bait.


You guys think its fair getting to objectives first than the enemy team?


edit: yeah, I have had enough of this. Another on the ignore list

Except they can’t? More specifically they won’t? You killed enough horde at SHGY that you have 10 of us rezzing at IBGY and another 20 from the cave, then someone calls out “they going for SFGY” it automatically splits the group. Every. Single. Game.

But Alliance don’t do this. They hold SHGY and keep holding it with 30+ while we bring wave after wave of 10 at a time at you. You should be destroying us since we aren’t grouped up. But you don’t.

And to be clear, that’s me describing an even team fight situation.

What normally happens is you have 15-20 afk/leechers in the back doing nothing and you get wiped by the initial push on SHGY. That’s not design. That’s lack of effort.

Horde don’t get to SFgy first, both teams get to the north side of fields of strife at nearly the same time. Even in the current system with the forward tunnel for Horde, Alliance get there slightly faster via paladin mount speed.

As for shb, no one has any business going for the bunker, before the gy.

And for some reason when i rushed t there horde softcaped

No. I would prefer they move the cave back personally. My issue is and has always been this notion that somehow the 95% win rate is the map. It isn’t. A good portion is. Like 60% of it. But lack of effort or any attempt to organize before the gates open is pretty easily the other 35%.

I want the map balanced. I am just sick of reading the over the top commentary about how it is so imbalanced that alliance couldn’t possibly win. They could. At a 40% clip. That isn’t fair and that is why I want the map balanced.