Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers


Most Alliance who are ACTUALLY ranking are in PRE-MADES, not solo queing AB OR WSG.

So explain why pug VS pug it’s pretty even win rates???

Oh yeah it’s because the map isn’t heavily in hordes favor.

You keep bringing up this HPH narrative garbage when we are talking pug vs pug. Those people are just there to PvP and NOT rank.


I have no idea where you’re getting this from.

As a horde only player (I had a Tauren warrior on retail and a Tauren warrior in classic), the entire issue is it’s way too easy for horde to defend IB GY on the current map.

Because I’ve done it countless times with relatively small groups (10-15) other people.

Even when alliance sends 25-30 at IB GY, it’s very difficult for them to hold us off through 3-4 cave rezzes unless they’re a premade or have perfect group comp like 10 paladins and 15 mages/hunters. We rez quickly nearby at the cave and continuously try to pick off a couple here or there.

Eventually, we take back IB GY while the offense has probably grabbed SH GY.

There is no offensive strategy that works for alliance if horde can defend IB GY so easily. That’s the whole ballgame and it’s why alliance stopped playing offense.


Its beyond me why the majority of horde players cant even aknowledge this


This 100%.

This is what we have been preaching the whole time, but a few of the people on the forums fail to realize this.

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And 2 small changes would help this too.

  • Delay horde gate opening slightly so the two teams meet at the middle of the Field of Strife at start. This would give each team an even chance at SFGY and attacking/defending SHB. It would also start the battle at the most neutral spot in the BG.
  • Have each team rez at their cave only if there are no other GY available to them. This would allow IBGY to be taken and held a bit more easily. It would also allow the alliance to rez inside their base when SPGY is taken, rather than in the cave and on the wrong side of the bridge.

They are both pretty simple chances that don’t need any changing of the map itself.

IBGY is still one of the best chokes in the game but at least if it’s taken it wouldn’t be so difficult to hold.


Yeah I wouldn’t be opposed to that pair of changes since it does sound as if Blizzard doesn’t want to touch the map itself to keep with AV 1.12.

But the IB GY situation has to change either with the cave being moved south or the cave being removed as a rez location unless no other GYs are controlled.

The current meta is unsustainable, there is no reason for alliance to play a game where there’s no viable offensive strategy unless you’re in a premade or have a far superior group composition (10-15 alliance healers vs 0 horde healers).

Eventually, we’re going to see 3+ hour queues on AV if Blizzard doesn’t make a change to the horde cave situation.


Yea that’s what I was gonna say to you, if you have any Alts or main that needs the ring is start getting it now.

I’m not sure if Blizzard thinks we will que more for AV now, but I can say for certain Alliance will no longer be doing AV when these changes go live, I think horde ques will be pushing 3+ hours.

Get your rep stuff now if you need it. My hunter is almost revered.

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The irony of you giving such advice to none other than zyrius is rich.

Wow, you are seriously calling 10-15 players a “small group”.

So winning 3/4 games as premades vs pugs isn’t a good winrate? Because I’ve gone against AB premades as pug horde and we won.

It depends on players willingness to adjust adapt and overcome the premades.

73% winrate is a strong winrate even for alliance premades. He went from almost always winning to almost always losing because he didn’t get to make sure he didn’t have a mass of bot/leech/afk on his team.

One factor changed his winrate drastically, who was on his team.

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Your own faction doesn’t agree with you, it’s really only you and the lvl 10 worgen hunter who fail to see the other side, again you’re just biased or a troll, or just arguing to argue.

You’re not worth the brain cells to argue with, AV has a clear map advantage for horde and it isn’t small by any means, it’s MASSIVE.

Yea 15 people will kill 30 Alliance at IBGY, after 3-4 Rez waves of all of them over and over, odds are if we have 30 at IBGY horde have already taken SHGY, any Alliance you’re 15 kill are now sent to SPGY, meanwhile ANY horde that are killed are just resent back to their cave graveyard, eventually you will kill us all at IBGY.

You know all this but just like the replies so you argue it.


Not for a premade vs a pug. That bad of a win rate premading vs pugs just highlights how much of an advantage horde have.

There was a hunter video at for classic, guy was showing AB as an Alliance hunter with FULL raid buffs

He goes 43-0 in this AB.

My point isn’t the video, he has an add-on at the start of the video that shows his win/loss for BGS, while he was showing his gear it came up.

Dude was 96% win rate in WSG with 400 games played, he was only rank 11. Not sure if he was a previous 14 grinder.

His lifetime AV was 0, never even went into AV according to his addon., I wonder why?

I guess he’s just bad at AV.

What is with you quoting me and then immediately dashing off into a tangent that has nothing to do with what you quoted?

Amazingly, yourself and others are MORE that happy to thumb your noses at alliance who list reasons why you lose (Cauchy or some such as a prime example).

Or maybe he realized AV is a war scale pvp BG, and having 10-20 afk, leech, bot, or “rep to lose” farmers makes it bear unwinnable because of the defeatist mentality of the alliance.

It’s not the map causing the 99% loss rate for alliance.

I’ve won a handful of premade vs pug as the pug in AB and WSG, usually around 20% is won for the pugs that didn’t just instantly surrender at start.

A premade can typically see about an 80% winrate if they regularly get paired vs a pug that will still try to win regardless of pug vs premade.

The only thing raising premade winrates to near 95+% vs pugs is “gasp” the pug giving up before the game has started!

Kind of like what alliance pugs are doing vs horde pugs inside of AV…


There are premade and there are just one server pugs. You win against a one server pug with comms. You don’t win against a balanced premade of rankers with their bags stocked. You just don’t. You might not even get an HK.

To put it simply the reason a 73% winrate in AV was good. Horde que times made horde not give up, they fought tooth and nail in AV because of a 1+hour que wait, regardless of premade vs pug, the pug wasn’t going to give an instant surrender after waiting an hour.

As I’ve said in previous posts, the que time helped the horde be motivated to TRY regardless of pugs, and what have alliance instant que times made them do? Intentionally lose, because 3 lost 30 min games give more rep to them than one game that they could win after 1.5 hours.

This is an example of how the que time to get into the game can help or hurt a team.

And with horde pug vs alliance premade, it motivated the horde to try, regardless of premade vs pug.

Considering I use consumables in pvp as well, yes it’s possible to win a pug vs premade. It’s about a 20% win chance when your team doesn’t give up. It’s a 0% chance when your team gives up though.

I always love your made-up numbers